Closed Bug 1859512 Opened 7 months ago Closed 2 months ago

[flatpak] Prepare CI for publishing to Flathub changes scheduled for November 6th 2023.


(Thunderbird :: Build Config, task)


(Not tracked)

126 Branch


(Reporter: b, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [fixed by bug 1867428 and CI changes])

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1859510 +++

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/118.0

Steps to reproduce:

There are upcoming Flathub changes that will lock Thunderbird updates from being properly published.

flat-manager-client create needs to specify --build-log-url $URL, where $URL points to the build log of The Docker image used for flat-manager-client will be updated shortly, but the latest version can be also fetched with wget/curl from

The rollout of that change is scheduled in about 3 weeks, on November 6th 2023. I can push it by a week if it helps.

The server-side validation can be replicated as part of your CI by using flatpak-builder-lint tool on the repo archive created by The tool is available in the Docker image, and an example usage looks like this:

flatpak-builder-lint repo /path/to/repo


flatpak-builder-lint --exceptions repo /path/to/repo

To better emulate what Flathub will be doing. If there are no errors reported (also indicated by exit status code), it will pass the validation on Flathub's side as well.

See Also: → 1859510
Type: enhancement → task
Component: Untriaged → Build Config
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: [flatpak] Prepare CI for publishing to Flathub changes → [flatpak] Prepare CI for publishing to Flathub changes scheduled for November 6th 2023.

Quickly looking at this, flat-manager-client create is run in the pushflatpak scriptworker. As that infrastructure is shared between Firefox and Thunderbird, there's nothing to do there.

The flatpak-builder-lint piece sounds like it would need to run as an intermediary job between release-flatpak-repackage and the push job run by the scriptworker.

Again, since Firefox has to do this as well I'll sort of defer to see how they handle it.

Bug 1867428 needs to be fixed, but when it is this bug can close along along with it.

Depends on: 1867428
Closed: 2 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [fixed by bug 1867428 and CI changes]
Target Milestone: --- → 126 Branch
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