Closed Bug 1855217 Opened 1 years ago Closed 1 years ago

Thuderbird no longer allows multi-select in a folder list of RSS feeds


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(thunderbird_esr115 affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr115 --- affected


(Reporter: jason0x21, Unassigned)


(Keywords: regression)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Start up Thunderbird (115.2.3)
  2. Navigate to the first RSS feed in a folder of RSS feeds.
  3. Select the first feed using the first mouse button
  4. Shift-Select another feed using the shift key and the first mouse button

Actual results:

The second feed is selected, and the first feed is deselected.

Expected results:

All the feeds between the first and second feed (inclusive) should show up selected.

This seemed to work just fine until the upgrade to 115.2.3

You mean folders? Bug 1817605.

Component: Untriaged → Folder and Message Lists
Keywords: regression

Yep that's it. Marking as duplicate.(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #2)

You mean folders? Bug 1817605.

Yeah, this can be marked as a duplicate.

Except y'all aren't going to fix it?

So when I get back from a vacation or something and want to mark all my RSS feeds as "read" I have to (now) do it one at a time?

It used to work, so this was a change to make it not work. It's a flag on a list object or whatever, and now the statement is "prove to us that you need it."? Nonsense. This is the Pidgin text-window resizing change all over again. :-D

Closed: 1 years ago
Duplicate of bug: 1817605
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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