Closed Bug 1867428 Opened 6 months ago Closed 6 months ago

release-push-flatpak tries to use wrong scopes


(Thunderbird :: Build Config, defect, P1)

Thunderbird 121


(thunderbird_esr115 fixed, thunderbird121 fixed)

122 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr115 --- fixed
thunderbird121 --- fixed


(Reporter: rjl, Assigned: dandarnell)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

Client ID task-client/f-TYANruT36dl5ZJW7jgcg/0/on/us-central1/6121813105720314584/until/1701312830.229 does not have sufficient scopes and is missing the following scopes:


This request requires the client to satisfy the following scope expression:

  "AllOf": [
      "AnyOf": [

That scope is being incorrectly assigned by gecko_taskgraph code, so the server is correctly rejecting the request.

The scope will need to be adjusted for Thunderbird.

Blocks: 1859512
Keywords: leave-open

Comment on attachment 9366433 [details]
Bug 1867428 - Set Flathub scope in release-push-flatpak via description schema to allow for different scopes. r=jcristau

Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request

  • User impact if declined: This should not affect Firefox users at all, as there is no change to Firefox's Flatpak push task configuration. This patch just allows for alternate scopes in release-push-flatpak. Without this change, Thunderbird will not be able to use release-push-flatpak, preventing the Thunderbird Flatpak from being pushed to Flathub.
  • Is this code covered by automated tests?: Unknown
  • Has the fix been verified in Nightly?: No
  • Needs manual test from QE?: No
  • If yes, steps to reproduce:
  • List of other uplifts needed: None
  • Risk to taking this patch: Low
  • Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky): This patch is very low risk, as it does not modify Firefox's task settings.
  • String changes made/needed:
  • Is Android affected?: No
Attachment #9366433 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?

Comment on attachment 9366434 [details]
Bug 1867428 - Set Flathub scope in release-flatpak-push kind.yml. r=#thunderbird-build-system-reviewers

[Approval Request Comment]
User impact if declined: Flatpak pushing will not happen automatically (no tangible difference to the end user, but this change is needed to finish the Flatpak release process)
Testing completed (on c-c, etc.): N/A (this change cannot be fully tested without running it on an actual release)
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): Low

Attachment #9366434 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?
Pushed by
Set Flathub scope in release-push-flatpak via description schema to allow for different scopes. r=jcristau,taskgraph-reviewers,releng-reviewers,rjl
Pushed by
Set Flathub scope in release-push-flatpak via description schema to allow for different scopes. r=jcristau,taskgraph-reviewers,releng-reviewers,rjl

Comment on attachment 9366434 [details]
Bug 1867428 - Set Flathub scope in release-flatpak-push kind.yml. r=#thunderbird-build-system-reviewers

[Triage Comment]
Approved for beta

Attachment #9366434 - Flags: approval-comm-beta? → approval-comm-beta+

We were using and removing flathub-scope from the job for production
releases, but on staging/try it was staying around causing a schema
validation error later on.

Regressions: 1868547

Comment on attachment 9367229 [details]
Bug 1867428 - fix release-flathub-push task generation on staging. r?#releng

Revision D195634 was moved to bug 1868547. Setting attachment 9367229 [details] to obsolete.

Attachment #9367229 - Attachment is obsolete: true

Comment on attachment 9366433 [details]
Bug 1867428 - Set Flathub scope in release-push-flatpak via description schema to allow for different scopes. r=jcristau

Looks like this already got pushed a=release

Attachment #9366433 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Pushed by
Set Flathub scope in release-flatpak-push kind.yml. r=rjl DONTBUILD
Closed: 6 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Keywords: leave-open
Target Milestone: --- → 122 Branch
Attached file comm-esr115.patch

[Triage Comment]
This is a version of the comm-central patch for comm-esr115 that uses its own copy of (from mozilla-beta).

This allows Thunderbird to ship Flatpaks from esr115 without needing to uplift the gecko_taskgraph changes to mozilla-esr115.

The code in question has been successfully run on comm-beta.

Attachment #9367535 - Flags: approval-comm-esr115+
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