Closed Bug 1854529 Opened 8 months ago Closed 6 months ago

Investigate searchbar-engine-one-off-item button that is failing Tier 2 a11y_checks for Session Restore


(SeaMonkey :: Session Restore, task, P3)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ayeddi, Assigned: ayeddi)



(Keywords: access)

We are working on enabling Tier 2 a11y-checks to ensure our products have basic accessibility built-in (bug 1692110) and before that, we need to prepare the existing code base. While we triage and investigate the existent test that would fail once the a11y-checks are enabled in the CI, the failing test was failed-if by the bug 1854528.

This task is to track the investigation into the reasons this test failed and to be able to backtrack this test once it's resolved.

If separate bugs are needed, they are to block the following bugs:

  1. (all) this bug
  2. (Node is not accessible via accessibility API / Node is not focusable via the accessibility API / Node is enabled but disabled via the accessibility API) Bug 1848394 (a11y_checks_focusable)

Test affected:

Result	Path	Error	Element ID	Element tagName	Element className
FAIL	browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_urlbarSearchMode.js	Node is not focusable via the accessibility API	urlbar-engine-one-off-item-history	button	searchbar-engine-one-off-item

Similar items are failing for Tabbed Browser (bug 1854507) and Search & Suggest tests

Jobs affected:

  1. test-linux1804-64-qr/opt-mochitest-browser-chrome-swr-a11y-checks-${1-7} (Try run)

Some Tier 2 accessibility checks for click events fired on controls that should be keyboard accessible and have valid labels were failing for this component. They were captured by testing/mochitest/tests/SimpleTest/AccessibilityUtils.js via bug 1692110. These failing tests should be temporarily skipped in the directory's browser.ini file while we investigate these failures. For all confirmed bugs individual defects should be filed.

When the test failure is resolved and its associated bug is closed, remove the fail-if condition for a11y_checks from the appropriate file/section to ensure better test coverage and to avoid regressions in a11y of this component.

Fine tuning the AccessibilityUtils to pass the test for searchbar-engine-one-off-items that are purposefully navigable with arrow keys (instead of a tab), would resolve this bug.

Confirmed the bug 1864751 resolved the failures and its Pt.2 patch has removed the fail-if notation from the manifest.

Closed: 6 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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