Bug 167178
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
chimera crashes trying to load scriptability flash test
(Camino Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P1)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: shrir, Assigned: peterl-bugs)
(Keywords: crash)
(1 file, 1 obsolete file)
2.91 KB,
Details | Diff | Splinter Review |
seen on 0905 chimera build on jaguar
this is won't be able to run any scriptability tests on this build
install flash 6.0r47 from macromedia (scriptable) ; make sure the flashplayer.xpt is in
plugins iolder/ internet plugins folder.
laod the above test ...CRASH !
Exception: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (0x0002)
Code[0]: 0x00000002Code[1]: 0x0270c640
Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x0270c640 in 0x270c640
#1 0x0509755c in nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper(nsCOMPtr_helper const &,
nsID const &)
#2 0x007208bc in XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext &,
nsISupports *, XPCWrappedNativeScope *, XPCNativeInterface *, XPCWrappedNative *
#3 0x00729d24 in XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext &,
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **, nsISupports *, nsID const *, JSObject *, unsigned int *)
#4 0x004769c4 in nsXPConnect::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports *,
nsID const &, nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **)
#5 0x00084700 in nsHTMLPluginObjElementSH::GetPluginJSObject(JSContext *,
JSObject *, nsIPluginInstance *, JSObject **, JSObject **)
#6 0x00084060 in nsHTMLExternalObjSH::PostCreate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
, JSContext *, JSObject *)
#7 0x007211a4 in XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext &,
nsISupports *, XPCWrappedNativeScope *, XPCNativeInterface *, XPCWrappedNative *
#8 0x00720be8 in XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext &,
nsISupports *, XPCWrappedNativeScope *, XPCNativeInterface *, XPCWrappedNative *
#9 0x00729d24 in XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext &,
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **, nsISupports *, nsID const *, JSObject *, unsigned int *)
#10 0x004769c4 in nsXPConnect::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports *,
nsID const &, nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **)
#11 0x00076940 in nsDOMClassInfo::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports
*, nsID const &, long *)
#12 0x00081a8c in nsArraySH::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *, JSContext
*, JSObject *, long, long *, int *)
#13 0x00081c68 in nsNamedArraySH::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *,
JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *, int *)
#14 0x0072de4c in XPC_WN_Helper_GetProperty(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *
#15 0x0403aa88 in js_GetProperty
#16 0x0402ed6c in js_Interpret
#17 0x04027eec in js_Execute
#18 0x04006bfc in JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals
#19 0x0008b894 in nsJSContext::EvaluateString(nsAString const &, void *, nsIPrincipal
*, char const *, unsigned int, char const *, nsAString &, int *)
#20 0x0004e5a0 in nsJSThunk::EvaluateScript(void)
#21 0x0004f360 in nsJSChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *, nsISupports *)
#22 0x003feda4 in nsDocumentOpenInfo::Open(nsIChannel *, int, nsISupports *)
#23 0x00400020 in nsURILoader::OpenURIVia(nsIChannel *, int, nsISupports *,
unsigned int)
#24 0x003ffe6c in nsURILoader::OpenURI(nsIChannel *, int, nsISupports *)
#25 0x004b477c in nsDocShell::DoChannelLoad(nsIChannel *, nsIURILoader *)
#26 0x004b3f64 in nsDocShell::DoURILoad(nsIURI *, nsIURI *, nsISupports *,
nsIInputStream *, nsIInputStream *, int, nsIDocShell **, nsIRequest **)
#27 0x004b32f8 in nsDocShell::InternalLoad(nsIURI *, nsIURI *, nsISupports *, int,
unsigned short const *, nsIInputStream *, nsIInputStream *, unsigned int, nsISHEntry *,
int, nsIDocShell **, nsIRequest **)
#28 0x00121598 in nsWebShell::OnLinkClickSync(nsIContent *, nsLinkVerb, unsigned
short const *, unsigned short const *, nsIInputStream *, nsIInputStream *, nsIDocShell **,
nsIRequest **)
#29 0x00120d78 in HandlePLEvent(OnLinkClickEvent *)
#30 0x05056e80 in PL_HandleEvent
#31 0x05056d68 in PL_ProcessPendingEvents
#32 0x05057d30 in nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents(void)
#33 0x00433b74 in -[EventQueueHandler eventTimer:]
#34 0x907e521c in __NSFireTimer
#35 0x90163884 in __CFRunLoopDoTimer
#36 0x901493e8 in __CFRunLoopRun
#37 0x90181578 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#38 0x92ba34cc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#39 0x92bb32f4 in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#40 0x92bda280 in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#41 0x93082184 in _DPSNextEvent
#42 0x930ccf84 in -[NSApplication
#43 0x930ca500 in -[NSApplication run]
#44 0x930d2598 in NSApplicationMain
#45 0x00005024 in main
#46 0x00004ed4 in _start
#47 0x00004d04 in start
Thread 1:
#0 0x90025e8c in select
#1 0x0101d804 in poll
#2 0x01019ecc in _pr_poll_with_poll
#3 0x0016a68c in nsSocketTransportService::Run(void)
#4 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#5 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#6 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 2:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016474 in PR_WaitCondVar
#3 0x0014b2cc in nsDNSService::DequeuePendingQ(void)
#4 0x0014acd4 in nsDNSService::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 3:
#0 0x90042d68 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003ef94 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016210 in pt_TimedWait
#3 0x01016488 in PR_WaitCondVar
#4 0x0505d38c in TimerThread::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 4:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016474 in PR_WaitCondVar
#3 0x0505aa2c in nsThreadPool::GetRequest(nsIThread *)
#4 0x0505b3a0 in nsThreadPoolRunnable::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 5:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x90824180 in -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:]
#3 0x933515f4 in -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:]
#4 0x9081cd38 in forkThreadForFunction
#5 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 6:
#0 0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
#1 0x90006670 in mach_msg
#2 0x901490b0 in __CFRunLoopRun
#3 0x90181578 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#4 0x905e2d90 in
#5 0x905e2cac in CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*)
#6 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x0270c640 srr1: 0x0208f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x0509742c ctr: 0x0270c640 mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x0270c640 r1: 0xbfffd1b0 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0x02ca5390
r4: 0x00960dd8 r5: 0xbfffd238 r6: 0x02361f40 r7: 0xbfffd378
r8: 0x00e2f010 r9: 0x0271c244 r10: 0x00000002 r11: 0x050c63dc
r12: 0x0270c640 r13: 0x0244c07c r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x0008a31c
r16: 0x02ca5390 r17: 0xbfffd378 r18: 0x02361f40 r19: 0x024466c0
r20: 0xbfffd590 r21: 0xbfffd4ec r22: 0xbfffd4c8 r23: 0xbfffd288
r24: 0x050c63dc r25: 0xbfffd3f8 r26: 0xbfffd28c r27: 0xbfffd3f8
r28: 0xbfffd368 r29: 0xbfffd288 r30: 0xbfffd28c r31: 0x00720864
Date/Time: 2002-09-06 14:19:42 -0700
OS Version: 10.2 (Build 6C115)
Command: Navigator
PID: 639
Exception: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (0x0002)
Code[0]: 0x00000002Code[1]: 0x04c0c640
Thread 0 Crashed:
#0 0x04c0c640 in 0x4c0c640
#1 0x0509755c in nsCOMPtr_base::assign_from_helper(nsCOMPtr_helper const &,
nsID const &)
#2 0x007208bc in XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext &,
nsISupports *, XPCWrappedNativeScope *, XPCNativeInterface *, XPCWrappedNative *
#3 0x00729d24 in XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext &,
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **, nsISupports *, nsID const *, JSObject *, unsigned int *)
#4 0x004769c4 in nsXPConnect::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports *,
nsID const &, nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **)
#5 0x00084700 in nsHTMLPluginObjElementSH::GetPluginJSObject(JSContext *,
JSObject *, nsIPluginInstance *, JSObject **, JSObject **)
#6 0x00084060 in nsHTMLExternalObjSH::PostCreate(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *
, JSContext *, JSObject *)
#7 0x007211a4 in XPCWrappedNative::GetNewOrUsed(XPCCallContext &,
nsISupports *, XPCWrappedNativeScope *, XPCNativeInterface *, XPCWrappedNative *
#8 0x00729d24 in XPCConvert::NativeInterface2JSObject(XPCCallContext &,
nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **, nsISupports *, nsID const *, JSObject *, unsigned int *)
#9 0x004769c4 in nsXPConnect::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports *,
nsID const &, nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder **)
#10 0x00076940 in nsDOMClassInfo::WrapNative(JSContext *, JSObject *, nsISupports
*, nsID const &, long *)
#11 0x00081c00 in nsNamedArraySH::GetProperty(nsIXPConnectWrappedNative *,
JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *, int *)
#12 0x0072de4c in XPC_WN_Helper_GetProperty(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *
#13 0x0403aa88 in js_GetProperty
#14 0x0402e6c0 in js_Interpret
#15 0x04027eec in js_Execute
#16 0x04006bfc in JS_EvaluateUCScriptForPrincipals
#17 0x0008b894 in nsJSContext::EvaluateString(nsAString const &, void *, nsIPrincipal
*, char const *, unsigned int, char const *, nsAString &, int *)
#18 0x0004e5a0 in nsJSThunk::EvaluateScript(void)
#19 0x0004f360 in nsJSChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *, nsISupports *)
#20 0x0039a590 in nsPluginHostImpl::NewPluginURLStream(nsString const &,
nsIPluginInstance *, nsIPluginStreamListener *, char const *, int, unsigned int, char const
*, unsigned int)
#21 0x0039323c in nsPluginHostImpl::GetURLWithHeaders(nsISupports *, char const *,
char const *, nsIPluginStreamListener *, char const *, char const *, int, unsigned int, char
const *)
#22 0x00393034 in nsPluginHostImpl::GetURL(nsISupports *, char const *, char const *,
nsIPluginStreamListener *, char const *, char const *, int)
#23 0x0039f240 in
#24 0x0039f2f8 in _geturl
#25 0x04b0bd58 in 0x4b0bd58
#26 0x04b156d4 in 0x4b156d4
#27 0x04b175a4 in 0x4b175a4
#28 0x04b8709c in 0x4b8709c
#29 0x04b8f990 in 0x4b8f990
#30 0x04b8f12c in 0x4b8f12c
#31 0x04b18520 in 0x4b18520
#32 0x04b0bf4c in 0x4b0bf4c
#33 0x04b0b9a0 in 0x4b0b9a0
#34 0x006fa8b8 in ns4xPluginInstance::HandleEvent(nsPluginEvent *, int *)
#35 0x0067cd8c in nsPluginInstanceOwner::Notify(nsITimer *)
#36 0x0505bc08 in nsTimerImpl::Fire(void)
#37 0x0505bd64 in handleTimerEvent(TimerEventType *)
#38 0x05056e80 in PL_HandleEvent
#39 0x05056d68 in PL_ProcessPendingEvents
#40 0x05057d30 in nsEventQueueImpl::ProcessPendingEvents(void)
#41 0x00433b74 in -[EventQueueHandler eventTimer:]
#42 0x907e521c in __NSFireTimer
#43 0x90163884 in __CFRunLoopDoTimer
#44 0x901493e8 in __CFRunLoopRun
#45 0x90181578 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
#46 0x92ba34cc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
#47 0x92bb326c in ReceiveNextEventCommon
#48 0x92bda280 in BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode
#49 0x93082184 in _DPSNextEvent
#50 0x930ccf84 in -[NSApplication
#51 0x930ca500 in -[NSApplication run]
#52 0x930d2598 in NSApplicationMain
#53 0x00005024 in main
#54 0x00004ed4 in _start
#55 0x00004d04 in start
Thread 1:
#0 0x90025e8c in select
#1 0x0101d804 in poll
#2 0x01019ecc in _pr_poll_with_poll
#3 0x0016a68c in nsSocketTransportService::Run(void)
#4 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#5 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#6 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 2:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016474 in PR_WaitCondVar
#3 0x0014b2cc in nsDNSService::DequeuePendingQ(void)
#4 0x0014acd4 in nsDNSService::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 3:
#0 0x90042d68 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003ef94 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016210 in pt_TimedWait
#3 0x01016488 in PR_WaitCondVar
#4 0x0505d38c in TimerThread::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 4:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x01016474 in PR_WaitCondVar
#3 0x0505aa2c in nsThreadPool::GetRequest(nsIThread *)
#4 0x0505b3a0 in nsThreadPoolRunnable::Run(void)
#5 0x050598f0 in nsThread::Main(void *)
#6 0x0101b388 in _pt_root
#7 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
Thread 5:
#0 0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
#1 0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
#2 0x90824180 in -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:]
#3 0x933515f4 in -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:]
#4 0x9081cd38 in forkThreadForFunction
#5 0x90021428 in _pthread_body
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x04c0c640 srr1: 0x0208f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000000 lr: 0x0509742c ctr: 0x04c0c640 mq: 0x00000000
r0: 0x04c0c640 r1: 0xbfffcf50 r2: 0x00000000 r3: 0x02201090
r4: 0x00960dd8 r5: 0xbfffcfd8 r6: 0x0235a070 r7: 0xbfffd118
r8: 0x00e2f010 r9: 0x04c1c244 r10: 0x00000002 r11: 0x050c63dc
r12: 0x04c0c640 r13: 0x0231fab6 r14: 0x00000000 r15: 0x0008a31c
r16: 0x02201090 r17: 0xbfffd118 r18: 0x0235a070 r19: 0x020d0af0
r20: 0xbfffd330 r21: 0xbfffd28c r22: 0xbfffd268 r23: 0xbfffd028
r24: 0x050c63dc r25: 0xbfffd198 r26: 0xbfffd02c r27: 0xbfffd198
r28: 0xbfffd108 r29: 0xbfffd028 r30: 0xbfffd02c r31: 0x00720864
console output:
2002-09-06 14:15:56.270 Navigator[631] State changed: state 16, status 0
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
found bundled plugin '/Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/.DS_Store
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DRM Plugin.bundle
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DRM Plugin.bundle'.
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/flashplayer.xpt
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/PluginLib
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin'.
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/RealPlayer Plugin
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Windows Media Plugin
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Windows Media Plugin'.
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/RealPlayer Plugin]
[NSPR: bundle loaded succesfully: /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
[loaded plugin /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
### MRJPlugin: getPluginBundle() here. ###
### MRJPlugin: CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier() succeeded. ###
### MRJPlugin: CFURLGetFSRef() succeeded. ###
2002-09-06 14:16:53.507 Navigator[635] Splash dealloc
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
status is failure
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
Sep 6 14:18:50 Pterosaur crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/test/Library/Logs/
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
found bundled plugin '/Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/.DS_Store
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DRM Plugin.bundle
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DRM Plugin.bundle'.
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/flashplayer.xpt
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/nsIQTScriptablePlugin.xpt
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/PluginLib
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.plugin'.
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/RealPlayer Plugin
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-
nsPluginsDir::IsPluginFile: checking /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Windows Media Plugin
found bundled plugin '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Windows Media Plugin'.
[NSPR: bundle loaded succesfully: /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
[loaded plugin /Users/test/Desktop/Chimera 09-05
### MRJPlugin: getPluginBundle() here. ###
### MRJPlugin: CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier() succeeded. ###
### MRJPlugin: CFURLGetFSRef() succeeded. ###
2002-09-06 14:19:13.353 Navigator[639] Splash dealloc
[TV2FP: created wrapper for CFM function main().]
[loaded plugin /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Shockwave Flash NP-PPC]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: NSGetFactory]
[NSPR: looking up symbol: main]
Sep 6 14:19:42 Pterosaur crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/test/Library/Logs/
shrirang, FYI, stack traces should be attached instead of quoted in a comment.
Also, it's only necessary to include one stack trace (you quoted two).
Keywords: crash
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•22 years ago
wonderful, thanks ! winnie sent me a mail too regarding the same thing...
can I be forgiven ? ;)
Comment 3•22 years ago
*** Bug 151224 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4•22 years ago
*** Bug 159919 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5•22 years ago
*** Bug 170056 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I suspect this also is a dup of bug 158440.
Comment 7•22 years ago
*** Bug 158440 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 173402 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 175265 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10•22 years ago
This works for me, now.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 11•22 years ago
This is still occuring in the latest nightly build (2002-11-12-04) under 10.2.2
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 12•22 years ago
I'm working on a fix in bug 178985.
Assignee: bnesse → peterl
Updated•22 years ago
Comment 14•22 years ago
*** Bug 178985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 15•22 years ago
This patch fixes the crash with scriptable plugins by introducing new
NPPVariables for Mach-O builds.
Comment 16•22 years ago
Looks good to me. Would like to see r= from beard.
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #106042 -
Flags: superreview?(sfraser)
Attachment #106042 -
Flags: review?(beard)
Comment 17•22 years ago
Comment on attachment 106042 [details] [diff] [review]
patch v.1
Looks fine, except that rather than conditionalizing on XP_MACOSX, you might be
better off checking the compiled runtime, TARGET_RT_MAC_MACHO.
Attachment #106042 -
Flags: review?(beard) → review+
Comment 18•22 years ago
final patch with TARGET_RT_MAC_MACHO
simon, can you check this into chimera and sr for the trunk?
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #106042 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #106408 -
Flags: superreview?(sfraser)
Attachment #106408 -
Flags: review?(beard)
Comment 19•22 years ago
Comment on attachment 106408 [details] [diff] [review]
final patch
Attachment #106408 -
Flags: review?(beard) → review+
Comment 20•22 years ago
Comment on attachment 106408 [details] [diff] [review]
final patch
Attachment #106408 -
Flags: superreview?(sfraser) → superreview+
Comment 21•22 years ago
Patch checked in. Thanks Peter!
Closed: 22 years ago → 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•22 years ago
Attachment #106042 -
Flags: superreview?(sfraser) → superreview+
Comment 23•22 years ago
*** Bug 172904 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
You need to log in
before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.