Closed Bug 188558 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Getting internal failure (secure communication) error during shutdown


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: emaijala+moz, Assigned: Bienvenu)



In recent builds (such as 2003100909) on WinXP I've started getting an alert dialog when closing Mozilla. It says: "The operation cannot be completed because of an internal failure. A secure network communication has not been cleaned up correctly.". I'm using IMAPS. If I use only IMAP, I don't get this error.
This error message is shown by intention, unless people ask me to remove it. It was added a couple of days ago with a patch for bug 177260. It is meant to help us understand the reason of failures. It should go away once bug 181230 has been fixed.
Depends on: 181230
You should no longer see this error message with builds after last Saturday, from Sunday. Well, there is one known exception. When you have used LDAP/SSL in a session, you might still see it. That's is a known deficiency in the LDAP code that might fail to shut down SSL sockets prior to shutting down the application. We should not see this message as a bug. It is a useful debugging helper to enable us track down, whether our application cleans up correctly or not. If you still see this error message with new builds, even when not having used LDAP/SSL, please let us know.
Depends on: 188554
what is the bug number for the LDAP/SSL bug mentioned in comment 2? i'm seeing this on a daily basis after using LDAP/SSL. (i see bug 204898, but if this was a "known exception" four months before said bug was field, i imagine that's a dupe. thanks in advance.)
right... nevermind on that bug #. no idea where my mind was.
Louis, if you're seeing a bug with LDAP, you should file a new bug on LDAP. My inclination is to mark this bug a dup of 181230 and close it, since it's about imap. Ere, do you still see this happening with IMAP?
Long time no see :) No, I haven't seen this for months. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 181230 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
for those interested, the LDAP/SSL bug is bug 206018.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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