Closed Bug 1819442 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Firefox Eating all the RAM when I watch a utube video and move the browser around my desktop while the utube video is playing


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Firefox 110
Windows 11





(Reporter: aliabbasoneplus5t, Assigned: bradwerth)




(5 files, 1 obsolete file)

When I go to utube and watch a utube video and then move the browser around my screen the ram eventually fills up and then when I close the browser everything goes back to normal. Tested this on other browsers such as Google chrome, opera gx, microsoft edge and repeated the same steps and no issues whatsoever. I have attached a video showing the issue to my Google My Drive Please watch the video thank you.

Summary: Firefox Eating all the RAM when I watch a utube video and move the screen browser around my screen → Firefox Eating all the RAM when I watch a utube video and move the browser around my desktop while the utube video is playing

Moving this to Perf since I don't think it's specific to the address bar.

Component: Address Bar → Performance
Product: Firefox → Core

Testing on Windows 10 so far no issues, this seems like a Firefox and windows 11 issue

More testing, re installed windows 11 fully updated the computer and doing the same thing as shown in the video brings back the issue please help fix this issue, either it's windows doing something to Firefox since issue is not present in windows 10 or YouTube and Firefox on 11 has something extra that windows 10 does not.

Can you set gfx.webrender.compositor=false, restart Firefox and see if you can reproduce the issue?

Component: Performance → Graphics
Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

How do I do this, thank u

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

If you type "about:config" into the URL bar you'll be able to search for gfx.webrender.compositor and then toggle it

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

Thank u, I will test this later on the day, it's 2.33am here been testing all sorts for this issue since 8pm when I have had some sleep I will test this and get back to u. Thank u so much.

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

I thought what the hell let's get back up and test this and then go to bed, right after 30 mins of testing disabling that option u provided does not eat up all my ram as shown in the video I provided, but when I move the browser screen across my desktop when a video is playing the playback is really choppy and browser becomes irresponsive and I have to wait a while for it to get go back to normal, since the option u gave has something to with the graphics card, is there is issue with the GPU or is this a actual bug? Because I never had this issue before. I am now officially hitting the bed and hopefully ur response can shed some some light on what is happening here thank u

Hey mate, any update on this, I did further testing and the option u told me to turn of does solve the issue but when I move the browser across the screen it's very choppy and the playback freezes and I have to wait until the play back returns. Could u please tell me why this happing and what is the cause because I can replicate this on two ryzen PCs

Severity: -- → S2
Assignee: nobody → bwerth

Hi again, so I did more testing I enabled troubleshooting mode in Firefox which I am aware disables add ons and hardware acceleration. And I tested this for 40 plus mins and the issue did not occur so I then went back to the normal Firefox mode and disabled hardware acceleration, since I already tested firefox with my add ons disabled and the issue was still there, and with hardware acceleration off the issue was not present so why is this happening with hardware acceleration on? Why is a GPU feature in the Firefox browser eating all my ram when I move my browser across my desktop left and right continuously ? Any light u can shed on this will be great no other browser does this, I tested this on edge, chrome, opera gx and normal opera, brave, avast browser, and they are completely fine with hardware acceleration on, also tested this on another ryzen 7000 system and I can reproduce the issue, my specs are ryzen 7900x, Asus x670e mobo, 64gb 5200mhzt ram, rtx 3080, I sent a DM to someone on Reddit telling him my findings as he is also in this bug report he is yet to get back to me. I have ran memtest86, prime 95 full ftts, windows memory diagnostic tool all are saying my ram is fine, I then tested with a single stick of ram, and issue still remains only goes away if I disable hardware acceleration, did GPU stress tests such as furmark and again temps are fine and everything is well regarding gpu

This is certainly an issue with how Firefox is managing hardware acceleration on your graphics card, not a problem with your ram, nor with your graphics card, nor with other browsers running on your system. We'll figure it out and fix it. In the meanwhile, please make sure your graphics driver is updated. After you've done that, would you please...

  1. Navigate to "about:support"
  2. Click the "Copy text to clipboard" button near the top.
  3. Paste that text as a new attachment to this Bug.

This will get us started on trying to replicate your setup so we can see what Firefox is doing wrong.

Hi mate, thank u. Give me a few ticks. I formatted my nvme again, installed nothing just the OOBE experience of windows 11 and I am testing this issue a driver and update at a time. The thing is hardware acceleration works fine in other browsers just Firefox giving me a hard time haha. Thank u for the reply

Update: I formatted my nvme again, installed nothing just the OOBE experience and this issue is not present, I then installed all my CPU and chipset drivers all was fine upon testing I did but I will test further to see just in case if it's a windows update or a driver causing this which is conflicting with firefox please bare with me

I have a question, can older realtek drivers be the cause? I am still testing, I came across a thread where people had issues with a realtek driver, upon removing every instance of it fixed that issue I will try that and let u know but wanted to know how does a audio driver conflict with a GPU which makes a utube video consume all the ram?

Attached file About: support page

Right after updating audio drivers still the same, only at OOBE installing my CPU drivers everything is fine, soon as I fully update windows and install Firefox issue returns driver for GPU is up to date if u can please help me I would be ever grateful

Just wanted to add my Nvidia drivers are up to date. Again thank u for your help. I am trying everything to see what the cause is can't really put my finger on it.

Any update on this?

Not yet, still got to find a comparable setup and try to replicate.

I have an RTX 3080 machine (VR) and it is using the most current drivers (531.18) as of this entry. I also have the most current release version of Firefox (110.0.1).

I saw the behavior in the video, and tried it for myself. I spun the video playing for about 60 seconds. My RAM usage went from 4.3GB when I started the video to 4.8GB (peak). The usage dropped back to 4.3GB when I closed the browser window.

Thanks for the attempt repro, we'll keep looking. I'll see if there's any logging or something I can activate or add that will help the reporter reveal the issue directly. Actually, here's a thought. AliA88, would you please follow these steps?

  1. Launch Firefox and get it setup to replicate the issue, but don't trigger the issue yet.
  2. Open a new tab and navigate to "about:memory".
  3. Click the button "Measure and save..." at the top, and save the memory report somewhere you can find it again.
  4. Switch back to the other tab, replicate the issue.
  5. Return to the "about:memory" tab, click "Measure and save..." again and save the second memory report with a new name.
  6. Now click the "Load and diff..." button. In the first file browser dialog, choose the initial memory report. In the second file browser dialog, choose the second memory report.
  7. The page will display a bunch of text, starting with "Main Process". Copy all of that text, and upload it as a new attachment to this Bug. Some of this text will reveal private details of your browser setup, including things like which extensions you have installed, etc. Feel free to edit this text before posting to remove anything you don't want to share with us.

If you follow these steps, it will show us where the bloated memory is being held within Firefox, which might help us identify which part of our pipeline is failing.

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

Thank u, I will do, a question I need to ask, can audio drivers cause this? Additionally out of curiosity I purchased another motherboard it's a lower tier board then the one I got supports all the hardware I currently gave u such as ram, CPU, cooler ect.... So I am gonna test on this see if this works, the only difference this board has is the audio is using audio chipset driver whereas x670e hero uses usb drivers and after some more testing I found it could be either a windows update or the audio driver on the x670e let me test and I will let u know also I will give u what u asked for

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

Right I tested this on 5 motherboards 4 of which are x670e and one is a b650e and all produce the same result let get what u asked for and I will post the result here.

Can u help me when I press load and difference I select the normal JSON and then the one with the issue it says syntexError Jason.Parse unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the Jason data.

But I can individual load them, I can paste them individually if u like?

(In reply to AliA88 from comment #24)

Can u help me when I press load and difference I select the normal JSON and then the one with the issue it says syntexError Jason.Parse unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the Jason data.

But I can individual load them, I can paste them individually if u like?

I'm sorry that you're hitting that error; that's weird. Yes, would you please upload both memory logs as separate attachments, making clear by their filenames which one is before and which one is after?

I will do, thank u. As mentioned I have tested this on 5 motherboards keeping every other hardware the same. Issue can be replicated, so it's either a Firefox issue or something conflicting with firefox

Can u give me some time please, I have just been able to get my friends system it's similar build but he's on intel I am going to do some further testing on that, if I get to replicate the issue on that I will let u know and upload logs of that to. Bare with me please

Right on the intel rig I was able to replicate the issue to. Now I will be uploading what u asked, issue is when the problem starts it fills up all my ram and everything is at a halt, sound is still playing but I do press the measure button but the log gets created after the ram usage goes down since I think it can't measure anything as the entire computer is slowed drastically. So I don't how useful that is going to be. But I will be uploading them now.

Attached file Memory Log

The load and diff button I got working so there is only log I pasted here, I followed Ur instructions and I was able to load both and save it here. This does seem like a driver issue, the reason I keep asking u if this is a audio driver issue both my intel friend has a Asus board and all these boards have a Asus usb audio driver which I am thinking does not get loaded in OOBE Experience of windows but since this driver installs so many files on the c drive I can't uninstall the driver fully as some files will be left behind.

The memory log you attached appears to be using software WebRender, which does not use compositing (DirectComposition Windows API), so it can't reproduce the issue in that configuration - the memory log needs to be in the configuration that reproduces the bug.

With compositing memory usage issues it would be helpful to know if the memory usage of the windows DWM process is increasing or if it's one of the Firefox processes - memory log will give us insights on Firefox memory usage but if it's actually DWM memory usage that is increasing when using Firefox it may not show up in the memory log - we might still find some useful information about the issue in there though.

A question - do you have Ambient mode on in YouTube? I believe is on by default and it may affect how compositing works in Firefox - of course it should not lead to a memory leak in principle but it would be useful to make sure we're thinking about the right code paths in Firefox that may be responsible for the issue.

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

(In reply to AliA88 from comment #30)

The load and diff button I got working so there is only log I pasted here, I followed Ur instructions and I was able to load both and save it here. This does seem like a driver issue, the reason I keep asking u if this is a audio driver issue both my intel friend has a Asus board and all these boards have a Asus usb audio driver which I am thinking does not get loaded in OOBE Experience of windows but since this driver installs so many files on the c drive I can't uninstall the driver fully as some files will be left behind.

(In reply to Ashley Hale [:ahale] from comment #31)

The memory log you attached appears to be using software WebRender, which does not use compositing (DirectComposition Windows API), so it can't reproduce the issue in that configuration - the memory log needs to be in the configuration that reproduces the bug.

With compositing memory usage issues it would be helpful to know if the memory usage of the windows DWM process is increasing or if it's one of the Firefox processes - memory log will give us insights on Firefox memory usage but if it's actually DWM memory usage that is increasing when using Firefox it may not show up in the memory log - we might still find some useful information about the issue in there though.

A question - do you have Ambient mode on in YouTube? I believe is on by default and it may affect how compositing works in Firefox - of course it should not lead to a memory leak in principle but it would be useful to make sure we're thinking about the right code paths in Firefox that may be responsible for the issue.

I don't believe ambient is on, if u see the video I posted with this bug, I was able to reproduce this on multiple different systems, different platforms. Also when I created the memory log as mentioned when the ram gets filled up and I press measure it only measures everything once the ram decreases since using up all the ram slows the machine down to a halt. I don't know how to measure the ram usage when I try to replicate the bug because I used various tools to see what is eating the ram but it's not possible since when all the ram is eaten up its proper sluggish and if I use the monitor tools before hand then create the issue I can't see where the ram is going. But I can 100% say this it only happens when I vigorously shake the Firefox browser across my screen left and right as shown in the video doesn't happen straight away but after a few attempts I can always re occur it. This issue is not present on any other browser but it happens on waterfox which I know is literally Firefox but browsers opera gx, edge, chrome, brave, avast this issue is not present. If I were to do this test again how do I go about doing this?

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

I don't even know how to check if ambient is on, I have not messed around with the settings. Therefore since u said it's on by default then that means it will be on since I haven't turned it off.

Any update on this, I have tried to capture ram usage in Firefox but it's not possible since the ram is entirely eaten up and becomes really sluggish. Even if I press measure and then replicate the issue the report is recorded after the ram usage goes down. The fact is Firefox is doing something to the ram, no other browser is doing this. I can replicate this issue on multiple different computers.

The memory log diff you posted shows that Firefox isn't claiming extra memory, which means it's likely being claimed by a driver. This is still a Firefox problem; it shouldn't be using the driver in such a way that causes it to bloat memory. The fact that we can't replicate the issue on a comparable setup with the same graphics driver (as noted in comment 20) means that it might be some other driver that's activated. One thing I'd like you to do is to try to replicate the issue using a video with no audio track. I'll try to create a test video for you to use.

Attached video TestPatternHDR.mp4 (obsolete) —

This video is an AVC no-audio 10-bit HDR test pattern.

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #35)

The memory log diff you posted shows that Firefox isn't claiming extra memory, which means it's likely being claimed by a driver. This is still a Firefox problem; it shouldn't be using the driver in such a way that causes it to bloat memory. The fact that we can't replicate the issue on a comparable setup with the same graphics driver (as noted in comment 20) means that it might be some other driver that's activated. One thing I'd like you to do is to try to replicate the issue using a video with no audio track. I'll try to create a test video for you to use.

Thank you for the reply, strange u can't replicate this problem yet I can on multiple different computers. As stated I tested this on other browsers this issue not present at all. If u send me the URL for the test video with no video I will surely test this for u. Thank u again.

Would you please try to replicate the issue with attachment 9323607 [details]. That clip has no audio, so if the problem persists, we'll know that it's not the audio driver that is bloating the memory. If the problem goes away, it could be due to several reasons since this video isn't a codec match for the original replication case.

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #36)

Created attachment 9323607 [details]

This video is an AVC no-audio 10-bit HDR test pattern.

Could u make the video longer say around 10 mins, because when I replicate the test on utube I could never replicate the issue on shorter videos as mentioned it takes a while but I can eventually get the error but I need to keep trying, I can replicate it on longer videos, also this could also be a utube issue since this video is not on utube, if possible could u make a 10 min video without audio on utube aswell.

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #38)

Would you please try to replicate the issue with attachment 9323607 [details]. That clip has no audio, so if the problem persists, we'll know that it's not the audio driver that is bloating the memory. If the problem goes away, it could be due to several reasons since this video isn't a codec match for the original replication case.

14 seconds is too short, I could never replicate the issue on a video that short, could u make it 10 mins, also upload a copy to utube. Thank u

(In reply to AliA88 from comment #39)

Could u make the video longer say around 10 mins, because when I replicate the test on utube I could never replicate the issue on shorter videos as mentioned it takes a while but I can eventually get the error but I need to keep trying, I can replicate it on longer videos, also this could also be a utube issue since this video is not on utube, if possible could u make a 10 min video without audio on utube aswell.

I don't think YouTube will allow a no-audio-track video of any length. For now, just test the video locally and set it to looping (video context menu has an option to Loop).

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #41)

(In reply to AliA88 from comment #39)

Could u make the video longer say around 10 mins, because when I replicate the test on utube I could never replicate the issue on shorter videos as mentioned it takes a while but I can eventually get the error but I need to keep trying, I can replicate it on longer videos, also this could also be a utube issue since this video is not on utube, if possible could u make a 10 min video without audio on utube aswell.

I don't think YouTube will allow a no-audio-track video of any length. For now, just test the video locally and set it to looping (video context menu has an option to Loop).

I don't think loop will work because there is a stop, before the video is replayed, I have tried something similar on utube, when a video is looped it stops at the end point please could u at least make the video 10 mins thank u, because on shorter videos I could not replicate this it's too short and loop is just a restart of the video I need something continuous.

(In reply to AliA88 from comment #40)

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #38)

Would you please try to replicate the issue with attachment 9323607 [details]. That clip has no audio, so if the problem persists, we'll know that it's not the audio driver that is bloating the memory. If the problem goes away, it could be due to several reasons since this video isn't a codec match for the original replication case.

14 seconds is too short, I could never replicate the issue on a video that short, could u make it 10 mins, also upload a copy to utube. Thank u

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #38)

Would you please try to replicate the issue with attachment 9323607 [details]. That clip has no audio, so if the problem persists, we'll know that it's not the audio driver that is bloating the memory. If the problem goes away, it could be due to several reasons since this video isn't a codec match for the original replication case.

The video is too short, I need to shake the browser for a while to get the issue to pop up, and a loop is just going to end the video and then Replay it, I tried something similar with a shorter video on utube enabling loop it didn't work, only on longer videos I can replicate the issue. So please could u make it 10 mins please

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #36)

Created attachment 9323607 [details]

This video is an AVC no-audio 10-bit HDR test pattern.

On Firefox browser on my pc it says the video can't be played because the file is corrupt, so there is a issue with the file, if you could please re upload it and just make it 5/10 mins I can test it thank u

Comment on attachment 9323607 [details]

This test video uses a quicktime-specific encoding that doesn't work outside of macOS.

Attachment #9323607 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached video color-bars-10mins.mp4

This is a 10 minute color chip video with a 400Hz tone. Here's the relevant encoding information from MediaInfo:

Format                                   : MPEG-4
Format profile                           : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID                                 : mp42 (mp42/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size                                : 5.91 MiB
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Overall bit rate                         : 82.7 kb/s

ID                                       : 1
Format                                   : AVC
Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile                           : Main@L4
Format settings                          : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames
Format settings, CABAC                   : Yes
Format settings, Reference frames        : 4 frames
Codec ID                                 : avc1
Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Video Coding
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Bit rate                                 : 11.4 kb/s
Width                                    : 1 280 pixels
Height                                   : 720 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate mode                          : Constant
Frame rate                               : 30.000 FPS
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.000
Stream size                              : 832 KiB (14%)
Writing library                          : x264 core 164 r3065 ae03d92
Encoding settings                        : cabac=1 / ref=2 / deblock=1:-3:-3 / analyse=0x1:0x111 / me=hex / subme=6 / psy=1 / psy_rd=2.00:0.70 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=0 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-4 / threads=15 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=1 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=1 / keyint=300 / keyint_min=30 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=30 / rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=22.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / vbv_maxrate=20000 / vbv_bufsize=25000 / crf_max=0.0 / nal_hrd=none / filler=0 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.20
Color range                              : Limited
Color primaries                          : BT.709
Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709
Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709
Codec configuration box                  : avcC

ID                                       : 2
Format                                   : MPEG Audio
Format version                           : Version 1
Format profile                           : Layer 3
Codec ID                                 : mp4a-6B
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Source duration                          : 10 min 0 s
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 64.0 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 1 channel
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz

This is a 10 minute color chip video with no audio. Here's the information from MediaInfo:

Format                                   : MPEG-4
Format profile                           : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID                                 : mp42 (mp42/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size                                : 1.04 MiB
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Overall bit rate                         : 14.5 kb/s

ID                                       : 1
Format                                   : AVC
Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile                           : Main@L4
Format settings                          : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames
Format settings, CABAC                   : Yes
Format settings, Reference frames        : 4 frames
Codec ID                                 : avc1
Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Video Coding
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Bit rate                                 : 11.4 kb/s
Width                                    : 1 280 pixels
Height                                   : 720 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate mode                          : Constant
Frame rate                               : 30.000 FPS
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.000
Stream size                              : 832 KiB (78%)
Writing library                          : x264 core 164 r3065 ae03d92
Encoding settings                        : cabac=1 / ref=2 / deblock=1:-3:-3 / analyse=0x1:0x111 / me=hex / subme=6 / psy=1 / psy_rd=2.00:0.70 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=0 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-4 / threads=15 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=1 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=1 / keyint=300 / keyint_min=30 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=30 / rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=22.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / vbv_maxrate=20000 / vbv_bufsize=25000 / crf_max=0.0 / nal_hrd=none / filler=0 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.20
Color range                              : Limited
Color primaries                          : BT.709
Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709
Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709
Codec configuration box                  : avcC

Please try these two 10 minute videos and see if the issue is reproducible with them.

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #48)

Please try these two 10 minute videos and see if the issue is reproducible with them.

I will test these, just a update I have been testing other browsers just to make sure this issue is Firefox specific, and other browsers do not have this problem only Firefox. I have changed, ram, motherboards, CPUs, platforms and the issue is always present I can replicate it. I will test these videos and will let u know the outcome

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)
See Also: → 1818982
See Also: → 1823847

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #48)

Please try these two 10 minute videos and see if the issue is reproducible with them.

I am still testing, on intel and amd systems give me some more time please. Thank you

Sorry I was away had some family issues, I will be testing these videos soon. Thank u for Ur patients

(In reply to Brad Werth [:bradwerth] from comment #46)

Created attachment 9324305 [details]

This is a 10 minute color chip video with a 400Hz tone. Here's the relevant encoding information from MediaInfo:

Format                                   : MPEG-4
Format profile                           : Base Media / Version 2
Codec ID                                 : mp42 (mp42/iso2/avc1/mp41)
File size                                : 5.91 MiB
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Overall bit rate                         : 82.7 kb/s

ID                                       : 1
Format                                   : AVC
Format/Info                              : Advanced Video Codec
Format profile                           : Main@L4
Format settings                          : CABAC / 4 Ref Frames
Format settings, CABAC                   : Yes
Format settings, Reference frames        : 4 frames
Codec ID                                 : avc1
Codec ID/Info                            : Advanced Video Coding
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Bit rate                                 : 11.4 kb/s
Width                                    : 1 280 pixels
Height                                   : 720 pixels
Display aspect ratio                     : 16:9
Frame rate mode                          : Constant
Frame rate                               : 30.000 FPS
Color space                              : YUV
Chroma subsampling                       : 4:2:0
Bit depth                                : 8 bits
Scan type                                : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame)                       : 0.000
Stream size                              : 832 KiB (14%)
Writing library                          : x264 core 164 r3065 ae03d92
Encoding settings                        : cabac=1 / ref=2 / deblock=1:-3:-3 / analyse=0x1:0x111 / me=hex / subme=6 / psy=1 / psy_rd=2.00:0.70 / mixed_ref=1 / me_range=16 / chroma_me=1 / trellis=1 / 8x8dct=0 / cqm=0 / deadzone=21,11 / fast_pskip=1 / chroma_qp_offset=-4 / threads=15 / lookahead_threads=2 / sliced_threads=0 / nr=0 / decimate=1 / interlaced=0 / bluray_compat=0 / constrained_intra=0 / bframes=3 / b_pyramid=2 / b_adapt=1 / b_bias=0 / direct=1 / weightb=1 / open_gop=0 / weightp=1 / keyint=300 / keyint_min=30 / scenecut=40 / intra_refresh=0 / rc_lookahead=30 / rc=crf / mbtree=1 / crf=22.0 / qcomp=0.60 / qpmin=0 / qpmax=69 / qpstep=4 / vbv_maxrate=20000 / vbv_bufsize=25000 / crf_max=0.0 / nal_hrd=none / filler=0 / ip_ratio=1.40 / aq=1:1.20
Color range                              : Limited
Color primaries                          : BT.709
Transfer characteristics                 : BT.709
Matrix coefficients                      : BT.709
Codec configuration box                  : avcC

ID                                       : 2
Format                                   : MPEG Audio
Format version                           : Version 1
Format profile                           : Layer 3
Codec ID                                 : mp4a-6B
Duration                                 : 10 min 0 s
Source duration                          : 10 min 0 s
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 64.0 kb/s
Channel(s)                               : 1 channel
Sampling rate                            : 48.0 kHz

So I tested this on both intel and AMD and the issue is not present it's only when I use utube, and watch a video from there, I surprised u can't replicate the issue at Ur end. I have tested this for the past few days both videos u have provided do not produce this fault, it's only on utube. So this further proves that this is not something I have installed on my AMD rig and nothing on my buddy's intel rig. Any update on this. Thank u

See Also: → 1828587

Thank you again for your patience. A fix for Bug 1808155 just landed in Nightly, and it reduces the number of surface allocations we make for video frames. Would you please try a new Nightly and see if the issue still occurs for you?

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)

Hi bud I will try this and let u know thank u

Flags: needinfo?(aliabbasoneplus5t)
See Also: → 1832067
Closed: 1 year ago
Duplicate of bug: 1808155
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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