Closed Bug 188380 Opened 22 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Requesting newsgroup for the database support project


( :: Discussion Forums, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: janv, Assigned: gerv)




I'm going to check in a development version of database support under mozilla/extensions. It would be nice to have a newsgroup for this project, since people are getting interested and the bug report is not the right place to discuss everything. And it seems we will file new bugs for separate issues. For more details about the database support project take a look at bug 81653.
Assignee: mitchell → mbaur
Quicker and better way to get new newsgroups (for AOL/Netscape internal people only) is to use the internal Helpdesk.
Filled HD0000000302884 Thanks for the hint
Double thanks!
Last time I checked there were some problems on the server. Is still impossible to add a new newsgroup ?
Taking QA
QA Contact: mitchell → malachi
Assignee: mbaur → endico
Blocks: 62228
Component: Miscellaneous → Server Operations
QA Contact: malachi → myk
Reassigning to default owner/qa on endico's open bugs so I don't have to watch her to get mail on them.
Assignee: endico → myk
QA Contact: myk → justdave
Since this didn't make it into the proposal for new newsgroups, is this bug still valid? See here: CCing Gerv.
Hardware: PC → All
samuel: I'm quite capable of searching for and dealing with all the newsgroup-related bugs once the reorg has happened, and I will do so. A bugspam from each at this stage doesn't really help. :-) Gerv
Assignee: myk → justdave
Component: Server Operations → Server Operations Projects
QA Contact: justdave → justin
No longer blocks: 62228
Depends on: 62228
Assignee: justdave → gerv
Component: Server Operations Projects → Newsgroups
QA Contact: justin → justdave
Resolving; we now have a new hierarchy which, we hope, takes into account all the current needs. If it doesn't, file a fresh bug. Gerv
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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