Closed Bug 1856442 Opened 9 months ago Closed 8 months ago

[meta] Cards View: Update Tags inside Cards View


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, enhancement, P2)

Thunderbird 120


(thunderbird_esr115 wontfix)

121 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr115 --- wontfix


(Reporter: elijmitchell, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)

Work includes the following. This work can be broken up into smaller tasks:

  • Show if a message has any tags
  • Show the top 3 tags for a message and a +n indicator for additional tags
  • Quickly show which tags a message has from the tags indicator (tooltip or similar)
  • Do not display tags color in subject
  • Tests for tags
Depends on: 1860141
Depends on: 1860145
Blocks: 1860148
Depends on: 1860150
Keywords: meta
Summary: Cards View: Update Tags inside Cards View → [meta] Cards View: Update Tags inside Cards View
Depends on: 1860900
No longer blocks: 1860148
Depends on: 1860148

When we originally scoped out an MVP for Cards View, this was not included. This was a nice-to-have for the first iteration. I'm moving this to our second phase so we don't increase scope.

Blocks: 1860631
No longer blocks: 1855769
See Also: → 1855769
Priority: P2 → P3
Priority: P3 → P2
No longer depends on: 1860145
See Also: → 1860145
No longer depends on: 1860900
Blocks: 1860900
Closed: 8 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 121 Branch
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