Closed Bug 1795212 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Unified extension button panel obstructs add-on pop-ups


(WebExtensions :: General, defect, P2)

Firefox 107


(firefox105 unaffected, firefox106 unaffected, firefox107 disabled, firefox108 disabled, firefox109 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox105 --- unaffected
firefox106 --- unaffected
firefox107 --- disabled
firefox108 --- disabled
firefox109 --- fixed


(Reporter: acornestean, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [addons-jira])


(6 files)

Attached image 2022-10-14_09h46_20.png

Affected versions:
Nightly - 107.0a1/20221013224755

NoScript has a right click context menu option that, when selected, opens a pop-up anchored on the add-on toolbar icon.

With the unified extension button implementation, the NoScript context menu option is now also located in the menu that opens when clicking the gear button beside NoScript, in the unified extension button panel.

The issue is that, the unified extension button panel does not close when activating the NoScript pop-up , thus obstructing it and making it unusable.

The issue only occurs when the NoScript toolbar icon is present on the toolbar. If the add-on is removed from the toolbar and the above actions are performed, a new window pops up with what is supposed to be the add-on pop-up UI.

NoScript was the only extension I found to be affected by this after checking around 20 extensions.

For further details, see the attached screenshot.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install NoScript from
  2. Open the UEB (unified extension button) panel and identify the NoScript add-on entry
  3. Click the gear icon beside the NoScript entry. Notice that a menu opens with several options (NoScript/ Manage,Report,Remove)
  4. Click on the “NoScript” entry from the menu
  5. The NoScript pop-up opens underneath the UEB panel

The NoScript pop-up opens below the UEB panel and getting obstructed, as the UEB panel does not close upon the pop-up opening.

The UEB panel should close when the NoScript pop-up opens.


The issue can also be reproduced with any extension which opens a pop-up when clicking the toolbar icon via these steps:

  1. Install any extension matching the above criteria (Search by Image in the attached video)
  2. Open the UEB (unified extension button) panel
  3. Click the gear icon beside the extension to open the menu
  4. Click the extension toolbar icon
  5. Notice the gear menu closes, the extension pop-up opens, but the UEB panel is still displayed and it’s displayed on top of the extension pop-up
Attached video 2022-10-17_11h29_35.mp4
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P2
Whiteboard: [addons-jira]

Hey Alex, I have the feeling that this is no longer an issue in latest Nightly? (note that there is currently a second NoScript extension listed in the panel but it will be hidden when Bug 1799846 lands in Nightly).

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)

So as it stands right now with the latest Nightly (109.0a1/20221117093901), the following are happening:

  1. If the button is pinned to the toolbar (“Pin to Toolbar” option from the right click context menu is checked) then the original issue above still occurs, both the behavior from Comment 0 and Comment 1.

  2. If the button is not pinned to the toolbar and resides in the UEB panel:

  • indeed, a pair of the same add-on is displayed (one grayed out and one not)
  • in the particular case of NoScript, clicking “NoScript” from the gear context menu (of both entries of the add-on) will open the add-on pop-up and close the UEB panel
  • for Search by Image, there is no longer any button pinned to the toolbar so the issue cannot be reproduced anymore.

I’ll attach some videos to show what is happening.

As far as I could tell, the default behavior right now on Nightly, on add-on install, is to have them not pinned to toolbar and go by default in the UEB panel. So the issue should no longer be relevant given this. But it would still be a problem if the buttons are pinned to toolbar.

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)
Attached video pinned_to_toolbar.mp4

Ok, sorry. I should have been more clear. When the extension is pinned in the toolbar, it should no longer be listed in the panel, this was actually fixed in Bug 1799846.

Alex, can you please re-verify one more time with latest Nightly?

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)

So Bug 1799846 appears to have fixed all the issues.

See the attached video for more details. I’ll write the details here as well though.


  1. When it’s pinned to the toolbar, there is no NoScript entry in the UEB so the first part of the issue (Comment 0) cannot be triggered.
  2. When it’s not pinned to the toolbar, activating the context menu option opens the add-on pop-up and closes the UEB. So no more overlapping.

Search by Image

  1. When it’s pinned to the toolbar, as in the case of NoScript, there is no add-on entry in the UEB and thus the second part of the issue (Comment 1) cannot be triggered.
  2. When it’s not pinned to the toolbar, and since there is no longer a button pinned to the toolbar, the issue cannot be triggered.

What I did however see was that if you have some add-ons in the UEB and you pin them to the toolbar, the UEB remains open.
Once the last add-on has been pinned to the toolbar, since the UEB remains opened, it looks broken: the “Extensions” header remains, a few horizontal lines where the add-ons were and the “Manage Extensions” footer.

See the second video attachment.

Flags: needinfo?(acornestean)
Attached video 2022-11-18_15h54_02.mp4
Attached video 2022-11-18_16h05_48.mp4
Flags: needinfo?(wdurand)

What I did however see was that if you have some add-ons in the UEB and you pin them to the toolbar, the UEB remains open. Once the last add-on has been pinned to the toolbar, since the UEB remains opened, it looks broken: the “Extensions” header remains, a few horizontal lines where the add-ons were and the “Manage Extensions” footer.

I see. There is another variant:

  • install uBlock
  • move it to the panel if it is not already there
  • open the context menu (either with the menu button or context-click)
  • select "Block element"

The panel stays open. I am pretty sure this behavior exists in 108 and before, from the overflow panel.

Flags: needinfo?(wdurand)

Closing this bug as the issue is no longer reproducible on the latest Nightly due to Bug 1799846.

Filed Bug 1801318 for issue described in Comment 11 and Bug 1801321 for issue described in Comment 8.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

Since nightly and release are affected, beta will likely be affected too.
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

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