Open Bug 1847326 Opened 10 months ago Updated 7 months ago

[meta] Desktop Shopping Onboarding Foxfooding: Nightly 119


(Firefox :: Messaging System, task)





(Reporter: asafko, Unassigned)


(Depends on 3 open bugs, Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

Thank you for participating in Foxfooding and helping us improve this feature! Please use this ticket to report only bugs related to the onboarding to the Shopping feature (opt-in screen, callouts, opt out).

If you are experiencing problems with the core feature experience or want to suggest an enhancement, please use this bug.

To report a bug as a part of the Review Quality Check Foxfooding in Nightly 119, please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new issue blocking this bug.
  2. In the summary field, please type [foxfooding] %Brief summary of the defect%
    This will help us to see your report quickly.
  3. Choose a relevant ticket type: defect or enhancement.
  4. Add steps to reproduce/any other relevant information in the Description field,
  5. Submit a bug and we'll rush to remedy the problem.
Summary: [meta] Desktop Shopping Opt-in Foxfooding: Nightly 119 → [meta] Desktop Shopping Onboarding Foxfooding: Nightly 119
Depends on: 1851657
No longer depends on: 1851657
Depends on: 1851657
Depends on: 1853000
No longer depends on: 1853000
Depends on: 1853210
Depends on: 1853227
Depends on: 1858264
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