Open Bug 1875475 Opened 8 months ago Updated 5 days ago

[meta] Implement userScripts API in MV3


(WebExtensions :: General, enhancement, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: robwu, Unassigned)


(Depends on 6 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta, Whiteboard: [wecg][addons-jira])

This is about implementing the userScripts API, as designed in the WECG at .

Not to be confused with the current userScripts API in Firefox that is tied to the user_scripts key from bug 1437098. This older API called "userScripts" is MV2-only because its design is incompatible with non-persistent background pages. Additional notes about differences:

Currently, the way that user script managers would use the API to run scripts in the main world is to use the userScripts API to have a world without scripts being restricted by the CSP. To enable that, we need to support the ability to exempt script nodes inserted by the "user script" world from the CSP (bug 1446231).

Depends on: 1446231

The capability to directly run scripts in the MAIN world is part of bug 1736575.

Depends on: 1736575
See Also: → 1892669

Before we can enable any implementation of the userScripts API by default, we need a way for users to opt in to userScripts functionality. We have a top-level generic bug on file for that at bug 1787179.

The implementation of the userScripts API can be sequenced as follows:

Depends on: 1787179
Depends on: 1911833
Depends on: 1911834
Depends on: 1911835
Depends on: 1911836
Summary: Implement userScripts API in MV3 → [meta] Implement userScripts API in MV3
Depends on: 1917000
No longer depends on: 1787179
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