Closed Bug 1858917 Opened 9 months ago Closed 6 months ago

Inbox List Sort Reverting to Threaded


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 115


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stuff, Unassigned)


(Keywords: triaged)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0

Steps to reproduce:

On receipt of a message that is a repsonse to a message already in the inbox list, the sorting of the list becomes threaded when it has been set to sort by date, unthreaded.

Actual results:

A message arrived that was a reponse to an email already in the inbox. The sorting of the list changed to sort by date, threaded when it was set to sort by date unthreaded.

Expected results:

The sorting of the inbox list should have remained sorted by date and unthreaded when the message arrived.

Same here. If I set View->Sort by->Unthreaded on the Inbox, then it remains unthreaded until a new message arrives, at which time it automatically reverts to threaded.
Thunderbird 115.4.1 on Linux Mint 21.1.

I also notice that my Inbox keeps reverting to Threaded. This started happening a couple of months ago -- no idea what release it started in -- but it hadn't been a problem for years, until a couple of months ago.

Thunderbird 115.5.1 Windows 10

Same here - driving me nuts!

115.5.0 (64-bit) on Ubuntu Linux.

Is there any way to get this issue escalated? It is really bothersome. Thanks!

I just tested this with macOS in Cards View and Table View on 115.6.0 and today's daily 123 and was not able to duplicate this. I sent and received a new message and the sort and threading remained consistent (Unthreaded, Sorted by Date, Descending). I will try this on Windows 11.

Severity: -- → S3
Component: Untriaged → Folder and Message Lists
Flags: needinfo?(elizabeth)
Keywords: triaged

I just tested this in 115.6.0 on Windows 11. I am not able to duplicate this bug.

Are there any other steps you can share about how to reproduce this problem?

Thanks, everyone, for reporting this issue.

Flags: needinfo?(elizabeth)

Thanks, Elizabeth, for attempting to reproduce this. I will watch closely over the coming days and see if notice anything that will help to identify any nuances that cause this issue. FYI, I am turning off the threading (when it occurs) by simply clicking on the "Toggle Message Threads" icon in the column heading area of the Inbox. Given the holidays, it might be a few days or more before I see the behavior again.

The default view was changed from unthreaded to threaded in Thunderbird 115, so this could very well be a duplicate of bug 1725127, but the possible cause found for this behavior only affects local/POP3 folders.

Jonathan, David, hazen, are you using POP3 or IMAP?

Flags: needinfo?(stuff)
Flags: needinfo?(hazen)
Flags: needinfo?(dave)
See Also: → 1725127

I am using POP3.

And in reviewing bug 1725127, I do not know if I am seeing the issue on messages incoming or automatic compression (I hadn't thought of this before). Without sitting in front of the computer for some serious time, it's hard to tell exactly what is triggering this. I have my POP3 configured to check for new mail every 5 minutes, so that's why I thought that might be the trigger.

Confirming the use of POP3 here.

Flags: needinfo?(dave)

Yes - POP3 here too, Thunderbird on Ubuntu Linux.
Unable to recreate as it appears to be completely random.

I am using POP3 on Windows 11. For me the bug happens probably 8 times out of 10 that I receive a reply to a message already in the inbox.

Flags: needinfo?(stuff)

Thanks for your quick feedback. Let's continue in bug 1725127.

Closed: 6 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1725127
Flags: needinfo?(hazen)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
See Also: 1725127
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