Open Bug 1831815 Opened 1 year ago Updated 1 month ago

Multiple listings for same message in global search results. Search results for gmail messages are not deduped.


(Thunderbird :: Search, defect)

Thunderbird 113


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: wsmwk, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [snnot3p])


(1 file)

For my enterprise gmail account, as seen in the screen shot, global search results are showing
a) multiple messages lines for the same message - same message with date and time but different labels/folder names
b) messages which had been deleted are listed in search results - 4/30/23 11:23 PM, 4/27/23 2:50 AM

Possible STR? Pick a message which is unique enough that a search should only find in that one message. Tag it as important. Search for the message. Delete the message. Repeat the search.

I do not expect to see a gmail message in search results if the message had been deleted.

I haven't done any testing or regression hunting, nor checked if it is only happenng for one instance of Thunderbird, in this case 113 beta. But I'm wondering if this is the result of bug 1818592, Hide [Google Mail] in addition to [Gmail] folder, which caused folders to be listed in the folder list (flattened [gmail]).

Is anyone else seeing this?

Would this be sn-3pane related?

Why is the message in Sent mail and inbox - do you CC yourself? If yes, I'm not so sure if deduping would be the right thing.

Summary: Multiple listings for same message in search results. Search results for gmail messages are not deduped → Multiple listings for same message in global search results. Search results for gmail messages are not deduped.

deduping should be happening regardless of what folder/label messages are in.

But it was occurring pre-supernova. It just seems to have gotten worse. I'm still seeing this.

Whiteboard: [snnot3p]

Related to bug 1875681?

See Also: → 1875681
See Also: → 798659
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