Open Bug 1718225 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Toolbar font selector not changing when selecting font through Format menu.


(Thunderbird :: Message Compose Window, defect)

Thunderbird 91


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: henry-x, Unassigned)



Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a new HTML message composition.
  2. Type some text.
  3. Either highlight the text, or move the text cursor to anywhere in the text.
  4. Set the font through the Format -> Font menu.


No change in the toolbar font selector to show the new font, even though the font has actually changed. The toolbar will change if you select a text region that had the previous font, and then select a text region that has the new font (so it changes when it detects a font change through a text selection). Note the Format -> Font menu will show the new font as checked if you reopen it.


The toolbar font selector to change to show the new font immediately.

See Also: → 1718227
See Also: → 1718534

NOTE: There are commented out test lines that can be uncommented when this is fixed

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