Closed Bug 1817673 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Spaces bar should be below the window bar


(Thunderbird :: Toolbars and Tabs, defect, P3)

Thunderbird 112


(thunderbird_esr102 unaffected, thunderbird110 wontfix, thunderbird111 wontfix, thunderbird112 affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr102 --- unaffected
thunderbird110 --- wontfix
thunderbird111 --- wontfix
thunderbird112 --- affected


(Reporter: NicolasWeb, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: ux-consistency, ux-natural-mapping, Whiteboard: [Supernova3p])


(1 file)

Steps to reproduce:

  • Open Thunderbird

Actual results:

  • The Spaces bar is sized from top to down of the window. (and then, on macOS, the Window's management buttons are on it's right side)

Expected results:

  • It should be like in TB 102, above the window title bar (and then, on macOS, under the Window's management buttons)

This is a regression : it's okay on TB 102, TB110b4.
It's related to the introduction of the Unified toolbar, so I reported it against that component.

I checked on UI/UX design mock-up : it should be like TB 102 on Thunderbird 114 - Unified Toolbar Design Mock-ups

Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression
Summary: Spaces bar should be above the window bar - macOS (All platform ?) → Spaces bar should be below the window bar
Whiteboard: [Supernova]

This was a conscious decision made to simplify the code and to follow a more consistent and expected flow.
Code simplicity
All other platforms have the spaces toolbar first, so creating a variation for macOS was creating unneded complexity.
Flow consistency
The "unified toolbar" belongs to a space, and it shows buttons based on that space, so in terms of reading flow and usage the correct path is "Space > Toolbar > Body".
This also follows the natural focus ring of the application.

We are aware that it's not visually consistent with the UI toolkit of macOS, and we're planning to explore a way to "make it look" as it was in 102, but it's not a priority for now, it doesn't create any real issue or bugs, so it's not a regression.

I'll leave this open with a low priority, but it's a potential wontfix.

Severity: -- → N/A
Keywords: regression
Priority: -- → P3

Thank you Alessandro for all your explanations.
I took note for the regression keyword for next reports, thanks. (I didn't knew exactly how it is interpreted by the team)

(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #2)

The "unified toolbar" belongs to a space, and it shows buttons based on that space, so in terms of reading flow and usage the correct path is "Space > Toolbar > Body".

Yep, definitely consistent. To me, the hierarchy is "Window > Content". And then in Content you have "Space > Toolbar > Body". That is why it looks inconsistent in macOS to me.

We are aware that it's not visually consistent with the UI toolkit of macOS, and we're planning to explore a way to "make it look" as it was in 102, but it's not a priority for now.

Yep, please, do the main, important and breaking parts and then explore a solution

A workaround 'solution' could be to have a First space placeholder with no button, same color & high as the window title. That way, the window buttons would be a bit too to the right, but all hierarchies would be visually consistent. (and I hope it's easy to implement)

We are aware that it's not visually consistent with the UI toolkit of macOS, and we're planning to explore a way to "make it look" as it was in 102

To be honest I think it looks great how it's currently implemented in Thunderbird Daily - and better as in Thunderbird 102. It gives the application a more modern, cleaner look. So I hope you keep it that way.

I won't say I hate it, but even with relative newcomer to Mac, it is jarring/inconsistent for the Mac UI.

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #6)

I won't say I hate it, but even with relative newcomer to Mac, it is jarring/inconsistent for the Mac UI.

That said, I no longer notice it at all.

See Also: → 1821630
See Also: → 1822991
Whiteboard: [Supernova] → [Supernova3p]

Making it behave as it was in 102 meant a lot of layout variations and complexity for a specific OS. We don't want to do that anymore and reduce maintenance burden.
You can enable the titlebar in macOS to get a more natural layout if the position of the spaces toolbar is not optimal for you.

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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