Closed Bug 1748725 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[wpt-sync] Sync PR 32256 - Add test for createImageBitmap colorSpaceConversion option - take 2


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)




98 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox98 --- fixed


(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])

Sync web-platform-tests PR 32256 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).

Details from upstream follow.

aardgoose <> wrote:

Add test for createImageBitmap colorSpaceConversion option - take 2

This option is currently not tested.
This uses a source image with a wide gamut color space which gives large and easily detectable differences with the two values supported.

The makeBlob factory function has been modified to allow the source image to be changed as required.

Component: web-platform-tests → DOM: Core & HTML
Product: Testing → Core

CI Results

Ran 11 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI

Total 6 tests and 12 subtests

Status Summary


OK : 6
PASS : 137[GitHub] 138[Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt] 140[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview]
FAIL : 56[Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview] 58[Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt] 59[GitHub]


OK : 6
PASS : 182
FAIL : 14


OK : 5
PASS : 120
FAIL : 76


Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base


Firefox-only Failures

createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap with colorSpaceConversion: none: FAIL [Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt, GitHub], PASS [Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview]
createImageBitmap from a Blob, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap with colorSpaceConversion: none: FAIL [Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt, GitHub], PASS [Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview]
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageData scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageData scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageData resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a Blob scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a Blob scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a Blob resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap from a Blob with negative sw/sh, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1691665
createImageBitmap with CanvasRenderingContext2D image source.: FAIL linked bug:Bug 1687882

New Tests That Don't Pass

createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap with colorSpaceConversion: none: FAIL [Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt, GitHub], PASS [Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview] (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a Blob, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap with colorSpaceConversion: none: FAIL [Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt, GitHub], PASS [Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview] (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLCanvasElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement with negative sw/sh, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL with negative sw/sh, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap HTMLImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a vector HTMLImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap SVGImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap SVGImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a bitmap SVGImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a vector SVGImageElement scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a vector SVGImageElement scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from a vector SVGImageElement resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas with negative sw/sh, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an ImageData scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an ImageData scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an ImageData resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an ImageBitmap resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a Blob scaled down, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a Blob scaled up, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a Blob resized, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from a Blob with negative sw/sh, and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an HTMLVideoElement from a data URL imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas imageOrientation: "none", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap from an OffscreenCanvas imageOrientation: "flipY", and drawImage on the created ImageBitmap: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and sw set to 0: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and sh set to 0: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and oversized (unallocatable) crop region: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and a value of 0 int resizeWidth: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and a value of 0 in resizeHeight: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and a value between 0 and 1 in resizeWidth: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with an OffscreenCanvas source and a value between 0 and 1 in resizeHeight: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
createImageBitmap with CanvasRenderingContext2D image source.: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
createImageBitmap with an invalid OffscreenCanvas source.: FAIL [GitHub], PASS [Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-lite-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-debug-geckoview, Gecko-android-em-7.0-x86_64-qr-opt-geckoview, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-debug, Gecko-linux1804-64-qr-opt, Gecko-linux1804-64-tsan-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-32-2004-qr-opt, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-debug, Gecko-windows10-64-2004-qr-opt] (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Serialize ImageBitmap created from an OffscreenCanvas: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Transfer ImageBitmap created from an OffscreenCanvas: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)

Pushed by [wpt PR 32256] - Add test for createImageBitmap colorSpaceConversion option - take 2, a=testonly [wpt PR 32256] - Update wpt metadata, a=testonly
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 98 Branch
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