For users with Visually-Induced Dizziness, there is no longer any accessible Print Dialogue in Thunderbird
(Thunderbird :: Disability Access, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: erwinm, Unassigned)
(Keywords: regression)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:95.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0
Steps to reproduce:
Slipped up and let Thunderbird update.
Attempted to print.
Actual results:
- Got hit with new print modal, got migraine.
Expected results:
- Thunderbird should allow printing using the system dialogue, or another print dialogue, instead of the modal.
Regressed by bug 1711822
Related bug 1712104
Older bugs on the same issue 1713540 which was merged into 1692100 which was mistakenly closed with 1723989 which was another accessibility bug with other animation in the new modal print dialogues.
The issue is that 1. it's hard to keep the modal from scrolling, and 2. it scrolls separately from the rest of the window, which 3. triggers migraines.
Updated•3 years ago
Comment 2•3 years ago
Bug 1712104 will add the preference to use system print dialog.
The issue is that 1. it's hard to keep the modal from scrolling, and 2. it scrolls separately from the rest of the window, which 3. triggers migraines.
I'm not sure how you propose to solve that. Since there are more options than fit the screen vertically, it needs to be able to scroll.
Some options:
Renew support for the system print dialogues, such as before bug 1711822. One proposal for this is bug 1712104, or
Redesign the modal so that users can avoid accidental scrolling, and more easily use Page Down without encountering scrolling, and so there is a sharper edge between scrolling and non-scrolling elements, and/or
Give the modal its own tab.
In the modal, I get a large section for the pages to print, and it's hard to avoid scrolling this section. I also find Page Down goes about 7/8 of a page down. If there's not enough room to go a full page down, then 1/2 might be more practical. I also get a small sidebar, and it's hard to avoid scrolling that section too.
bug 1659085 changed modal scrolling, to make them easier to scroll, which may be why they're so hard to not accidentally scroll.
Comment 6•3 years ago
If the Firefox developers, who own this code, make improvements then we will pick them up. Until then, it's unlikely there will be any change to printing in Thunderbird. Direct your energy towards them and not us.
I can't mark duplicates, but bug 1712104 might cover this.
Comment 8•3 years ago
Ok, let's mark it.