Closed Bug 175046 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Typeahead dies when IMG tag commented out in TABLE


(SeaMonkey :: Find In Page, defect, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: geoffeg, Assigned: aaronlev)





(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

It appears that mozilla's typeahead feature doesn't work when (hold on to your seats) a IMG tag inside a comment tag inside a table cell that is ABOVE a link. On the attached URL typing a "p" to select the first link doesn't work, however, moving the entire <td> line that the image comment is in to below the link fixes it. Removing the comment tags fixes it. Very strange. It's probably a rare case but something I thought it should report. Marking as 'minor' because it's the only place I've been able to find this problem.
This would be fixed if either of the following bugs were fixed: bug 166419 - nsDOMRange::SetStart() and nsDOMRange::SetEnd() not working with comment nodes. bug 166471 - Low level find should not be returning bogus ranges or searching comment nodes.
Blocks: isearch
Depends on: 166419, 166471
Ever confirmed: true
Blocks: 172991
We explicitly didn't check visibility in the find code because GetPrimaryFrameFor is so slow. I'd like to see timing comparisons of find with and without this patch. Suggestion: load up some huge page like and select something at the top of the page, then do a find ((probably non-typahead) for "asdf" or something like that which isn't in the file, and time how long it takes. A stopwatch timing is probably good enough -- if it isn't measurable with a stopwatch then it's probably close enough to be worthwhile for the improved accuracy. If the problem here is comment nodes, that ought to be straightforward to check for and shouldn't require slowing things down with a GetPrimaryFrameFor. Kin and Simon, what do you think of this? And do you know of any platform-dependant issues with GetPrimaryFrameFor() -- do we have to be especially careful to test this on any particular platform or with any specific settings?
If I remember correctly, we don't add text frames to the primary frame map hash table, so the code has to search manually for the frame which might be real slow. Ick: + doc->GetShellAt(0, getter_AddRefs(presShell)); I'm wondering if we should provide a way for find users to register a filter so that this type of filtering can be controlled at a higher level, where it knows what presShell context we are using, and allow them to filter other things that may have frames. (Do <option> elements have frames associated with them?)
Btw, there shouldn't be any platform-dependant issues with GetPrimaryFrameFor().
GetPrimaryFrameFor is slow yes, but this will only happen when there is at least a partial match already. Because of that, I think there is not significant performance loss.
Akkana, his isn't just for comment nodes, otherwise I wouldn't be checking the frame -- this patch fixes bug 172991 as well. It fixes find so that it does not stop on any invisible text. Personally, I think adding some kind of filter for users of nsIFind is overkill. All we really need is to avoid finding unrendered text. There are no other bugs that I know about with <select> or anything else.
I'll do the speed tests today, and post the numbers here.
> his will only happen when there is at least > a partial match already. Because of that, I think there is not significant > performance loss. For most documents, that's every text node in the document, which can be quite a large number. But perhaps the measured performance numbers will show that my concern is misplaced.
No, not every text node in the document. It has to have found at least 1 character, and in most cases more, in the current text node before it to do GetPrimaryFrameFor.
> No, not every text node in the document. Sorry, I was misreading the patch and thinking that you were calling the visibility check from SkipNode. Calling it from a partial match, as you're doing, is better -- but I'm concerned that it looks like you'll do the check for every letter partially matched, as opposed to only once per node. We just discussed this for a while on #composer, and discussed a couple of ideas for when to check. There were two schools of thought: 1. Check only when you get a complete match. The challenge here is that then you have to go back and check all the nodes spanned in the found range, not just the last node. 2. Check before returning a successful match, and also check if we have a partial match and we're just about to get a new node. The concern here was that if you search for a word that starts with 't', there are still going to be a lot of nodes in the file that end in 't' so there are still a lot of visibility checks for a partial match (but a lot fewer than checking on every character matched). 3. I wondered if you might be able to do something like, only do the check if matchAnchorNode is null (but I think means that it'll only check at the beginnings of matches, which wouldn't be enough -- you'd have to do more than just this). The one thing we all agreed on was that we definitely need to see performance numbers. One good test is to load the lxr page for nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp and search for something that will have a lot of partial matches, like nsIASDF. Also maybe search for something that will have a lot of partial matches not at the beginnings of a node, like sIASDF. And if you can find an equivalent that matches something commonly found at the ends of text nodes instead of the beginning, that would also be good.
> I'm concerned that it looks like you'll do the check for > every letter partially matched, as opposed to only once per node. - // Compare - if ((c == patc) || (inWhitespace && IsSpace(c))) + // Compare, and test for css visibility on both the last char of each node + // and the last char of the pattern + if (((c == patc) || (inWhitespace && IsSpace(c))) && + ((findex < fragLen - 1 && pindex < patLen) || IsVisibleNode(mIterNode))) Just to clear things up, this only does the check if we've matched the last character of a node or if it's the last character of the find string. So, it only uses at most 1 check per node. This is the same as: > 2. Check before returning a successful match, and also check if we have a > partial match and we're just about to get a new node. The concern here was > that if you search for a word that starts with 't', there are still going to > be a lot of nodes in the file that end in 't' so there are still a lot of > visibility checks for a partial match (but a lot fewer than checking on every > character matched). I tested this patch in lxr using the NS_TIMELINE macros, and there is a 4% slowdown when I run in the debugger searching for "asdf" but a 96% slowdown when I search for "nsIAsdf". I think I'll try testing at the very end when we're about to return a match. I hope people on #composer didn't think I was dumb enough to try testing the frame after every single character. Yick.
I tested with this patch using nsITimelineService, and there is no performance degradation at all. This patch also cleans out some of the redundant null checks, and fixes bug 166471 now by making sure we don't return bogus ranges. Not sure how I should determine which presshell is being used, but I figure if it's invisible in presshell 0, that indicates we don't want to find it. Anybody else have an idea on that?
Attachment #104193 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 104711 [details] [diff] [review] Uses IsVisibleNode/GetPrimaryFrameFor only right before returning >+ ResetAll(); >+ return NS_OK; >+ } >+ else { >+ matchAnchorNode = nsnull; // This match is no good, continue on in document >+ } Since the preceeding clause ends with a return, I'd remove that else { }. Otherwise, looks fine, shouldn't hurt performance, and should fix a number of niggling problems related to returning bad ranges. r=akkana.
Attachment #104711 - Flags: review+
Okay, I've removed the extra else. Seeking sr=.
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.3alpha
So I'm curious, if I had something like this in my content: <b>foo </b> <i> bar</i> Can we still find "foo bar" with these changes?
Hmmmm nevermind, I see that you are only checking the end points of the range for visibility.
Comment on attachment 104711 [details] [diff] [review] Uses IsVisibleNode/GetPrimaryFrameFor only right before returning The GetShellAt() call still bugs me, but I don't have an alternative to suggest other than the filter approach I mentioned above which would push it up to the level that would know which shell to use and what it would like to skip. I wonder if using the CSS DOM would be viable alternative?
Attachment #104711 - Flags: superreview+
GlobalWindowImpl::GetComputedStyle also gets the presshell from the docshell. We could rewrite this using similar code as found in SimpleDOMNode::GetComputedStyleDeclaration.
checked in
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
vrfy'd fixed with the test url, using 2002.11.19 comm trunk builds.
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → Keyboard: Find as you Type
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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