Closed Bug 30088 (isearch) Opened 25 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Incremental find (like Emacs isearch) (type ahead find)


(SeaMonkey :: Find In Page, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: maratb, Assigned: aaronlev)


(Depends on 3 open bugs, Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: access, helpwanted, meta)


(6 files, 8 obsolete files)

15.82 KB, image/png
6.07 KB, text/plain
5.99 KB, text/plain
29.17 KB, text/plain
4.68 KB, text/plain
1.83 KB, patch
: review+
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Incremental text searches in Mozilla would be (IMHO) a great usability enhancement for advanced users. What I have in mind, is Emacs-like "isearch" functionality that searches through a page as the user types in the search text character by character.
Assignee: cbegle → don
Component: Browser-General → XPApps
QA Contact: asadotzler → paulmac
Summary: Incrementally search text on a web page → [RFE] Incrementally search text on a web page
Find on Page -> XP Apps
Ever confirmed: true
spam: moving qa contact on some bugs from paulmac to
QA Contact: paulmac → sairuh
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Since Don has left, Vishy is taking his bugs in bulk, pending reassignment. thanks, Vishy
Assignee: don → vishy
nav triage team: I *LOVE* isearch under emacs, unfortunately, don't think we'll get to this. Marking nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1-
Someone authorized should add "Emacs" to the summary of this bug to make it easier for people to find it. Bug 84708 is a duplicate of this one that was filed at a much later date but has more votes anyway. My guess is that's because people can't find this one (because they look for "Emacs", not "incremental").
Changing summary, as per Johan Walles' comment.
Summary: [RFE] Incrementally search text on a web page → [RFE] Incrementally search text on a web page (like Emacs isearch)
*** Bug 84708 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This could be done on top of the existing Find API, but Find would have to be faster (bugs exist).
Great idea. I want to help. (I'm a programmer, and a Mozilla user, but haven't [yet] done any Mozilla programming.) Here's some thoughts: - For UI, I think it would be relatively simple to add a "Search interactively" (somebody come up with a better term -- "Match after every keypress"?) checkbox to the dialog. I'm not sure this is the ideal long-term solution, but it would allow adding this feature without breaking the existing Find. - Composer and Mailnews have a slightly different dialog, because they do find/replace. This might not be the best way to go about it. - For implementation, maybe steal some of autocomplete's code, because they also search-at-every-keypress. Comments? Is anybody interested, and have time for this?
Actually, I have given some thought to the UI of this beast. I think that, at least for starters, the Find UI can be left exactly as it looks today. Why have a checkbox for the user to choose between the (nice) Emacs-like search and the current (harder-to-use) one? Anyway, I haven't ever looked at a single line of Mozilla code, so this advice may or may be any good, but it should be possible to do whatever the "find" button does every time the user presses a key. When the "find" button is pressed, go look for the next instance. In the longer term, the "wrap search" checkbox could probably be removed. When the search term is not found, the text of the "find" button could be changed into "find from beginning" or "wrapped find" or something. Regarding the find/replace issue, I think the find part of find/replace should probably act like Emacs isearch as well. The replace part could go untouched. I'm sorry I don't have the time to help with the implementation (I have thought about doing it myself but like many others never gotten around to it). I can however do the back-seat driver part of the development :-). Have fun! I'm anxiously looking forward to any results :-). Cheers //Johan
trudelle to triage
Assignee: vishy → trudelle
oh, perhaps this should go to akkana?
Assignee: trudelle → akkana
mass moving open bugs pertaining to find in page/frame to as qa contact. to find all bugspam pertaining to this, set your search string to "AppleSpongeCakeWithCaramelFrosting".
QA Contact: sairuh → pmac
I think this should be wontfix. I'm not aware of any indication that typical users have a need for this, I suspect it would be too geeky for them anyway, and would conflict with scrolling via spacebar. Can anyone point out any widely-used product that has this? (no, Emacs doesn't even come close)
See for an explanation of why one UI expert thinks incremental search is best. You can't have it both ways. If there aren't widely-used products with this feature, people aren't going to request it explicitly. They're just going to notice that the current 'find in this page' is clunky to use. There's no reason at all for it to conflict with scrolling using the spacebar.
Note that incremental search has already been implemented in Mozilla, in the mailnews folder pane (Viev|Show/Hide|Search Bar). A similar search toolbar for (browser) content would be consistent and I wouldn't imagine it would be any more confusing for a beginner user than a search dialog. Here's what it might look like: - a label "Search for:" - text entry field - a "Find Next Occurrence" button (ctrl+g should do that too as it currently does) - "Options" button to enter dialog to configure case sensitivity etc... Or maybe rather a popdown menu with checkmarkable items, like the tree columns control, that would do away with a silly dlg... - X to close the toolbar (maybe) And no, it doesn't conflict with scrolling with the spacebar any more than the current search dialog.
s/mailnews folder pane/mailnews thread pane/
Okay thanks. I misunderstood the intent, and thought this was more of a type-select as in some list interfaces. This is a pretty interesting idea, it just needs some design, and probably some performance tweaks as sfraser hints. I've talked recently with the mail guys about extending use of their incremental search, but unfortuanately the current implementation is pretty tied to the lists where it is used. We should certainly look into adding this in the next release. cc'ing scc for thoughts on adapting some of his search algorithms to this, and marlon for UE input.
I'm assuming adding a search toolbar (as shown in the attachment) isn't covered by this bug, and is filed as a separate bug if anyone is requesting it. The backend for incremental search probably wouldn't be too hard. And a front end could be tested fairly easy -- add a toggle button for incremental mode on the regular search window. I'll experiment with this sometime if I get some time (and after the open bugs on regular searches are fixed, so don't expect anything before moz 1.0).
First off let me preface this comment by saying that I downloaded the source yesterday for the sole intent of adding this feature for my personal use, I think it is that important. This feature is not found in many products, I do know that in addition to emacs, MSDevStudio has (or at laeat had) this feature, but you needed to explicity map a key to it for it to work). This is one of the reasons you almost never hear good emacs people complain about huge source files, they _never_ use a scrollbar (it is just too slow) Most people will love this feature if it can be put in. It massivly improves the speed at which someone can find text in a document. Not only do you not have to type more letters than are absolutely needed to find the substring, you _never_ have to take your hands off the keyboard! (Now that's fast). Imagine being able to follow a link by just typing the first couple of letters in the link and hitting enter. For us fast typers out there, this would be really cool. That said, the feature should probably not bring up a dialog box as that might introduce focus issues, as well as obscuring the text that you are searching for. I would love to implement this feature, but I need to learn the product much better first. Can someone point me twards some info on how keyboard events are handled in mozilla?
I, too, might help out, if I had any clue of how to go about doing it. I did make a search toolbar front-end once, but that's about as far as I got. Geoffrey: if you want to work together to figure out how to do this (as two Mozilla rookies), I'd be happy to work with you. Maybe I still have it lying around somewhere...
Sorry for the delay; partly it's because I don't know where this should go either ... You could probably handle key events in JS -- look at how the mouse events are handled (e.g. in contentAreaClick.js), and I imagine that keyboard events could also be handled in a similar way. If you can handle it this way rather than in C++, you'd probably be better off as long as the performance was okay, so I'd recommend looking into this first. In C++, keyboard shortcuts are handled via two mechanisms: XBL and XUL. See for a little information about the difference. XBL key events are mostly handled in nsXBLKeyHandler.cpp and other files in the same directory (content/xbl/src). I'm not sure where XUL key events are handled -- probably layout/xul/base/src/nsMenuListener.cpp or somewhere like that. In practice XBL key events are easier to debug and faster (IME), but XUL might be more appropriate for this sort of functionality since that way it could be easily added as a .xpi for people who want it. The low-level key events are handled by platform specific files, e.g. widget/src/gtk/nsGtkEventHandler.cpp. You shouldn't need to add anything in these files; I mention them only in case you want to look and see how they're implemented at the lowest mozilla level. The find code is in embedding/components/src/nsFind.cpp. That implements the nsIFind interfaces, which is exposed to JS; you might also be able to use the slightly higher level nsIWebBrowserFind interface. editor/ui/dialogs/content/EdReplace.js is an good example of how to use both of these interfaces from JS.
Aaron tells me that Jesse has a partial implementation of incremental search. If it's close to working, maybe we can work together and get it checked in ...
Added a key handler to implement incremental search
Added an attribute to specify iSearch mode
Simply sets the region to search from the beginning of the selection if in isearch mode.
Attached file the .h file —
Just the .h
I have a partial solution that works for me. It modifies the current find dialog box to do incremental search. It is far from perfect, and it ruins the current find functionality. Nevertheless, it is a good starting point for someone who wants to "featureize" it, and for those who are dying for incremental search (like me), it might satisfy thier needs. I'll attempt to attach the changed files. The way I have it working is: When you bring up the find dialog, after every key typed, the selection moves to the earliest match after the _beginning_ of the current selection. Hitting Ctrl-S searches to the next match, Ctrl-R goes backwards. Enter closes the dialog box, so that hitting enter twice will follow the selected link. Note: I still think the proper way to do this is W/O any dialog. I like the proposed search toobar idea, however manually changing focus to/from the toolbar kinda defeats the purpose. The changes I made are as follows: embedding/components/find/public/nsIWebBrowserFind.idl: Added the attribute iSearch, this attribute is set to "on" by the find dialog. when iSearch is true, find next does not advance to the next selection if the current search string still matches the word(s) at point. embedding/components/find/src/nsWebBrowserFind.cpp: embedding/components/find/src/nsWebBrowserFind.h: Added small bit of code to handle the iSearch attribute, as well as modifying the code to set the range of text subject to searching. xpfe/components/find/resources/finddialog.js: Added an onkeypress event handler to do the right thing as the user types in the search string.
Blocks: 154414
You can't change nsIWebBrowserFind.idl. It's a frozen, public embedding interface. You'll have to make a new interface for incremental find.
Jesse Ruderman's bookmark demo version does not need to change any interfaces. It also works without a dialog box, as you start typing. He says he will upload this later today.
I don't have a copy of the bookmarklet at home. I'll upload it the next time I'm at work.
Summary: [RFE] Incrementally search text on a web page (like Emacs isearch) → [RFE] Incremental find (like Emacs isearch)
Bookmarklet demo of an incremental find feature:
I have a fix that works pretty well for this.
Assignee: akkana → aaronl
This patch accomplishes typeahead find by listening to keypress events on the current window. I've hacked on it quite a bit, it has a lot of nice features already. It would be nice to get this in soon, so that more people can play with it and hack on it. We can make it part of the build later, once it's smoothed out. Seeking r=. Akkana? instead of, change REQUIRES to point to the right things, stricmp doesn't exist on Linux, reorder some initializerrs to prevent build warnings. This should be applied on top of Aaron's patch.
If this is not part of the build then you can check in w/o a review, once it's turned on in the build you need to get the code reviewed...
Attachment #90473 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #90475 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 90515 [details] [diff] [review] Includes bz's changes, and removes nsEventStateManager changes (which I put in bug 156301 now) >Index: mozilla/extensions/typeaheadfind/ >=================================================================== >RCS file: mozilla/extensions/typeaheadfind/ >diff -N mozilla/extensions/typeaheadfind/ No, unix is case sensitive. The file name should be "" (note the capital M)
Aaron, you lost the changes (in particular the REQUIRES changes needed to build this on Linux) and the -XPIDLSRCS= .\nsITypeAheadFind.idl \ +XPIDLSRCS= ./nsITypeAheadFind.idl \ change... Since I have this built and all, is there a way to actually trigger it? I don't know much about the Find stuff, so I'm not sure how to actually hook this up so I can try it...
Bz, thanks, I have those changes now These prefs will make it work: user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 3000); The timeout pref is the number of milliseconds before the current type ahead find is cancelled. At that point, space bar will scroll again, and typing more characters will start a new find. I recommend people try both settings for the linksonly pref, but I have found in real use that I pref linksonly = true. Typing a quote before your find will cause it do to the opposite of that pref. For example, it will now incrementally search all text instead of just links. I realize this isn't discoverable, but it's a nice extra that we could document.
I just checked this into extensions/typeaheadfind (not as part of build). There's a bug where there is some occasional ghosting of focus outlines. The 1-line fix for that is in bug 156301. I'm seeking sr= for that patch.
Could someone get this building on mac and check in code warrior project files? It should not yet be part of the default build.
Depends on: 156301
Keywords: access
QA Contact: pmac → sairuh
Akkana has this running under Linux, but you have to tab or click into the document first, unfortunately. We'll need to fix that. Still no volunteers to get this running on a Mac?
question: when i last discussed this with aaronl, i thought that this feature would become an installable xpi --is that still part of the plan? this would be esp useful for testing and using with verification builds.
Here are XPI's for testing it on Linux and Windows: There's even an XPI there for loading it onto Netscape 7 or Mozilla 1.0.
New changed based on feedback from emacs users: When you type repeated characters, it now prefers to find an exact match. For example, on the home page, "ll" will get you to "Mozilla". Typing more l's will start to cycle through the links that start with l, because there is no exact match. I think this is a better compromise than what we had, where it always started to cycle through the links on repeated characters. I updated the Windows XPI's at: Another tweak is that the selection no longer collapses on the timed cancel when you do a search on all of the text. (You can search all text instead of just links by typing ' first). It was dissorienting when that happened.
I'm using the XPI right now (thanks Aaron!). The following comments are biased by my experience with Emacs and MS Visual Studio (the only programs I know that have isearch...) First impressions: - From the web page I got the impression that there should be feedback through the status bar, but this isn't happening. - What is the motivation for the timeout? I found it rather incovenient and distracting, and since just about any other action cancels the find, it seems unnecessary. - Typed characters that don't match are ignored. This is different from the other apps and so a little disorienting. I'm used to typing Backspace when I enter a character that doesn't match, but here that deletes the last character that did match. This isn't necessarily wrong, just different from what I was expecting. On UI feedback: I really think that putting up a dialog box would be Wrong. What makes isearch so great ist that it's so streamlined. You end up using it all the time. Having windows pop up is distracting and gets in the way of the search (litteraly). Both emacs and VS simply display the string being searched in the status bar.
_WOW!_ I love this feature, this is way better that that original hack I put up here. Some usablility comments: 1) I agree with that last comment in respect to how backspace should work, and I would also love to see some feedback in the status bar. 2) Sometimes I have the need to search the entire text of a page, not just the links. Perhaps this mode could be entered by typing a key while searching. Take this scenario (I assume that we are using the status bar): - I start typing in "mo" and it immediatly starts to move to a link containing the word "mozilla", good. As I'm typing the status bar says something like "Searching links for: \"mo\"". Now, say, I'm really looking for the word "modern" but _not_ in a link. I type the letter "d", and the status bar updates to something like "Failed searching links for: \"mod\"". At this point (or actually any other point too), I'd like to be able to hit a magic key combination that would change the search context from links to the whole document... So.. I hit Ctrl-Alt-S (I can't think of a better key combo that isn't taken), the status bar updates to "Searching document for: \"mod\"" and selection jumps to the first work starting with "mod". 3) A cool to have feature, that emacs has is the ability to reverse a search. So , say I search for "Modern" and I find one, then skip to the next one and then the next one, and I get carried away and go right past the one I wanted... In emacs, you can hit Ctrl-R, and it will reverse the direction of the search from the current point, So now, I'm searching backwards for the same word. 4) Another cool to have feature implemented by emacs is "Yank word from buffer onto end of search string and search for it".... The best way to experience this one is to try it in emacs. I'll attempt to explain. Say I'm searching for "mo" again... The first hit I get is "modern", the word that I'm searching for, but not the right instance of the word. In emacs, if I hit Ctrl-W at this point, emacs will take the whole word "modern" and search for it without me having to type in the whole word. This is really usefull when searching for long words. Once again, I love this feature. -Geoff
re comment 49, item 2. See comment 47, last paragraph, parenthetical aside.
offhand borland dev apps had isearch.
Alias: isearch
ok, this ROCKS! thank you thank you thank you! except that i'm seeing a large number of big bugs: * moz crashed when i tried to quit after installing this XPI (talkback ID TB8258875X) * can't forward emails, it comes up with all fields blank * the browsers launches with blank window, not the homepage as it should * right clicking a link in a mail and choosing "open in new window" pops up a blank window should i post these as i find them to this bug?
is there a way to uninstall this? its a very good idea, but has hosed my browser pretty badly, i'd rather not blow away my profile if possible. thanks.
Josh, those sound like problems we had with a nightly a few days back (unrelated to this patch/XPI)... What exact build did you install the XPI on?
using 2002070908 ... i'll go ahead and grab a newer nightly, though i didnt see these problems til i ran this XPI ...
ok, new build, all is good again, sorry for the spam folks :) the first checkin in the list. That fixed the problems you are seeing (which _were_ exacerbated by typeaheadfind). Your build is from the exact day when lots of stuff was broken, with or without typeaheadfind.
Thanks for all the comments! To uninstall, just search for typeaheadfind.* in your build and delete all those files.
how do i enable this in my personal build? (One I compile myself, i.e. not using the XPI.) Based on comments, I agree that the status bar should give feedback: Incremental Search: Mozil (user has typed "Mozil") Incremental Search: Mozill (user typed "l") Incremental Search: Mozilll [no match] (user typed a third "l") Incremental Search: Mozill (user pressed backspace)
> To uninstall, just search for typeaheadfind.* in your build and delete Actually *typeaheadfind* (deleting the library, which on linux is called, is the most important part of uninstalling). > how do i enable this in my personal build? (One I compile myself From the top level: cvs co extensions/typeaheadfind cd extensions/typeaheadfind make (or equivalent if not using gmake) That's all that should be needed. The linux xpi was updated this morning after Aaron's changes from comment 47.
This is a cool feature, but why is it configured to search only URLs by default? Aren't most people usually searching for *any* occurrence of the search string? I search a lot, but I don't think I have ever wanted to restrict a search to only URL text. Am I wierd? (in that way ;-) It seems like restricting the search in such a way should be an exception case, requiring extra effort to invoke (if it really needs to be supported at all), not the norm.
This is just for ease of navigation when not wanting to use the mouse, at least that's what I thought. I find that more useful than having this find any kind of text, I don't use it as a shortcut to Find, I use it to quickly focus a link and load it... But who knows, maybe I'm the one who's weird here :-)
Well, the original report was for incremental text search 'through a page', no mention of links or navigation.
I'm with Peter -- I want it to find through normal text as well as links, and I also want it to stop forgetting its selection position (i.e. no timeout) so I can pause for a few seconds and still be able to continue the search. But obviously there are opinions on both sides, so we'll need to figure out what the majority of users would prefer. Mouseless/disabled users will probably prefer the current setting (links only) but they're no more "average users" than we are, and probably just as used to fiddling with prefs rather than accepting the defaults.
Even if you're in the "search only links" camp, it seems to me that the only time that the "search all text" behavior is inconvenient is when the text you're searching for as a link is also in the document as a non-link. This doesn't seem like the common case; for example, on this bugzilla page it seems that most links would be found equally quickly even if you were searching all text. Additionally, it matches my mental model to make "search only links" be the action that requires the modifier key; after all, if I'm going to search for modified text, it makes sense I need to indicate that somehow. The way things are now, when I want to search for normal text, it requires me to hit a special key. Then again, maybe it's the fact that over the past decade the emacs-like behavior has become hardwired into my brain, so I'm clearly going to be in the "search all text" camp. (And that's why I found the bug in the first place)
Minor but irritating bug with the current code: if focus is in an <input type=file>, any character typed will go to the input but will also go to the page. For instance, click on "Create a new attachment" and type some characters into the filename field -- you get lots of failed-search beeps while you type. Move focus to the next text field (Description) and you can type normally, no beeps. Perhaps input type=file doesn't do a preventBubble when it should?
a cool feature! I like it. There are my comments: 1) why did the following two settings miss every time I quit mozilla? user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true); 2) when linksonly=true, typing letters doesn't find normal text, but Ctrl+G does. 3) I also prefer make the finding through *all* text as the default setting, or we can use a shortcut key to toggle this setting. 4) I prefer the "find previous" or "find backward" function too :)
Note: I think the prefs should be called "extensions.typeaheadfind.*" not "accessibility.typeaheadfind.*". I've been having some problems getting this to work, but i need to spend more time looking at it before complaining...
I'd just forgotten to wipe component.reg, my bad. So yeah, my comments would be: make full search the default, not link search, and give us some status bar feedback as per comment 59. Otherwise, looks good.
This is great, I created the different prefs in hopes of getting a discussion going about the feature. I'm really interested to know how many non-Emacs users want text only as the default. Most of our users are not Emacs users. IMHO, those that are are Emacs users technically savvy enough to change their pref. I think end-user testing would show that most people prefer linksonly=true, because in practice I often end up on text when I'm trying to go to a link. If I'm proven wrong, I'll gladly change it, but not on the basis of Emacs users who want their old feature - this is a different application. I also don't want to get into a legalistic argument about whether implementing a superset of the original RFE is appropriate here. Text only search is available by pressing ' before the text, so the RFE is implemented. About the status line, it think that the status messages don't show up when running this in branch-based builds, but they do in trunk-based builds. A lot of things won't be doable via just the XPI, because they'll require patches to core code. I'm also not happy with the status messages yet, because they should still show the target URL of a link that's landed on (in parenthesis?). That's a little bit harder than it sounds, because it's done via OnOverLink in nsWebShell.cpp ( If there is going to be a find previous, perhaps it should be via Accel+Shift+G. I think the same keystroke should mean find backwards for normal find. Collapsing the selection on timeout has turned out to be a bad idea. It would also be nice to show that the selection is special somehow. Perhaps there should be a box drawn around the selection, which disappears when type ahead find mode ends. The selection text itself would still be highlighted. In response to some other comments: > - What is the motivation for the timeout? I found it rather incovenient and > distracting, and since just about any other action cancels the find, it seems > unnecessary. I'm not sure about this, what do other people think? Is the 2.5 second default timeout just too short? If you set your timeout pref to 0 it gets rid of the timeout completely. - Typed characters that don't match are ignored. This is different from the other apps and so a little disorienting. I'm used to typing Backspace when I enter a character that doesn't match, but here that deletes the last character that did match. This isn't necessarily wrong, just different from what I was expecting. I don't mind changing this, it's a pretty minor detail in my view. I can see the point. > (From Kyle) 1) why did the following two settings miss every time I quit mozilla? Kyle, I don't understand the question.
I take it this still doesn't work on Mac...? I'm sure I'm not the only person here with a Mac who'd love to play with this but can't figure out how to build Mozilla on a Mac. Surely somebody at Netscape has a Mozilla build configured on Mac, that this would be a simple matter to compile with...
I never used EMACS. Still I think this feature rocks :-) But IMO a whole text search without a quotation mark before should be either standard or at least an option. I find it a bit disorienting to type " before I enter more letters because I've never seen a program that works this way. I think creating a pref for it would be the best solution. And concerning the timeout: I also lack to see the motivation it it. But since you can switch it off I think there's no problem. It's a feature that doesn't hurt anyone but those who want it can activate it.
I've used emacs before but never the incremental search, I'll have to try it. I never search for links in a page but very often for words or text snippets, so I vote for searching the whole text as default and links as an option.
Out of curiosity, for the people who prefer, "Search in links only," do you also think the regular old "Find in this page" dialog should have a "links only" option?
On my build (not XPI-based) I get no status bar feedback at all (Mandrake 8.1). On if I search for "wrangle" I find that the page doesn't scroll down to the incrementally searched match. It does on Google, though.
I think it only scrolls if it finds text in a link. If you're using typeaheadfind as a navigation feature (with linksonly), you won't notice the bug, but if you're using it as a quick way to search, you will.
background: I'm used to this feature from my text editor and MUA where it searches all text. Understandably, I'm hopefull the default will be to search all text. This is also how I generally wish I could use the normal "find in page" search. Generally, this feature is useful to me when I've landed on a page from some search engine query, and I need to find the relevant text in what may be a large page. So, my vote is for defaulting to search all text. I understand how link-navigation can be a handy feature too, and while I probably wouldn't use it, I would be glad to know it is there for those users who need/want an efficient keyboard means for navigating links. Hmmm... Actually, if I could do the "just prefix your typeing with this special character" thing to search for links, then I'd probably give it a shot and maybe even grow to like it. Suggestion/request... can this be implmented in such a way as to be universally available? Ideally, you could use the same code in mail/news and composer as well. -matt
Yes, it is only scrolling for links. I've found another big bug. The incremental search thing should be disabled in the message pane of mail and news, otherwise the "n", "b", etc shortcuts don't work anymore.
I'm really surprised that so many people in this bug prefer it as text search. I wonder if that's a techie thing, and whether most users will feel that way. The really nice thing about the link search is that the link is automatically focused for you. So you just type the first few letters of a link, press Enter and you're there. For me, this is much speedier than using the mouse to navigate to links, which is what I'm doing most of the time, rather than finding text. Accel+F is still available for that. Maybe I should have done the work under bug 105565 instead :( > Suggestion/request... can this be implmented in such a way as to > be universally available? Ideally, you could use the same code in > mail/news and composer as well. It should work, it is implemented so that any content area should benefit from it, including embedded browsers using Gecko. However, as Hixie says, we may have to disable this in the mailnews content pane, which is too bad.
Strange, I would see the search for links as beeing more targeted towards techies than the whole text search. Keyboard-only browsing seems to me a more techie-thing because it's not easy to discover how to navigate without the help of context-menues and the like. But why are you so disappointed? Your great work should be easily either configurable via preferences or even be accesible via two different ways to have both features available. And I promise you to look closer at your idea of "keyboard only" surfing (I've just figured out, how to open a link in a new windows/tab via Ctrl+Alt+Return, that's a must for keyboard-browsing).
> may have to disable this in the mailnews content pane Frankly, I'd prefer that it was disabled by default everywhere. Ideally, I'd like to hit a keycommand to start isearch type text hit enter to find next occurances type escape or click anywhere to get out of isearch but I'll be happy for any sort of isearch :) > Keyboard-only browsing seems to me a more techie-thing I'd agree with you there. However, I'm accustomed to using a mouse, so I don't (yet) miss keyboard navigation of links. I'm *also* accustomed to isearch-like functionality from my text editor and MUA, so I very much miss full text isearch in Mozilla (and many other apps). I'm often using google's cached pages as a weak substitute because it will help me find where on the page the hits landed with its hilighting feature. When I'm not using google, I'm using the normal "find in page" feature which I wish worked in an isearch fashion. -matt
I think the problem here is that we are using one interface for two unrelated features: a) quick keyboard navigation of links b) incremental find* Making it a pref circunvents the problem, but we could do better. Since they are really different features why not give them different interfaces? How about this: - Link navigation remains as is. Since the search mode is entered implicitly by typing this won't work in mail or composer, as noted in previous comments. For this feature I don't think this is a problem, and the convenience is worth it. - Incremental find is entered explicitly by pressing Ctrl+something. This is how it works in all those other apps, so it's expected behaviour anyway. As a bonus this can be made to work anywhere, including Main/News and Composer. * "incremental find" seems better than "incremental search" since the existing feature already uses the word "find".
How would this functionality work in the presence of accelerator keys in a webpage? (ie: accesskey attribute)
Ok, so I just ran into a major problem with this, on linux (maybe on Win2k too, can't tell right now) this code ends up doing it's find thing even when you're typing in text inputs (i.e. form controls). This sucks, and obviously needs some fixin'...
JST: Are you sure it was in a text input, not a filename input (which looks very similar)? See comment 66. I haven't seen it in real text inputs, though.
Oh, yes it was, but that's more than a minor problem, that's a serious problem...
Comment on attachment 90515 [details] [diff] [review] Includes bz's changes, and removes nsEventStateManager changes (which I put in bug 156301 now) We need the <input type=file> problem solved before we can take this...
Attachment #90515 - Flags: needs-work+
> Incremental find is entered explicitly by pressing Ctrl+something. This is how > it works in all those other apps, so it's expected behaviour anyway. As a bonus > this can be made to work anywhere, including Main/News and Composer. Sure, no problem. Accel+J is free, ("Jump to text"?). Or, we can continue to use one of the printable characters as we do now, such as '
> Sure, no problem. Accel+J is free, ("Jump to text"?). > Or, we can continue to use one of the printable characters as we do now, such as ' A proper Accel shortcut is needed to make it usable outside the browser (e.g. composer). That's assuming isearch will be available throughout Mozilla. I hope so!
> A proper Accel shortcut is needed to make it usable outside the browser (e.g. composer). That's assuming isearch will be available throughout Mozilla. I hope so! I didn't think of that - good idea. We can put it in the menus too then, it will be more discoverable that way.
Ok, I haven't actually played with this (I'm on Mac ... still no Mac build?), but here's sort of how I'd expect it to work: -- User chooses Edit->Find Interactively or presses cmd-shift-F (for example) -- A thin (1 text-line high, like the Personal Toolbar) search toolbar appears, that says "Search this page for:" and has a text field, and focus is transferred to the text field -- User types "modern" (for example) -- All occurrences of "modern" on the page are highlighted (google-cache-style) and the first occurrence is selected. (These are updated after each keypress.) In addition to highlighting, the words could get bigger, like Xerox PARC's browser ( -- To go to the next (or prior) occurrence of "modern", user chooses Edit-> Find Again or presses cmd-G (maybe cmd-shift-G to search backwards). -- In addition to selecting the text, if that text is part of a link, that link gets the dotted-outline-thingy, so pressing return/enter follows the link. -- When I'm done searching, I can choose Edit->Hide Interactive Find (same menuitem, but its name has changed), or press cmd-shift-F (escape is taken, right?), and the toolbar disappears. Focus is back on the web page, so I can scroll with the up/down arrows. Come to think of it, up/down should still scroll the page when isearch is being used. -- Since the bar is going to take up the whole width anyway, and nobody's going to use all of it for their search text, you might want to put "Prior" and "Next" buttons on the right side, with tooltips saying what their keyboard shortcuts (e.g., "cmd-G") are, to make this more discoverable. Comments are more than welcome. (Is this more or less how it really works?)
Just filed bug 157772 - Accel+Shift+G should find-previous. I agree, Accel+Shift+F is a good shortcut to start incremental text find. I also like the idea of a textfield in the toolbar somewhere, but I'm not sure exactly where it would go. There are 2 ways I could see it working: 1) It could either pop there when you started using one incremental find or type ahead link find 2) The text field could always be there. It could even have a label like this: Fi_n_d: --------- Then it would be very discoverable that Alt+N would start the find. It could even have a checkbox: [x] _L_inks only Then it would also be discoverable that Alt+L would toggle that state. Of course, screen real estate seems to be a problem.
I like having the feedback in the status bar, where it doesn't take up any extra real estate. Though having it temporarily pop up over the location bar might be okay ... but please don't add another toolbar that shows up and then makes me do an extra action to make it go away. If it does that, then what's the point vs. just using the find dialog? Re Ken's comments: highlighting everything and selecting current sounds cool, as long as it's easy to tell the two apart. Vim does this (highlight all instances of the found text) and sometimes it's difficult to find the cursor because of all the highlighting scattered around the page.
Typeaheadfind activates when an <isindex> text field has focus. Examples: data:text/html,<isindex><a href="">mozilla</a>
it too like the way vim highlights all matches, but it would be easier on the eyes if it used a more subtle highlight color than highlighter yellow :)
> it too like the way vim highlights all matches, but it would be easier on the eyes if it used a more subtle highlight color than highlighter yellow :) I'm not planning to work on that for now - it's a major change. We can revisit that after we get the basics done.
Blocks: 157788
ok, i opened up bug 157788 to deal with the desire to have isearch highlight all matches
I have a solution for the <input type=file> and <isindex> problems, but I am disturbed by it. Normally I get the event target of the keypress event via: aEvent->GetEventTarget(getter_AddRefs(domEventTarget)); domNode = do_QueryInterface(domEventTarget); You would think that would give me the correct event target for the isindex or file input control. However, I have to get the correct node by doing this: // Using the focus controller gets the correct event target nsCOMPtr<nsIFocusController> focusController; doc->GetFocusController(getter_AddRefs(focusController)); if (focusController) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> focusedEl; focusController->GetFocusedElement(getter_AddRefs(focusedEl)); if (focusedEl) targetNode = do_QueryInterface(focusedEl); } This fixes the problem. Anyone know why?
Maybe using GetOriginalTarget() on the event would be helpful here...
Thanks jst, this works: nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNSEvent> nsEvent(do_QueryInterface(aEvent)); if (!nsEvent) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMEventTarget> domEventTarget; nsEvent->GetOriginalTarget(getter_AddRefs(domEventTarget));
Checked in some now code. New Windows XPI's also up at This has changed: - Type a ' or " before your string to search only links. Type / before your string to search all text. Otherwise it uses your linksonly pref. Still to do (if it's not on the list, assume it's not part of my current plans): * Code Warrior project files, mac installer (to get it working manually, pull extensions/typeaheadfind and build it) * When a match doesn't exist that's already visible, make it go forward from current position, then wrap to top. It currently restarts at the top. * The status bar messages don't include the link target - unfortunately this isn't as easy to fix as it should be. * Draw a box around the selection when in typeaheadfind mode, erase the drawn box when the mode ends * Need nsITypeAheadFind::FindNext(), FindPrev(), StartNewFind(), CancelFind(), IsActive(), DisableInWindow(), EnableInWindow() etc. * Make Accel+Shift+G find previous, even for regular find (bug 157772) * In typeaheadfind mode, steal Accel+G/Accel+Shift+G (find next/prev) and make it respect the current links only setting. This will also allow us to prevent our find settings (wrap=true, case sensitive=false, backwards=false, etc.) to not infect normal find. * In Linux you currently need to manually focus the content area before it will work * Add type ahead text find and type ahead link find in menus, with / and ' as accelerators. * Require that leading / or . be used in message view pane for mail, because it conflicts with keybindings there. Future: * Have it be able to search alt/title text on tooltips on img links, tooltip would popup with found text highlighted. Questionable: * Search labels or button text? * Use Accel+Shift+F (attached to a menu item) to activate all-text find in Composer. Make sure nsITypeAheadFind provides interface needed for this.
> I agree, Accel+Shift+F is a good shortcut to start incremental text find. > * Use Accel+Shift+F (attached to a menu item) to activate all-text find in > Composer. Make sure nsITypeAheadFind provides interface needed for this. This is already used by Tools > Search the Web in Navigator and Tools > Search Messages in Mail/News. If it's added just for composer, wouldn't that be a little weird? I think we should have a common shortcut key across all apps. > I like having the feedback in the status bar, where it doesn't take up any > extra real estate. This is what Borland Delphi does for its incremental search (Ctrl+E btw), and it's very nice. Unobtrusive but still visible. > * In typeaheadfind mode, steal Accel+G/Accel+Shift+G (find next/prev) and > make it respect the current links only setting. I like this a lot. Again to use Delphi as a reference, it does the same thing and makes searching repeatedly very quick.
Could this be breaking accelerator keys in mailnews? I.e. go and read an email, focus the email message and press 'm' to mark/unmark the message as read. That used to work, now mozilla just beeps at you (with this enabled)...
Re using the status bar for this: is it just me, or is the status bar completely worthless? All it shows are "Loading..." (in some form or another), the infamous "Document: Done (10 secs)" -- both of which you could figure out by looking at the huge M icon -- or the URL under the cursor, which (for reasons that escape me) is not shown in the URL bar (like OmniWeb does, for example). So for the record I was suggesting a new space for interactive-search because I was thinking (hoping) the status bar as it is today would just die.
Dean, nice catch. I just added Accel+Shift+F to the keyboard list at: Jst, that's right - it still messes up in mailnews. I'll fix it so that you have to preface it with / or ' (all text or links only) for it to get turned on, when in mailnews. If we want typeaheadfind to work in composer, we'll have to find an accelkey to do it with. Perhaps it's not 100% necessary for it to be the same key as in browser and mailnews, since we want to use the single / or ' key to activated it in the browser.
Ken, the status bar is quite useful, for example when you want to see where a link goes. Does it go to an external site or within the current one? There seems to be a bug with typeaheadfind where the status information isn't showing up for some people, but it is for others. Another bug with our status display is that it only shows what you've typed, it doesn't also show the link pointed to when you're focused on a link.
> If we want typeaheadfind to work in composer, we'll have to find an accelkey to > do it with. Perhaps it's not 100% necessary for it to be the same key as in > browser and mailnews, since we want to use the single / or ' key to activated it > in the browser. This sounds horrible! I'm not an User Interface expert, but it seems to me that randomly changing the keyboard shortcut depending on what window you happen to be in defeats the purpose of accelerators to begin with. I don't know any application that does this. Just try to imagine using one that did, I suspect most people would quickly give up on the keyboard entirely. Please, please make it a propper Accel shortcut *everywhere*. If Accel+Shift+F is taken use something else, it's still much better than the alternative.
I've read most post about the accesskey and came up with the following: 1. A simple accesskey like Ctrl+E, Ctrl+F (or Ctrl+I but this is Page Info) 2. The same key should activate search next occurance (makes it easier to use) 3. For reverse use sift and the key (like Ctrl+Shift+E) 4. I prevere the use of '/' as a toggle between text and links-only 5. Don't make it auto active (without the hotkey)
> 1. A simple accesskey like Ctrl+E, Ctrl+F (or Ctrl+I but this is Page Info) Ctrl+E is, unfortunately, used for Edit Page in the browser. It would be nice to have a one-handed shortcut, as I can see myself using this a lot. > 2. The same key should activate search next occurance (makes it easier to use) > 3. For reverse use sift and the key (like Ctrl+Shift+E) I prefer using the already-established shortcut keys for Find Next/Previous. After all, this is just another way of entering a search term, just like entering text in the Find dialog. > 5. Don't make it auto active (without the hotkey) I agree. This may prove confusing to users if they accidentally discover it.
> I don't know any application that does this. Yeah, but browser and editor really _should_ be separate applications. It would be good to start moving in that direction... (discussion of that should go to the newsgroups, however).
> Yeah, but browser and editor really _should_ be separate applications. Regardless, we should try to keep the shortcut keys for the different apps consistent for similar functions. It annoys me to no end, for example, that Word and Excel don't have the same shortcut keys for Find Again.
Ever since enabling this I've been getting random lockups where Mozilla spins using 20% CPU and stops repainting. I have to kill it each time that happens.
Ian, I've gotten a couple of random lockups too. If you can reproduce it in the debugger and get a stack trace that would help a lot. The point about type ahead find for links is that it's supposed to be more convenient than using a mouse to activate links. An Accel+Shift combo is too hard to type. We could use Accel+J, but it's the last keystroke available in all the apps - that means the next feature someone designs will be screwed out of a necessary keyboard shortcut. That's the reality, philosophy aside. So, if we can at all avoid using up the last globally available hotkey, I think we should. I also don't think users will be confused if it auto activates, but maybe we'll have to do some testing. I think it would be hailed as a usability improvement in Gecko-based browsers.
Ian, Aaron: Regarding your lockups, neither of you have http pipelining enabled, right? If so, that tends to cause hangs on its own (bug 146884).
I'm pretty sure I found the cause of Ian's lockup. I've checked in the source, I'll let people know when the new xpi is up.
Aaron, I agreed with you initially about link search not requiring an accelerator, but now I think that's impossible. The problem was pointed out in comment 83 but seems to have got lost in the noise... HTML 4.0 lets the page author assign shortcuts with the "accesskey" attribute. See An example taken from the reference: <LABEL for="fuser" accesskey="U">User Name</LABEL> <INPUT type="text" name="user" id="fuser"> This would make the "u" key a shortcut to a form field in the page.
Pedro, accesskey="u" means that Alt+U (or whatever modifier you have under ui.key.generalAccessKey) would be used to activate that element.
> Pedro, accesskey="u" means that Alt+U (or whatever modifier you have under > ui.key.generalAccessKey) would be used to activate that element. Ah, I didn't read the part that said implementations were allowed to tack a modifier in front of the access key. My fault. I still have to reply to that post about lack of available keys for incremental find. I'll do that when I have the time to write something coherent :)
Here's the keyboard planning FAQ (you need to read this to see why we don't use certain keys that you think would be available): Here's the current list of keys we use (I keep this updated, so if it's missing something let me know): The idea was brought up to use Accel+/ for find in all text Accel+' for find in links That way we could be consistent across apps. I would still want the browser to allow simple typing to start link find mode automatically (or whatever the current linksonly pref says).
> The idea was brought up to use > Accel+/ for find in all text > Accel+' for find in links Sounds briliant :) Both are easy to type without looking. They're physically near, which is good for similar functions think F=find, G=find aGain or C=copy, X=cut, V=paste The / is the same key as is used in vi (and derivatives). I'm all for it! -matt
...for US-keyboards that is correct. For a Swissgerman keyboard this equals to Accel+Shift+7 and Accel+' (' is next to the 0). That's not too bad either but I would like to have some feedback from other users with non-US keyboard layouts.
Awkward entry on non-English keyboards is exactly why we don't usually use accel+punctuation.
Yes, that is one of the things I was going to complain about. In my experience any keys other than letters and numbers tends to get shuffled around a lot in different languages. A character that's easily accessible in one keyboard will be buried under a horrible combination in another. Thanks for the pointers to the keyboard stuff, I'll check them.
Is there any way to make the shortcut configurabe? I really want to use Crtl-S to search. I assume I'm the only person on earth that would want to throw away "Ctrl-S" to save in favor of "Ctrl-S" for search. But I'd really like it to be configurable...
> any way to make the shortcut configurabe? I'm guessing "no". Some apps have user-configurable key bindings, but mozilla isn't set up for that, and doing it for specific commands only is a sure way to frustrate folks. You wanted "s", and maybe my grandmother would to. Then when my grandmother called me for help with something, I might direct her to save something and she'd be in isearch instead. This would be difficult to debug over the phone, ya know? At least my grandmother isn't paying for computer support, but lots of other folks do. If there were app-wide key-binding configuration, there could also be saved configs, and "return to default" which would be handy for the helpdesks in the world. ...but I think many things would have to be re-worked for mozilla to have user-configurable key bindings... -matt
Just checked in support for Accel+Shift+G to find previous. It currently only affects type ahead find, not regular find. Also, Accel+G and Accel+Shift+G now respect whether you're in links only type ahead find mode.
I had a lockup, I then forced a talkback report by sending SIGSEGV to the process. This is the id: TB8449576G
I had a lockup today too, I didn't immediately connect it with this code, but it could be... The stack from TB ID 8449576 shows: IsMemberOf() nsFind::IsBlockNode() nsFind::GetBlockParent() nsFind::Find() + 0x4e2d (0x40672e2d) + 0x4296 (0x40672296) nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent() GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent() nsDocument::HandleDOMEvent() ...
Mozilla has had configurable key bindings for a long time. See Aaron, will this binding be done in such a way that it's accessible to XBL and thus configurable? What's the command?
I think the lockups have been solved. Has anyone experienced a lockup with the stuff that got uploaded to this afternoon? Akkana - yes, they will be legit binding - complete with menu items and a cmd_linkTypeAhead and cmd_textTypeAhead entries in HTMLBindings.xml.
Could we have a summary of what is implemented? Are the hidden prefs gone? What's happened with the timeout? What are the shortcut keys? Cheers!
Ian, the web page for this feature is at I've been keeping that page updated.
i just installed the XPI on my new install of mozilla (2002071813) and moz crashed on the first exit after install. (i saw this previously with an older build, as i commented abouve - talkback id : TB8258875X) ... the talkback id for this crash is TB8478323H
Ok, taking up the keyboard shortcuts issue again... I propose incremental find be assigned to Accel+Shift+F. But wait, that's already used to bring up the Search Messages dialog in Mail... well, just change that binding. I believe this is correct (and feasible) for the following reasons: - The guidelines recommend grouping related operations under Accel/Accel+Shift shortcuts. Find and Interactive Find are certainly closely related. And F is next to G (used for find next) which is good. - There is a small set of operations (mostly stuff under File and Edit menus) that is available throughout the application. These operations always have the same keyboard shortcuts. I believe Interactive Find is in this category. - Changing the conflicting binding in Mail/News should not prove a problem. A quick look gives 18 available letter shortcuts in Mail/News, plus 6 Accel+letter and 15 Accel+Shift+letter. Besides it's not like Accel+Shift+F readily identifies with an operation called "Search Messages" anyway. That's it. I'll shut up about keyboard shortcuts now.
Ok, this is going to sound really smart or really stupid (or somewere in between): I always thought that incremental/interactive search, done properly, would replace the klunky search that Mozilla has now. So we'd just steal accel-F. Providing users with two ways to do something has been shown to be a pretty good way to slow them down, IIRC. (If I gave my boss Moz, and pulled down the Edit menu to do a search, his eyes would see "Search-type-1" and "Search-type-2", and he'd spend a lot more time trying to figure out what the heck they were than if he'd been given only old-klunky-search in the first place.) In any event, which key on the keyboard you pick is probably (1) not outrageously important right now (when, for example, this isn't even available on Mac builds), and (2) pretty easy to change later if you change your mind.
We need to keep Ctrl+F. 1. Sometimes you need to be able to paste a find string in 2. It has more options, case sensitive, wrap, back, etc. 3. Who knows, maybe the find dialog will allow regular expressions someday
Whoa whoa whoa! > 1. Sometimes you need to be able to paste a find string in Can't isearch do this? Back in comment 91 I said we should have a text field because, well, since about 1984 if you want the user to enter some text in a GUI application, you use a text field. And if there's a text field, you can paste text into it. We shouldn't make up new user-interface primitives just because. > 2. It has more options, case sensitive, wrap, back, etc. The wrap checkbox there was talk of getting rid of. Backwards search, I thought you could do with isearch (or if not, we better). In fact, isearch appears to have picked up a strange feature ("search links only"?) that the search dialog doesn't have, so "more options" is not simply the domain of klunky-search. Case-sensitive searching, I don't know. Maybe we could add a checkbox. Maybe we could do what search engines do (case-sensitive if-and-only-if there are any capital letters). Maybe somebody else has a better idea. I like to think that we could come up with something better than "Let's have 2 search modes with completely different feature sets and let users try to figure it out". > 3. Who knows, maybe the find dialog will allow regular expressions someday "Who knows, maybe [we'll add geek-feature X] someday" is not a good reason to confuse and slow down all of your users today -- that is, even if isearch and regexps were completely exclusive, and I don't see how they are.
Ken, okay you make some good points. However, are you sure that a lot of users will be suddenly comfortable with the new find? I see this more as a feature for advanced users. It's kind of like the way mailnews has quick search, and advanced search. I just don't sure it's a good idea to pull out the old feature, but then again the decision doesn't really rest with me. I think of this as more of a quick navigation feature.
I just noticed something interesting about the bug where you have to manually click into the window first, before it will work. At least in Windows, it only occurs when the URL you're loading is from file:// If it's an http:// document things work right away. Anyone notice this on Linux?
Ready for review - pls review entire text, not just + lines
Attachment #90515 - Attachment is obsolete: true
You often have to click in the document anyway on linux, due to bug 141295: focus in content area is erratic (timing?).
Depends on: 158743
Depends on: 158752
Depends on: 158754
Depends on: 158756
No longer depends on: 158743, 158752, 158754, 158756
Blocks: 158757
Typeahead is not working in the latest trunk nightlies. I'm using 2002072208 on Win2000, but people on mozillazine have reported this also for 2002072004 on Windows and Linux.
Pedro, is it not working when you build it yourself, or when you install the xpi?
I'm using the builds posted to and the XPI installed from your page.
I added the current XPI to Mozilla 1.1b (2002072204 on Win2K) and it does not work. It apparently does nothing. No errors. No feedback. No find. I went to a page and tried typing text included in a link. I also tried clicking in the window, but that didn't help. Regular find works in the same build. I used incremental find in an earlier build and it was nice and convenient for finding links. Thanks! Out of curiosity, how should it behave on a page with an HTML form? If a form field does not have focus should you just be able to use it? Perhaps that's what it did with earlier builds. My concern is that I may think a field is focused and start typing and instead end up with incremental find. This could be confusing if I type text, press Enter, and activate a link. I need more testing with this to see if this would be likely to happen. I suspect not. If we want to block on pages with forms, it would seem easy enough to check document.forms.length.
It doesn't conflict with forms - if you're in a text field, type ahead find will not automatically start when you type. The XPI probably doesn't work right now because I haven't pulled and built in a while. One of the interfaces it uses must have changed since I last pulled and built. I'll try to put a new one up soon. In the mean time, you can build and test it in a debug build by doing a make in extensions/typeaheadfind. Or you can try to use the XPI for Mozilla 1.0/Netscape 7.0 instead, instead of working with the trunk stuff.
Aaron: So, are you suggesting using the Mozilla 1.0/Netscape 7.0 XPI with Mozilla-trunk, or using it with Mozilla 1.0?
You have to use the trunk XPI with the trunk, and the M1.0/NS7 XPI with M1.0/NS7. Try the M1.0/NS7 option.
> You have to use the trunk XPI with the trunk, and the M1.0/NS7 XPI with > M1.0/NS7. Try the M1.0/NS7 option. I haven't made a Linux XPI for the branch yet, because the code doesn't seem to be checked in on the branch, and copying the trunk source directory to a branch tree doesn't build (some APIs must have changed). Do you have a patch stashed somewhere to make this code build on the branch? Does anyone care enough about getting a Linux branch xpi that I should work through the errors and make it build? I don't mind doing that if there are customers, but if nobody wants it then it's not worth spending time on. (I'm not using the xpi myself for daily browsing because I was hitting the problem stealing input from certain form controls, otherwise I'd care more about a branch XPI for my own use.)
> (I'm not using the xpi myself for daily browsing because I was hitting the > problem stealing input from certain form controls, otherwise I'd care more > about a branch XPI for my own use.) That is fixed - it no longer steals input from form controls, AFAIK.
Attachment #92220 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I'll post review comments a bit at a time, since I keep getting distracted in the middle of reviews. Hope that's okay. First installment: Please get rid of this unused variable, which causes a compile warning: nsTypeAheadFind.cpp: In method `nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::KeyPress (nsIDOMEvent *)': nsTypeAheadFind.cpp:564: warning: unused variable `PRBool isLinksOnly'
Typeaheadfind activates even when focus is in a <select> (collapsed drop-down or listbox). Example: Backspace goes back if I use backspace to delete the first character I typed.
Rather than continually posting patches, Akkana and I are going to work on the r= using the checked in "not part of build" code. Comments from everyone on the code are welcome :)
Keywords: nsbeta1
r=akkana on the code Aaron currently has in his tree, including the patches for bug 158754 and bug 158756, plus some other changes we discussed while going over the code. There are some minor changes to add this to the extensions=all list, and we still need mac project files.
Comment on attachment 93432 [details] [diff] [review] Latest changes/additions - includes some ifdef'd out code that will be used later for changing the appearance of selection when type ahead find mode is on. Latest type ahead find code is in tree (not part of build). Ready for sr=.
Attachment #93432 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Depends on: 161846
Just filed bug 161955: "RFE: When link is focused, Accel+T to open link in new tab, Accel+N to open link in new window" I believe that would really enhance type ahead find - you could type in a couple characters to find a link and hit Accel+T or Accel+N to get it in a new tab or window. Seeking opinions in the bug.
Blocks: 161960
I've updated the XPI for Windowss again. It works with trunk builds after 8/10/02. This one has the nice color change when type ahead find mode gets turned on.
*** Bug 105565 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Aaron: I'm not sure what's going on, but I haven't been able to get the XPI to work for me since about July 12th. I'm using 2002081504 (Trunk) on Win2k with the windows-trunk XPI posted at the URL above. And, I've added these prefs to my prefs.js: user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 0); (I set that last one to 0 to disable the timeout). At any rate I go through these steps just about every day: install the latest nightly build, install the XPI, shutdown Mozilla, ensure that the prefs are intact, and restart Mozilla. But, when I start typing text (that I know exists in the page), nothing happens :(.
Alex, can you try building it yourself to see if it works? It's hard to get the right xpi-trunk combination because it's got binary files. Go to extensions/typeaheadfind and run make. - Aaron
Aaron: Unfortunately, I'm on a Windows machine (without a compiler). Hmm, maybe I'll just wait for the finished version :-/.
Comment on attachment 95712 [details] [diff] [review] Adds typeaheadfind to default build (except on Mac, which will come later) sr=jst for this part, but don't you need to list the new's in extensions/typeaheadfind in too?
Attachment #95712 - Flags: superreview+
Depends on: 141295
Attachment #95712 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 95775 [details] [diff] [review] Same changes in patch, but also includes changes You need something to reference the MAKEFILES_typeaheadfind variable in too, just defining the module doesn't do anything.
Attachment #95775 - Flags: needs-work+
Attachment #95775 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 95822 [details] [diff] [review] Correct and changes r=cls on the build changes. I'd also like to see an sr= since this involves turning on a chunk of otherwise unused code.
Attachment #95822 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 95822 [details] [diff] [review] Correct and changes sr=jst And for the record, I've sr'ed all the code that this change will turn on in the build.
Attachment #95822 - Flags: superreview+
It's checked in, but for now you'll have to turn it on with the pref: user_pref ("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true);" We'll turn it on by default soon, if all goes well.
When the preference is enabled then pressing F3 hangs the browser at any time other than when some searched for text is active (highlighted green). Should I report this as bug elsewhere or is here the right place? Windows 2000, build 2002082008
Depends on: 163905
Thanks David - I filed bug 163905 "[typeaheadfind] F3 hangs browser after selection returns to normal color" Please file other type ahead find bugs under the "Keyboard Component", I'm the default owner for that. We'll turn this into a meta bug for other type ahead find problems. Also please put the string [typeaheadfind] to start the bug summary.
Depends on: 163913
No longer blocks: 154414, 157788, 158743, 158752, 158754, 158756, 158757, 161960
Depends on: 154414, 157788, 158752, 158757, 161960
Keywords: meta
Okay, I have patches needing review in bug 163913 and bug bug 163905. If someone can r= those for me I'll get them in asap.
for internationl, I think we need to test in the folloiwng cases 1. with the pref turn on IME operation still work inside html form 2. with the pref turn on, we can search different keyboards layouts also work (can find the text) a. Different layout for ascii key- in German case, y and z swap from English b. Dead key process can match up the key (searching the accent text) c. non ASCII keyboard (Greek, cyrillic, hebrew, etc) 3. I am not sure what we should do with ime, since ime require additional pre editing, I don't think it could work with type ahead, but in the type ahead mode, if we turn on IME, we should not see anything abnormal, nothing should happen in that case. We should not see ime window popup. 4. on Mac, we should test with option key, for example, does option m match the greek mu ? 5. In addition, I think we should test the following case: does the type ahead match text encoded in numerical entity (hex and dec), or named entity (e.g. &trademark; )
Also for i18n, we must test if the case insensitive search works for characters that are not a-z. For example, if the user types a letter with an accent it should match something with a capitalized version of the accented letter. I have already verified that it works fine with right to left text, at least when I use { unicode-bidi: bidi-override; direction: rtl; } in my userContent.css to force it on for English.
Depends on: 164295
Is there a way to get typeaheadfind to match a literal slash? I tried typing //, but the second slash seems to be ignored and it finds nothing. I'm not sure that this is a big deal, since it can match seemingly any other character.
It can find a / or ' as long as it's not the first character. However, I see what you're trying to do by typing //. I can fix that to work.
Seeking r= for: Bug 161960 - Accel+G loses typahead search buffer. Also fixes / and ' so they can be the first character.
Blocks: 157788
No longer depends on: 157788
Sorry, this might be spam, but: the search doesn't seem to work for me at all ... Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020825, BuildID 2002082521, downloaded the mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz file, enabled iSearch in the prefs, but nothing happens in my case ... either I'm to stupid, for that case a better instruction might be needed, or it just doesn't work in my build ... I didn't find any file, that matches the *typeaheadfind*-pattern in my mozilla-directory ... One ore thing to mention: I use a german keyboard Thanks for your patience :-)
My experience is that typeaheadfind is not yet (or no more?) enabled for installer builds, i.e. mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-sea.tar.gz and mozilla-win32-installer-sea.exe. I just downloaded a current and used it parallely to a installer-sea.exe build of the same day with the same profile. I checked enabling/disabling extensions like MultiZilla (was my first guess) and plugins, but it seems there is a real difference between ZIPs and installers, because typeaheadfind worked with the talkback ZIP but not the installer build. Neither does it (installer) work under my Linux (SuSE 7.3).
Sorry, it's not packaged with the installer yet, working on that. It is part of the default build, but you have to build Mozilla yourself.
Here's some bad news: My checkin last night (08/26, 22:57), which only turned on the pref, affected tinderbox numbers: Here are the Luna numbers. Tp (page load times) - 1091 -> 1113 TxUl (nav open time) - 1182 -> 1236 Ts (startup times) - 1497 -> 1520
Aaron. Sorry, bud, but I think you should turn off that pref now, pending investigation of why this has caused performance numbers to degrade 2-4%.
I think I have a patch that fixes the perf problem. It's attached to the fix in bug 161960
Depends on: 165100
Thanks, aaronl for reverting the pref to false in the interim. When you have a fix landed in the trunk I (or kerz or barrett) will test the fix for performance impact. [Times on the tinderbox appear to reverted to their levels from before the regression].
Depends on: 165315
I'd like to make it easier to open links (especially those focused from typeaheadfind) in a new tab from the keyboard. I realize there's a pref that can be set, but that's not ideal, in my mind. I just opened bug 165584 on the subject.
Depends on: 165626
Depends on: 165632
Depends on: 165398
Depends on: 165665
I'm using build 2002083005 on Linux It appears typeaheadfind is preventing "1st letter" keyboard navigation in menus. So I can't open the file menu then press Q to quit anymore.
Are there any bug reports filed for the behavior mentioned in comment #189? I use keyboard shortcuts a lot and this typeahead is eating all my keystrokes. Nasty bug...
Depends on: 166033
I would like to navigate using voice recognition. The search ahead function described here just doesn't cut it for doing this. How many Web pages are out there where all the links are titled "click here", or the images have no alt tags?! Too many! The easiest way to do this would be to have an option to turn on link numbering, and be able to go to a link by entering some key sequence and the link number ( Which would easily come from a voice macro, and is much more accurate than arbitrary word dictation). Do I need to open up a new feature request for this? Please tell me I'm wrong, but none of the link access bugs I have found seem to contemplate real accessibility issues for people with accessibility problems!
Rob: you're quite right that this feature doesn't address that issue at all. if there's no bugzilla issues requesting the feature you're looking for, then, yes, you do need to open a new feature request (and please do so, 'cause it sounds like something that could be good)
I completely agree with comment 82. Some people want to use this concept for searching within the page, and some want to use it for quick keyboard navigation (linksonly). Personally I belong to the former camp, and as such I am biased and believe that users would prefer a quick way to search for a string to a search of the page's links. I can see the other side, though, since searching the links is analogous to what typing in a MacOS finder window (including the desktop) does - selects a file which starts with the string you're typing - and I grew up on the Macintosh. The linksonly mode also is extremely handy for navigation; one of the only things I use the mouse for anymore is clicking on links. After careful consideration I have come to agree with the idea of prefix keys (/ and ') which can be used to force one of the modes, since both linksonly and fulltext searches are extremely handy, and I'm glad there's a preference item which selects the default. Will a straightforward interface to these preferences (i.e. via the prefs dialog) be implemented soon? And thanks to everyone who worked on this and discussed the idea - it's a really cool feature. Good riddance to that blasted find dialog.
Rob, there's already a request for navigating links by number in bug 101689. As far as preferences and defaults go, we're going to do some end user testing and see what we learn. I'll keep everyone posted. My preference is that we keep things as they are, but have an exposed setting for changing what just typing without a prefix character does. As far as the bug with eating menu keystrokes goes, I am experiencing that too! Looking at that issue now.
Here's a weird one. Try to incrementally find 'rfe' on this bug report. It can't find the 'r', but has no problem finding 'fe'.
Dean, I am seeing that, but only in text-only find. Well, between that and a couple of other regressions, I decided to turn the pref off by default again, until I get these issues resolved.
wrt comment 196, for me typeaheadfind won't find any of (at least) abgiloruz1 as the first character, in full search mode. (try 'branch', get 'nch') -> filed bug 166340
Depends on: 166340
Summary: [RFE] Incremental find (like Emacs isearch) → [RFE] Incremental find (like Emacs isearch) (type ahead find)
Okay, the problems with menus, text-only find and new documents in the same window are fixed, some performance improvements have been added, and the pref is turned back on.
Hmm... I've seen an occasional problem where typeaheadfind stops working temporarily. It thinks it's in a menu. To get it working again, do this: right click and then hit escape, then go to the main menu bar and escap. This will clear that menu state from typeaheadfind, and it works again. If anyone can figure out a consistent test case, please put it in bug 166033.
Aha, it seems that when you tab away and then tab back, automatic typeaheadfind gets disabled. You have to type alt or f10, then escape toget it working again.
Even more specific, it seems to happen when you let go of the alt key before you let go of tab, during the Alt+Tab sequence.
Depends on: 166704
Depends on: 166712
Depends on: 166955
Depends on: 166993
Blocks: 154414
No longer depends on: 154414
Depends on: 167022
Depends on: 167041
Depends on: 167207
Using the 2002090608 installer build on WinNT, type ahead find was downloaded but not automatically installed. I could make it work by manually extracting and installing the required files from the XPI. Has somebody else seen this too? This isn't the intended behaviour, is it?
Yes, I should have mentioned that - it's corrected in installers starting on September 7.
this interferes with javascript shortcuts on pages like Is there a setting by which type ahead find is invoked only if I press a certain key before the search string. That is, can I set typeaheadfind so that it does a search for me only if I prepend the search string with either / (for text) or ' (for a link) Build: 20020907 OS: Win XP
Yes it's valid for a page to assign script functionality to the same keys typeaheadfind uses. These same pages would have a problem in IE Mac, which has a link find as you type feature as well. The web page should be able to call event.stopPropagation(), which will keep typeaheadfind from getting the keystroke. They'd also have to do this if they wanted to override what spacebar does - which tends to mean page down in most browsers. I'm definitely open to other suggestions about this problem.
One solution is to have, as Manoj suggests, a keystroke to start typeaheadfind. Once started, it would be a capturing listener, not a bubbling listener, and would cancel the events itself. This would prevent unwanted interaction with the page's JS..
Couldn't we get rid of the find in page dialog? Ctrl-F could bring a toolbar in the content area that would offer the same typeahead find functionality as in mail/news and adressbook
Depends on: 167783
Depends on: 166791
Depends on: 167921
Depends on: 168018
Depends on: 168084
Using Mozilla build 2002-09-09-08-trunk, I verified that type ahead works with Simplified Chinese, English, German, Spanish and French keyboard layouts. However, it does not work with Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Specifically, when Rui and I try to enter some Japanese characters on the Yahoo Japan homepage (, nothing happens. We do not get any kind of error messages in the status bar saying word not found, etc. It's as if we never typed anything. In contrast, we get visual feedback (characters are displayed on the top left corner of the page) when we search for Simplified Chinese links. Japanese search does not work even under Japanese XP. An interesting problem we noticed was that although nothing seems to happen when we enter some characters, if we then click in a textfield and attempt to enter more characters inside that field the characters we entered previously suddenly appear inside the field. Delete does not work in the textfield as expected after the reappearance, as it somehow introduces more characters into the textfield.
Type ahead does not work at all for me and never did! What am I doing wrong? I was always downloading the latest nightly builds, but it never worked there and today I download 1.2a release and it doesn't work either. Hello? What's going on here? I was trying to add user_pref ("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); to my prefs.js, but it's removed at once when I start up Mozilla and it does nothing in my user.js file either. I'm using Win98. Also have you considered, that HTML4 allows you to give a link (ANCHOR tag) a quick key (a so called accesskey). To quote from the original HTML4 specification: *********************** This attribute assigns an access key to an element. An access key is a single character from the document character set. Note. Authors should consider the input method of the expected reader when specifying an accesskey. Pressing an access key assigned to an element gives focus to the element. The action that occurs when an element receives focus depends on the element. For example, when a user activates a link defined by the A element, the user agent generally follows the link. When a user activates a radio button, the user agent changes the value of the radio button. When the user activates a text field, it allows input, etc. *********************** Actually Mozilla should rather implement that than a type-ahead find. Such a find should only be done like in text editors: Via an access key. And not via a normal key, as such a key could always be used as access key on a HTML page, but via a combination of a key and a control key. E.g. CTRL+F doesn't turn up a search dialog, but just puts focus on a type-ahead search line.
> but it's removed at once when I start up Mozilla Sounds like you use quicklaunch and edit while Mozilla is running. > Also have you considered, Yes. > Mozilla should rather implement that Mozilla has implemented that for a good while now. At least a year, probably more. It's alt-key (since ctrl-key is used for browser keyboard shortcuts). See also comment 117 through comment 119 in this very bug.
> Sounds like you use quicklaunch and edit while Mozilla is running. I never run quicklaunch and I certainly don't edit the file while Mozilla is running. Despite that release note of 1.2a says it's enabled by default, isn't it? It simply doesn't work for me and never did since it was added to the trunk. >> Mozilla should rather implement that > > Mozilla has implemented that for a good while now. At least a year, probably > more. It's alt-key (since ctrl-key is used for browser keyboard shortcuts). > See also comment 117 through comment 119 in this very bug. The Alt-key can't be used for that purpose in practice, it's already used for the menus. E.g. if I hit ALT+E the Edit menu opens. If I hit ALT+F, the file menu opens. This is BTW like all Windows application works (pressing only ALT => focus menu and allow it to navigate with arrow keys; pressing ALT and a letter, open the menu that starts with that letter). But this means that F, E, V, G, B, T, W, H, D and Q can't be used anymore as accesskey.
Maybe you should try it or something, huh? If you have an "f" accesskey defined in the page, Alt-f will trigger the accesskey instead of opening the menu. This is a much better alternative than having no good way to trigger the Find dialog, and the menu is accessible as "alt f" (press alt, release, press f).
> If you have an "f" accesskey defined in the page, Alt-f will trigger the > accesskey instead of opening the menu. Which means Mozilla behaves differently than any other Windows application there is, including Java application when getting executed on a Windows platform. People that are used to access menus via quick-key navigation will not be happy to be taken somewhere when they click ALT+E to access the edit menu. Especially ALT+W is popular, because it's used by all applications that have a Window menu. But still, I don't know of any text editor that has type-ahead for any letter you type. How does it work in EMACS (which is mentioned hundreds of times here)? AFAIK you first have to "start" an I-Search (that's how it is called, right?). I see no reason why this should be different in Mozilla. Another issue is that I'm against adding any functionality that you can't disable and NO, modifying JS files by hand does not count here. If it is a preference, it must have an entry in the preferences menu. E.g. I'm using mouse gestures in Mozilla and it creates a new tab in the preferences. As long as a feature has no preference entry to disable it, it's not ready to be included in the default build. And finally, the question remains whether it actually is in the default build, because on my system it doesn't exist, neither with the nightly build of today, nor with 1.2a.
Depends on: 168135
> But still, I don't know of any text editor that has type-ahead > for any letter you type. ...and that's good because in a text *editor* you are supposed to *enter* text above all. No use in continually searching around. In a browser there are only text fields for entering etc. and these only get text when they are focused, anyway. > I never run quicklaunch and I certainly don't edit the file > while Mozilla is running. Well, it works here with trunk build 2002091108. Maybe try again with user.js and a complete restart of windows (to make sure mozilla was shut down). Then click somewhere on a html page and start typing. Watch your status bar.
> Which means Mozilla behaves differently than any other Windows application > there is except, for example, Internet Explorer, which behaves exactly the same way - access keys on the page are supposed to override the standard functions. try visiting with IE and mozilla. > But still, I don't know of any text editor that has type-ahead for any letter > you type. How does it work in EMACS (which is mentioned hundreds of times here)? > AFAIK you first have to "start" an I-Search (that's how it is called, right?). I > see no reason why this should be different in Mozilla. if you've got a specific reason why it shouldn't, file a bug on it. > Another issue is that I'm against adding any functionality that you can't disable [without a pref] I'm not sure it's such a great idea either, but whether we're against it or not isn't relevant (and bugzilla comments certainly aren't the place to discuss all this) > And finally, the question remains whether it actually is in the default build it is. works fine for me. maybe something got screwed up in your install - try uninstalling, deleting your mozilla folder, and reinstalling? (and no this isn't acceptable in general, but we're using alpha builds here)
Hi, I've a lot of links in my personal toolbar folder. I want to access them with a shortcut too but didn't find anyone yet. What about Type Ahead for my personal toolbar? Probably with another leading character or just always. Keep up good work! Stephan
Can we get this same behavior for <select> boxes? Currently, select boxes will jump to the first selection that starts with the character you type. If you type the same character multiple times, it will cycle through all of the entries that start with that character. What is missing is matching on the first N characters, instead of only the first character. I like the type-ahead behavior better, and why not make the behavior consistent between the two?
Brad Garcia: See bug 79035 for "[RFE] Autocomplete for drop-down boxes"
> I've a lot of links in my personal toolbar folder. I want to access them with a > shortcut too but didn't find anyone yet. What about Type Ahead for my personal > toolbar? Probably with another leading character or just always. Try Alt+B P and then the first letter of the bookmark. You can also repeat the first letter to iterate through items that start with that letter. If there's only 1 item that starts with that letter, it will just activate the bookmark. Otherwise it will wait for Enter.
Blocks: 168281
Blocks: 168286
Blocks: 168289
>> But still, I don't know of any text editor that has type-ahead >> for any letter you type. > > ...and that's good because in a text *editor* you are supposed to *enter* text > above all. No use in continually searching around. > In a browser there are only text fields for entering etc. and these only get > text when they are focused, anyway. But Mozilla has editors (webpage composer, mail & news composer), so if I want to have the isearch there, I first have to press some shortcut to enable it. I think such a new feature should work everywhere in Mozilla (XP feature) and it should work everywhere the same, as otherwise users using it mainly in the mail composer will wonder why it doesn't work the same way in the browser and people using it mainly on webpages will not know how they could do it in an editor window. CTRL+F is always CTRL+F and always works the same in way, doesn't it? It's important that one and the same application doesn't work differently in different windows. > works fine for me. maybe something got screwed up in your install - try > uninstalling, deleting your mozilla folder, and reinstalling? I'm not a Mozilla newbie, I used already Mozilla before version 0.6 (and always nightly builds); I know when Mozilla is loaded in my memory or running and when not. > (and no this isn't acceptable in general, but we're using alpha builds here) An alpha release of a software means all features have already been implemented the way they are supposed to be in the release version (so if iserch shall have a preference in 1.2 release, it already should have a preference in 1.2a). Alpha only means that the build is not guaranteed to be stable or to be used by public, but only by testers. Beta is the same as alpha, but means that meanwhile a level of stability has been reached, that means now everyone can test it. You don't add/remove features or alter the GUI of an application between alpha, beta, RC and final release. You only fix bugs and make sure everything is working like supposed to be working. And isearch is not working for me. You make a handstand if you like and dance the happy dance, but when I say it is not working (not at all), it is not working and there is absolutely nothing at the status bar.
Okay, that explains everything. Why is type-ahead finding a component? That makes no sense to me. For me it's just a browser or XP feature. Oh and if it already is a component, just like PSM is installed if you select browser only, type-adhead find should of course be installed, too, as it's part of the browser functionality (just like PSM). And the status bar still doesn't do anything, in case it is supposed to do something. Mozilla jumps to the typed text, but there is nothing in the status bar. There's always "Done" in my status bar. (and I have enabledt to allow JavaScript to alter it, although usually I don't do so). I also don't understand why this isearch is included as a component in the default browser install, but one still has to download mouse gestures from Mozdev as browser add-on, even though people have requested mouse gesture in Mozilla long before the idea to implement isearch has even existed and the idea to add this to Mozilla was knocked down at once. Even though it's a much cleaner feature, as it does not need native code (it's plain XUL/JavaScript), but it would be working much better in native code. I still think i-search should be started only by a CTRL+ or so combination in such a way, that it can be implemented into HTML and news/mail composer, too. So that you can start such a search _all over_ Mozilla's comoponents in the same way.
Pretty much everything in mozilla is a component, that's how we do things in Mozilla...
What tgos means is that Typeaheadfind has its own checkbox during install. It should really just be part of browser.xpi, instead of it's own xpi. That's going to get fixed, see bug 166712. It was good that way at first because we're moving forward cautiously. It still does need to be a separate .dll/.so component because some embeddors might not want it. Tgos, if you have more problems just email me separately instead of venting your frustration here. We'll file more bugs if necessary.
Why does Type Ahead Find have to beep when no links are found? This is really annoying, especcialy when you are surfing while listenoing to music, in a library, in clas etc... There should at least be some way to turn the beeping off. Thanks.
The system poing really is annoying isn't it? For now you might consider changing it to something more pleasant. Thanks for the feedback, we're going to take a look at what prefs we want to expose. If you want to file a bug to add a setting for this that would be great.
> For now you might consider changing it to something more pleasant. This is _really_ not an option in a public environment such as a library. The machines tend to be locked down, you know. ;) Such installations will definitely want to configure this sound off in Mozilla...
Depends on: 168408
Depends on: 168634
No longer blocks: 168281, 168286, 168289
Depends on: 168281, 168286, 168289
I'm having lots of trouble with Ctrl+G (and Ctrl+Shift+G) auto-wrapping - unless I keep my eye on the scrollbar I don't know it's happened, and I've been known to search through a document several times before I've realised I've done so. Can we implement wrapping similar to emacs - first attempt fails with a beep, pressing Ctrl(+Shift)+G again will wrap to top (bottom)? Computers in quiet places should be configured at an OS/hardware level to never make a sound (why should they have sound cards/speakers?) so please keep the beep on error!
Depends on: 168824
Depends on: 169169
Note: Mac build files have been checked in as per bug 165632. Mac build help appears to no longer be required. "To Be Done" on should be modified to state that this has already been done, so no one else wastes their time providing this redundant assistance (as I just did...)
Depends on: 169489
Depends on: 169490
Maybe allow "pop out" of a form field focus with a keystroke; this would be nice on pages such as Google where JavaScript is used to set the focus to a text field upon page load. Maybe the user could press the Escape key to remove the focus from the form field, then the user could do type-ahead find.
> Maybe allow "pop out" of a form field focus with a keystroke; this would be nice > on pages such as Google where JavaScript is used to set the focus to a text Interesting idea. I know Opera has a similar key because of all their single keystroke commands (maybe it's f8, I can'r recall). Anyway, I don't think it's so useful, because you can just press Tab to get to the next non-text field/combo box. Usually would take more than 1 tab.
Depends on: 169821
Depends on: 169827
It would be nice to have a way to toggle between frames. i.e. Javadoc and other online documentation. Regards, Raymond Doran
I am having problems with Ctrl-G on a particular page. This is pretty much the only page I do typeaheadfind searches on so I am not sure how widespread the problem is. The page is: (note: it redirects to a different page, but that one has a numeric url so I didn't want to post it here). I search for "words of". When I use regular find, I find the 6 occurrences very nicely. When I use typeaheadfind, I find the first one just fine, but then as I hit Ctrl-G, the next occurrence flashes on the screen and then the page rewinds to the top of the section it is in. The only time that doesn't happen is for the only section in which the text occurs twice. Is this the right place to enter comments like this? Can anyone confirm? I downloaded the latest nightly (2002092408) and it is still happening with it.
The right place to enter bug reports for type ahead find is to create new bugs, under the "Keyboard navigation" component, with bug 30088 as a blocker and the name typeaheadfind somewhere in the title. Leo, I tried that page you mentioned as a test case. First, it's important to say this bug appears only in "text only" mode. Second, I did experience this problem when searching for just "words" in regular find, with wrap around = true. It does seem to be something specific to the page. Please file a bug so someone can investigate it more. Thanks!
Spam: Adding Type Ahead bugs that did not include this bug as a blocker.
Depends on: 164928, 166574, 167786, 168406, 168862
Depends on: 170820
Here's a suggestion: How about a pattern that would go to the next form element. This would really make Moz completely mouseless-browsable, IMHO. Say you're navigating with type-ahead and then you get to a page that's CGI generated and the author has say three SUBMIT buttons with names 'aardvark', 'juniper', 'zebra'. It would be nice to toggle into a 'form element mode' and then i could type 'zebra' and be popped to that button, hit enter and sumbit that value. Moz would be fast unsurpassed chillin and killin at that point. steven
Depends on: 170837
sgharms: that's already the way it work, at least for me on linux. The caret doesn't show up when I tab to the first form element, but there's another bug on that (I think there's a patch about to go in).
Depends on: 171079
Depends on: 170921
No longer depends on: 170921
Depends on: 171237
Depends on: 171164
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Depends on: 172829
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this feature just makes me want to use mozilla like vim and less. comment 93, 95-6, and comment 121 all discuss some of vim's features. i would like to see even more... like the aforementioned highlighting all hits, g for top (home), G for bottom (end), / for search, ? for reverse search, (something else for links search?) n for next hit (ctrl+g), N for previous hit (shift+ctrl+g), h=left, j=down, k=up, l=right and all the other applicable ones that i have yet to learn ...this could even be taken to an extreme: textboxes with full vim support but full textbox vim support should be its own enhancement req bug and further down the road.
n for next hit (ctrl+g), N for previous hit Wouldn't this conflict with adding an "n" to your search?
> Wouldn't this conflict with adding an "n" to your search? yes under the current system. i think we should have something more like vim/less: search starts when you press "/" (typeahead working as it currently does) and you (optionally) end it with enter. as it currently stands, i cannot start a new search without waiting 3 seconds for the current search to time out. if i want to search for "vim" i will type "/vim<enter>" and then i would use "n" and "N" to jump between hits. this means we would need to invent a search starter for 'search links only.' on that note, the Find dialog needs a checkbox for 'search links only' to match this feature.
The typeaheadfind docs are here: "To cancel a find, change focus or scroll, press Escape, or wait for the timeout"
> on that note, the Find dialog needs a checkbox for 'search links only' to match > this feature. No, it doesn't.
>this means we would need to invent a search starter for 'search links only.' We already have one. If the prefs are set to search all text, pressing ' will search for links. >>on that note, the Find dialog needs a checkbox for 'search links only' to match >>this feature. >No, it doesn't. All Type Ahead settings are handled in prefs.js. From what I have deduced, Type Ahead and the normal find systems are designed to be as seperate as possible.
Depends on: 173973
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Summary: [RFE] Incremental find (like Emacs isearch) (type ahead find) → Incremental find (like Emacs isearch) (type ahead find)
Depends on: 175046
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Depends on: 175807
A couple of things: 1. It's very easy to accidentally start an incremental search. This can be annoying, especially if you're half way through a long page & unintentionally jump to another part of the document. I think it is likely to confuse users who don't know about this feature. Maybe the search should only be started by ' or /, not by an arbitrary key-press. This would make it harder to initiate by accident, but still leave the feature easy to access. 2. In emacs, I can do the following: + after an isearch, go back to where I was before the search (C-x C-x in emacs). + during an isearch, cancel the search and go back to where I was in the page before the search (C-g in emacs). This is useful if you are reading somewhere in the middle of a long document, but wish to temporarily refer to another part of the document (use isearch), and then return to where you left of reading. 3. isearch-backwards would be nice. Maybe ? (Shift+/) and " (Shift+') could initiate these?
3. isearch-backwards would be nice. Maybe ? (Shift+/) and " (Shift+') could initiate these? When I typed up the docs, I have heard that it works like this. First, a visible match is searched for, then one below the position, and one above. See bug #170561 comment #25 for more.
Depends on: 175944
First of all: Wow! I've been using typeahead find since it's first inception, and I love it. I can't count the times that I've been stuck in front of internet explorer, start typing, then scratch my head as to why it's not working. For me anyway, typeahead find is how I browse, having to use the rodent really annoys me now. That said, I think there is still plenty of room for improvement. I've seen a few comments on reverse search.. I really like this feature in emacs, and see no reason that it can't be implemented here. Right now ctrl-g does a find-next.. I think it would be really cool if ctrl-shift-g did a find- next-backwards. The second feature that I would really like to see is the ability to use typeahead find to select buttons. If that happened, there would be almost no reason left to use the mouse. Perhaps another prefix character like '.' or ';' would mean select only input items. Or perhaps a new paradigm should be used for input controls. Consider this: I load a page with a bunch of text, but the reason that I'm on this page is that there is a form I need to fill out somewhere (like a logon form, or a search box). In the old off-line world, filling out forms was easy, you just hit tab and or shift-tab to jump between elements of a form. You can still do this today, but all to often, you need to get to the form first, and this requires the mouse, as the tab key will cycle through far too many links and other widgets first. So here are a couple of ideas: - Assign a key to find the next input element on the bage, and one to go back to the last input element on the page. Similar to tab and shift-tab in the off line world. - Assume that once the cursor is within a form, that tab and shift-tab will be sufficient to navigate around the form. Therefore some key to jump to the first input element of the first form would be really helpfull. Hitting the key again will skip to first input element of the next form, etc... Just some ideas.. Keep up the great work, you all have revolutionized the way (and especially the speed) that I browse the web. Thank you all!
geoffrey (re comment 246): bug 158757 already deals with searching button text (perhaps we could expand it to include other form parts, like selects?) backwards search already exists, see the docs: a quote: "Press Accel+Shift+G or Shift+F3 to find previous, with the current string you've typed." the others are suggesting ways to do the _initial_ search backwards (and reverse which way 'previous' and 'next' point), not a repeat search.
[The release notes said I should post RFEs here. Someone might have already mentioned this; I don't want to read through all 247 previous entries...] I think it is a *big* mistake to start the links search by default whenever any key is typed. There ought to be a specific search command key that you have to type first. Like / to find any text or ' to find link text. That is, you should be requied to type one of these characters to initiate a search. The reason is that starting a search by default takes away all other single-key keyboard command possibilities. type-ahead find is a very cool feature, but it is not the only cool feature that could benefit from this kind of direct access to the keyboard. For example, I'd really love to be able to type g (for 'go') and then just type in a URL, without having to transfer focus to the location bar. And I'd like to be able to bind s (for Search) to do a google search on whatever text I type after it. The type ahead find mechanism has so much other potential! Even emacs isearch requires you to type Ctrl-S to initiate the search. Don't mess things up by starting the searches by default. Please! David Flanagan
I absolutely agree with David Flanagan's comment #248. Type ahead find is a great feature, but I causes problems to no end with Ctrl-L focusing the address bar. OFTEN I will use Ctrl-L to goto an address, but type ahead find is stealing keystrokes to search the page. I used to be able to work around this by pressing Ctrl-Tab when this happened, but the super lame "Ctrl-Tab switches tabs" ruined that. I'd much prefer an option to REQUIRE either / or ' be pressed before type ahead find would be activated. Hope this makes sense.
I'm considering that perhaps typeaheadfind should require a keystroke to start it. However, I don't understand how it could interfere with Accel+L to focus the location bar -- it shouldnt' affect that at all.
Filed RFE bug 176296 for adding perf to Type Ahead.
Depends on: 176296
i also think isearching should require an initiating keystroke. typeaheadfind is a really useful feature, but as mentioned in the last few comments, using it for ALL keystrokes limits future keyboard-based enhancements. i refer you to my comment 238, which argues for shortcuts similar to those of less, man pages, and vim: / for search, ' for search links, ? for reverse-search, " for reverse-search links, n for find next, N for find previous, f for page down, b for page up, g for top, G for bottom, j for down one line, k for up one line, h for left, l for right and maybe comma and period to switch focus between entry boxes (text, select, check/radio) (i want the link cycle to differ from the entry cycle, but this will break the html standards, )
In response to comment 250, I think that issue might be more with a 'recently' (during the last two months or so) introduced slowness with the location bar picking up input. I personally don't see it with ctrl-l, but if I do ctrl-t and start typing immediately, the first few characters won't show up in the location bar, but instead will do a type ahead find on the previous page. (I'm sure there's a seperate bug on this out there, but have been too lazy so far to query for it.) Having said that, I'd still be in favor of a required character to start the search. (I hardly ever search links anyway - only text.) The suggestions in comment 252 sound good to me, though I don't know we'd need all of them.
Depends on: 176602
I just filed bug 176602, to make the typeheadfind beep less annoying. Seeking feedback in the bug.
Depends on: 176605
Depends on: 176747
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I'm having trouble with the backspace key to edit my search pattern -- I keep backspacing too much and then blinking in surprise as the page changes to the previous one. This seems like an uncomfortable overloading.... Bug #177005
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Depends on: 177242
How about Accel+f starting typeahead search & Accel+Shift+f opening the find dialog? After Accel+f, one can start all-text-search with /, only-links-search with ', one of which could be made default (there must be a pref). The find dialog can have a checkbox for incremental search [ & of course regexp, etc. :-) down the line ] in Mozilla 1.3+ at least. I chose Accel-f for typeahead as less keys pressed must imply less changes in the view (no dialog boxes). Probably we can switch the two or have a pref for switching the two. And of course for Aaron's sake have a pref for not requiring to type Accel-(shift-)?f for typeahead [Everyone else seems to like a key for starting typeahead]. BTW there are many features users aren't exposed to. I just read what ctrl-l is supposed to do [comment 249]
Depends on: 172283
I have nothing against an accel+key combination to start an incsearch, but I think that pressing Accel + f and then pressing '/' just to start a text serach is a bit excesive.
Padmanabhan - see what i posted in bug 169489 comment 10; we could have these options in the preferences: (*) require manual initiation of isearches ( ) default isearch in links mode ( ) default isearch in text mode [ ] ctrl + [ ] alt + __ isearch (leave blank for always on), then... __ begin isearch of links __ begin reversed isearch of links __ begin isearch of all text __ begin reversed isearch of text note: above entries are CASE SENSITIVE
Personally, I dislike any Accel+ combinations. Type Ahead, the way I see it, is search simplified. You press one button (at *most*), and type what you look for. It finds it. Or it dosen't. I don't want to have to hit Accel+F, ', and then type "Owen" to find my name linked on this page. At *most*, I want to type "'Owen". Now, I would accept it a bit more if the Accel+F spawned a dialog box that I type my query in. Oh wait... it's called normal find.... Remember that Type Ahead was created for reasons of accessibility. It was also made to be convienent and simple. It shouldn't be cluttered up by Accel keystrokes. Also remember that we can't have UI's for *everything*. A Type Ahead find UI defeats the purpose. My $0.02 : Give us a pref that allows us to force the start of Type Ahead (using either / for fulltext, or ' for links), a la bug 176296. Make keystrokes required by default. Document this feature well. And let that be the end of it ;)
All it needs now is an option to switch it off in preferences....
Depends on: 178305
Depends on: 177493
Hi. I must say I really like this cute feature. I was hoping to suggest one more thing. When a person is browsing thru a big page, such as this page itself (, and he/she is reading the middle of the document, say after 5 page downs - if the person likes to visit a particular hyperlink then it would be wise to use type ahead only for the part of the document which is currently visible. I am not sure how much of this I have been to explain properly but let me try and give you an example. Say your current window shows the -- Additional Comment #78 From Ian 'Hixie' Hickson 2002-07-15 07:32 - on the top of the window (you are on the 25th page of this document and you want to visit the link named bug 105565. So you type 105565. Now according to the current behaviour as soon as I type 1 the browser takes me to the top of the page. The same thing happens when I type 'bug...'. A bit annoying. Is there a way to tell mozilla to search for the current set of visible links only. Ofcourse! this behaviour will be nice only when linksonly is turned on.
Navin, Typeaheadfind is supposed to prefer a visible match on the current page, and only go back to the top to search the whole page if it couldn't find something visible. If you're experiencing something different, file a new bug with a reproducable test case. Mark it dependent on this bug (30088) and use the Keyboard Navigation component.
Apologies if this has been aired already ... When people do a 'type ahead find' for a single letter, say, and the thing identifies a link from this: it works really neatly if the page happens to have an a to z listing at its top - you can quickly step through the a to z pages: It does depend on actually following the link though - a second 'type ahead find' for a fresh letter on the same page restarts searching the page from the 'position' of the previous successful 'find'. Would it be better if all type ahead finds started from the top of the page perhaps? Just a thought.
Depends on: 179218
I still think we need one more improvement to Typeahead find to make it the mouse-killer that it has started to become. We need a way to navigate directly to forms on a page. Typeahead find has no way of jumping directly to buttons or text fields. Currently you can hit / to search within the text of a page, or ' to search only links. I propose that [ would navigate to the first input field of the first form on the page, hiting it again would navigate to the first input field of the second form on the page, etc.. Once focus is within a form, tab and shift-tab work find for navigation. Either ']' or Shift-'[' ('{') would work well for navigating to the last form on the page. The typeahead scoping rules would work great here, first look at the visible page, then below, then above. Once again, I love Typeahead find, it has revolutionized my browsing experience. :) Thank you.
Just checked in bug 177602 -- the sound should be much less annoying now. Sound is turned off by default in Linux for now, because it needs more testing and work there: bug 179138 - nsSound::Play doesn't doesn't work in Linux bug 110385 - sound should be asynchronous in Linux). Here's the pref to turn sound on: user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", true); or to turn it off: user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", false); The next steps will probably be to add a pref for requiring a prefix character to start typeaheadfind, and then to expose all the important prefs.
But it does still beep, instead of doing nothing at all, I hope?
Now that this issue is basically complete, I would like to refer people to an even more key issue which I see is somewhat addressed by bug 95748. This is the context of the found bookmarks. People often need to know where in their bookmark folder structure that the found bookmark resides, so that their future use of the bookmark will be faster than conducting a search. These floating bookmarks make me dizzy! Maybe it's old age, but I sometimes forget where I've placed bookmarks. I have looked around, but that bug 95748 is currently the one I see is trying to address this issue, but is getting little attention. It is of key importance to have a search feature that does the basic function that Netscape 4 could do. Since there are so many people following this bug, I thought I'd take advantage of the momentum on bookmarks right now.
Hi Aaron (and others) Please refer to my comment #261 and your reply on comment 262. I agree now that the typeahead find works for links which are currently visible on the browser's view - I had to tweak my prefs a bit. My prefs are listed below user_pref ("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.startlinksonly", true); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 3000); Now, there is a minor enhancement which will make this set real good. Please consider this... You are on and on the third page. You like a link and navigate to it using typeahead or the mouse. You open the link in a new window (via control+enter or middle click). Notice that the link has the focus for the keyboard navigation. So if I press tab I will be taken to the next link. Do not change the focus of the page - I mean do not change tabs yet. Ok, now you press page-down twice to come to the fifth page of Try and press a key for a link on that page. According to the current behaviour the link finding code will search *after* the current focused link. So, chances are, that you will end up in some other link - rather than the link you wanted to go to. Consider a different situation. You visit a link (open a link in the background) on the fifth page and press page-up to come to the second page. you like another link and try to navigate to it. But now the search is carried on from down below to the end of the page and then wrapped to the top bec' the focus was on a link on the fifth page. Do avoid this I have to loose the focus on the link somehow. I press escape to 'unhighlight the find' and to loose focus from the link I switch tabs back and forth. The second way for me to loose focus on the link is to mouse-click on the page, i.e. click on a unclickable area. So I would like to suggest a feature and a *pref* for it - say user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linkFocusTimeout", 3000); user_pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linkFocusTimeoutEnabled", true); or something like that - which would help in loosing focus on the link so that the next find can occur from the current browser view. And if some people do not like it they can always turn off the 'blur' action. -Thanks. Navin.
Blocks: 180656
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Depends on: 180977
Thanks for bringing incremental search to Mozilla. I use it all the time in Emacs so I'm very excited about this! But would it be possible to change the keybindings, so that they match those of Emacs? I've never saved a webpage, so I don't want to have Ctrl-s reserved for that - I would rather have it activate isearch like in Emacs. Is this possible in Mozilla?
typeaheadfind does not appear to work on either of the OS9.2.2 macs on my desk... one never had Mozilla installed, the other usually has the latest stable version, neither of them have typeaheadfind functionality. Prefs are set to default (true) and Mozilla 1.2release has been re-installed a few times to no avail. BTW typeaheadfind didn't work on this mac under 1.2beta either - although I did get some green highlighting on the test page ONCE. I know how to work it, I use it on my Win32 version at home all the time... the installer only put in a .shlb file for typeaheadfind, should there be more files (a .xpt?) as alluded to in the manual uninstall method ("find all files in your installation subdirectories that match *typeaheadfind*, and delete those files")?
MacOS9.0.4 Moz1.2 milestone release, typeahead doesn't work here either. Doesn't work with an existing profile, or with a new profile. Didn't try throwing everything out yet.
This feature is great, but obviously falls down on image menubars. I think better functionality would be if it also scanned the alt_text for images which are also links. Thanks, -Tennessee
Depends on: 182513
It would be nice to prefer links that have the "rel" attributes. I'm thinking especially about GNU documentation generated from texinfo source using makeinfo --html. For an example, see The GNU info program and emacs info mmode allows you to get to the next page in the logical document sequence using an 'n' key, the previous page in the document using the 'p' key, and the "outer" page in the document hierarchy using the 'u' key. This of course conflicts with type-ahead find, but it would be nice to define a short (one or two key-stroke) command sequence that is consistent. (I.e. the same command should work on *all* pages that have a rel="next" link, though I don't care if there is ambiguity with pages that have some short one-character link text.), I think those link features would be bug 102992 and bug 102909 (bug 141989), pretty much.
I'm comming a little late to this party - but hey Typeahead find really rocks. For the record I'm using Phoenix 0.4 so some of this may not apply. The Shift+Ctrl+G does not seem to step back through the document as I would have expected. Could we make the frame focus follow the mouse cursor location? Kinda like it does for the scroll wheel? This would make it quicker to search in a framed document. Keep up the good work.
Navin makes a good point about focused link location. I would like to have a key I can press that focuses the text directly under the mouse cursor (or if that is off mozilla focuses the text in the middle of the screen). This way we can ensure that the searching starts from the point we expected it to without to much difficulty.
Typeaheadfind now working on this mac under Mozilla 1.2.1 - however it wasn't working on 1.2.1 yesterday... weird and transitory but I'm just happy to have it working now.
hey, mb a bad Q, but i cannot determine how to open links in a new tab using TAF... sry if this is answered somewhere, but i've searched the site and this 'bug' and haven't yet figured it out/found it.... someone on this page suggested "ctrl-shift-enter" [ comment #80 ], but that just gets me a new window.... my semi-methodical/semi-random-button-mashing has yet to succeed either... can it be done? i luv tabs... i would luv TAF w/ tabs... :) tx IA...
Depends on: 183998
CTRL Enter works for me (1.2.1) - opens the type ahead find link in a new tab. I have the 'Ctrl enter in URL bar opens links in new tab' set in the tabs pref panel, so perhaps that is required?
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A very desirable feature would search restricted to the currently focused frame. Comment #232 also states this. I too encountered this need on a javadoc page.
No longer depends on: 175807
in ref to: Comment #279 i checked the check-box, closed MO, killed the quicklaunch daemon, restarted MO, and ctrl-enter still gives me a new window w/ TAF... i am using 1.2.1 on win2k... perhaps relevant, i have Mouse Gestures installed.... anyone else experience a similar problem? my poor tabs :(
Depends on: 185824
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Depends on: 173606
Typeahead Find doesn't seem to behave nicely on the Sun Java API pages (the frames-based pages). See There seem to be a couple of problems. First, the sheer size of the page makes typeahead find slow at times. This is understandable, since it is searching the whole page (or, rather, nslFind is). However, the other, big problem that urks me is that, if I start typing a string, say "StackTraceElement", typeahead find will start searching for "St", then restart with "a" then "c" then maybe "ktr"... you seem what I mean. For some reason, the find doesn't realize that I want all those characters to be part of a single search. Is this a known bug, or is there just a pref I need to adjust to fix this?
Brett, the problems with the javadoc pages is filed as bug 185824.
Component: XP Apps → Keyboard: Find as you Type
I need to support comments 250 and 252, etc. It should at least be /possible/ to require a keystroke to initiate any kind of typeahead. Otherwise, vi-style navigation becomes impossible.
Ricardo, you will get that when the patches for bug 169489 and bug 176296 get reviewed and checked in. I expect that to happen before the end of the month.
Spam: This bug has been fixed. As we have a new Find As You Type component, a meta bug is no longer needed. All of the documentation we have to this point refers to the component, and not the meta bug. I am resolving this bug as FIXED. Any future issues should be filed as seperate bugs. See bug #190872 and Find As You Type documentation for new guidelines for filing new Find As You Type bugs.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
and *zap*
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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