Closed Bug 1742842 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Ensure VSync is disabled at the end of automated browser chrome tests


(Core :: Graphics, task)




105 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox105 --- fixed


(Reporter: florian, Assigned: florian)


(Depends on 5 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug, Regressed 1 open bug)


(Keywords: power)


(3 files)

We found multiple times by accident steps to reproduce bugs that cause vsync to remain enabled forever (or until a browser window is closed). We should leverage our large existing test suite to detect cases like this faster.

Try run for a first attempt:

This list of failing tests contains occurences of bug 560067 and bug 1742797.

There are also test issues. For exemple some tests keep about:robots (which has an animated favicon) or a non-loading page (with the bouncing load indicator) at the end of the test.

See Also: → 1733377
Severity: -- → S3
Depends on: 1744991
Depends on: 1744993
Depends on: 1745024
Attachment #9252341 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1742842 - Ensure that vSync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest, → WIP: Bug 1742842 - Ensure that vsync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest,
Depends on: 1745184
Depends on: 1748466
Depends on: 1750041
Depends on: 1765387
Depends on: 1766284
Depends on: 1781524
Depends on: 1782114
Depends on: 1782134
Assignee: nobody → florian
Attachment #9252341 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1742842 - Ensure that vsync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest, → Bug 1742842 - Ensure that vsync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest, r=mconley.
Depends on: 1782247
Pushed by Ensure that vsync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest, r=mconley. Workaround known issues in tests that currently keep vsync enabled forever, r=mconley.
Regressions: 1782260
Depends on: 1782541
Pushed by Ensure that vsync is disabled after each browser-chrome mochitest, r=mconley. Workaround known issues in tests that currently keep vsync enabled forever, r=mconley,webdriver-reviewers,jdescottes.
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 105 Branch
Regressions: 1782644
Regressions: 1782559
Flags: needinfo?(florian)
Regressions: 1782825
Regressions: 1782656
Regressions: 1783199
Depends on: 1783818
Regressions: 1790721

Hi! I am slightly confused about the state of this bug: Is it really meant to be closed (depending on 7 open bugs)?

In any case I see waiting for vsync to be disabled in bug 1792516 quite often again. Are you aware of any recent changes here that could explain the recent spike?

Flags: needinfo?(florian)

(In reply to Jens Stutte [:jstutte] from comment #8)

Hi! I am slightly confused about the state of this bug: Is it really meant to be closed (depending on 7 open bugs)?

Yes, we landed support "ensuring VSync is disabled at the end of automated browser chrome tests", so this bug is fixed we will catch regressions / new issues. The 7 dependent bugs are issues for which a workaround was found to unblock this bug.

In any case I see waiting for vsync to be disabled in bug 1792516 quite often again. Are you aware of any recent changes here that could explain the recent spike?

The failure I see in bug 1792516 is "dom/ipc/tests/browser_content_shutdown_with_endless_js.js | Test timed out". And then, because the test timed out, it didn't finish cleanly and didn't cleanup things it would otherwise cleanup. It most likely left something animated still displayed, that's what the "vsync remained enabled at the end of the test. Is there an animation still running?" failure means. Maybe I should silence this failure in the case where the test is already failing due to a timeout, as it might be confusing, and doesn't add value in that case.

Flags: needinfo?(florian)

(In reply to Florian Quèze [:florian] from comment #9)

The failure I see in bug 1792516 is "dom/ipc/tests/browser_content_shutdown_with_endless_js.js | Test timed out". And then, because the test timed out, it didn't finish cleanly and didn't cleanup things it would otherwise cleanup. It most likely left something animated still displayed, that's what the "vsync remained enabled at the end of the test. Is there an animation still running?" failure means. Maybe I should silence this failure in the case where the test is already failing due to a timeout, as it might be confusing, and doesn't add value in that case.

Thanks! Yeah, I am not always sure to what extent I can trust the order of the lines in the log file, but if we can, this is probably just a symptom of what happened before.

Regressions: 1775940
No longer regressions: 1775940
See Also: → 1775940
Depends on: 1832226
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