Closed Bug 1893113 Opened 1 month ago Closed 1 month ago

313.35 - 287.24% compiler warnings / compiler warnings (Windows) regression on Tue April 9 2024


(Core :: DOM: Push Subscriptions, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox125 --- unaffected
firefox126 --- wontfix
firefox127 --- fixed


(Reporter: afinder, Unassigned)


(Keywords: perf-alert, regression)

Perfherder has detected a build_metrics performance regression from push 782996777c91d9f71bc4e3950b12167c075e5c8b. As author of one of the patches included in that push, we need your help to address this regression.


Ratio Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new)
313% compiler warnings windows2012-64-shippable nightly 322.00 -> 1,331.00
287% compiler warnings windows2012-64-shippable nightly 322.00 -> 1,246.92

Details of the alert can be found in the alert summary, including links to graphs and comparisons for each of the affected tests. Please follow our guide to handling regression bugs and let us know your plans within 3 business days, or the patch(es) may be backed out in accordance with our regression policy.

You can run these tests on try with ./mach try perf --alert 42289

For more information on performance sheriffing please see our FAQ.

Flags: needinfo?(hsingh)

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1885960

... but did anybody do anything?

I don't think that patch can do anything, or at least that should not be backed out as that has been shipped forever in stable build.

Instead when I see the log, I see tons of zstd warnings instead which should be bug 1871963. Can we get the actual data for "322.00 -> 1,331.00" ?

Flags: needinfo?(afinder)

The date also suggests this should be about zstd instead as it landed that day. Thoughts?

Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
See Also: → 1871963
Closed: 1 month ago
Duplicate of bug: 1891666
Flags: needinfo?(rjesup)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Flags: needinfo?(hsingh)

Reassigning related alert to the alert linked to bug 1891666, since this bug was marked as duplicate.

Flags: needinfo?(afinder)
No longer regressed by: 1885960
See Also: 1871963
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