Closed Bug 1823182 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Nothing in the `View` toolbar button works - e.g. Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect, P3)

Thunderbird 112


(thunderbird_esr102 unaffected, thunderbird115? fixed)

116 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr102 --- unaffected
thunderbird115 ? fixed


(Reporter: km, Assigned: darktrojan)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: regression, useless-UI, Whiteboard: [Supernova3p])


(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

I use the mark deleted method instead of move to trash. I invoke
View->Messages>Not Delete

Actual results:

Nothing. It has no effect, my Inbox still displays the deleted (crossed out) mail.

Expected results:

My Inbox should only show the messages that are not crossed out..

Additional Information: View->Message->Unread doesn't do anything either. However, there is an icon for this in the new toolbar that does work. There is no icon for view not deleted. There used to be a view item in toolbar customize that had a working menu including "not deleted", but its no longer there.

Hoping for a workaround. This is pretty unusable as is.

Component: Untriaged → Folder and Message Lists
Depends on: sn-msglist
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: regression

Please post your results when 112.0b3 becomes available in the next couple days.

Flags: needinfo?(km)

I just updated from 112.0b1 to 112.0b2 with no change. Waiting for 112.0b3

Flags: needinfo?(km)

I just updated from 112.0b1 to 112.0b2 with no change. Waiting for 112.0b3
I just updated to 112.0b3. View Menu items still have no effect

This also didn't work in 111.0b1.

Uncaught ReferenceError: gFolderDisplay is not defined
get currentViewValue chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:101
RefreshViewPopup chrome://messenger/content/msgViewPickerOverlay.js:174
onpopupshowing chrome://messenger/content/messenger.xhtml:1

Not sure if this is message list or sn-unifiedtoolbar

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)
Summary: Not Deleted View Broken in Beta 112.0b1 → Nothing in the `View` toolbar item works - Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize

Important: to see the menuitem View->Message you have to place the View widget on the unified toolbar. This widget still uses the gFolderDisplay.

The Not Delete wasn't a standard function. It was added manually through Customize in this widget. I think when the gFolderDisplay is working again then it will be back.

I did figure out how to add the view menu to the main toolbar a while ago. But note, its not just the "not deleted" that doesn't work. None of the entries work (Unread, Tags, etc).

This is unified toolbar territory, and we're aware that that button doesn't work because it's a mess.
That button is basically a quick filter bar with virtual folder filters and customizable options. Someone in the past thought it was a smart idea to put everything into a popup instead of exposing better contextual filter options and now we need to deal with that.
We need more time to tackle this.

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)

I was cracking my Monday noon head why this bug wouldn't show up in our queries, until I found that it was erroneously marked as Depends on: sn-msglist instead of Blocks: sn-msglist... Issue bugs always need to block their parent meta bug.

Blocks: sn-msglist
Severity: -- → S3
No longer depends on: sn-msglist
Keywords: useless-UI
Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [supernova]

(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #7)

This is unified toolbar territory

Blocks: sn-unifiedtoolbar
No longer blocks: sn-msglist
Summary: Nothing in the `View` toolbar item works - Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize → Nothing in the `View` toolbar button (from unified toolbar customization) works - e.g. Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize

Here's what we're talking about: View toolbar button with dropdown menu (available from unified toolbar customization)

Just updated to 112.0b4 no change.

Just update to 112.0b6. No change. Any idea on when the may be resolved?

(In reply to km from comment #12)

Just update to 112.0b6. No change. Any idea on when the may be resolved?

Please refrain from frequent status updates - it doesn't add useful data.
Also, it's not possible to predict when this will be resolved.

Whiteboard: [supernova] → [Supernova3p]
Summary: Nothing in the `View` toolbar button (from unified toolbar customization) works - e.g. Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize → Nothing in the `View` toolbar button works - e.g. Not Deleted / Unread / Tags / Customize
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)

What info do you need?

No info, Magnus will take a look at this and investigate how to fix it. We use the needinfo flag so he can keep track of it.

I've got this, or at least I'm so far down the rabbit hole I might as well take it.

Assignee: nobody → geoff
Flags: needinfo?(mkmelin+mozilla)
Target Milestone: --- → 116 Branch

Pushed by
Fix the View toolbar button. r=freaktechnik

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

I'm on 114.0b6, when will I see the fix. It's been really tough without view not deleted.

I'm now on 115.0b1, will the fix show up in the next 115 beta?

Comment on attachment 9337996 [details]
Bug 1823182 - Fix the View toolbar button. r=#thunderbird-front-end-reviewers

[Approval Request Comment]
Regression caused by (bug #): new toolbar
User impact if declined: View button does nothing
Testing completed (on c-c, etc.): landed last week
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): surely can't be worse than it was

Attachment #9337996 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?

Comment on attachment 9337996 [details]
Bug 1823182 - Fix the View toolbar button. r=#thunderbird-front-end-reviewers

[Triage Comment]
Approved for beta

Attachment #9337996 - Flags: approval-comm-beta? → approval-comm-beta+
See Also: → 1838589
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