Bug 227354
Opened 21 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
not possible printing stacked transparent gif images (nothing under the last layer is printed as it was opaque !)
(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)
(Reporter: philippe.cabarbaye, Unassigned)
(3 files, 1 obsolete file)
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)
Build Identifier:
This document countains two "gif" images.
image 1 is a background image, image 2 is a partialy transparent image.
The showing on the screen is good, but printing don't show the visible part of
the background.
The option of the mozilla browser is inneficient.
There is no problem with Internet Explorer or even with Netscape 4.7 (if you
select the option "printing the backgrounds")
here is the code (very simple)
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0>
<div id='Layer1' style="position:absolute; z-index:1; left: 0px; top: 0px">
<img src="image1.gif" width=492 height=420></div>
<div id='Layer2' style="position:absolute; z-index:2; left: 0px; top: 0px">
<img src="image2.gif"></div>
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
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Comment 1•21 years ago
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Comment 2•21 years ago
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Comment 3•21 years ago
Comment 4•21 years ago
First: always add the version of Mozilla that you are using.
Second: this is not a blocker. Lowering to normal.
Comment 5•21 years ago
This is the test case with the images changed to the attached ones.
Maybe a dup of bug 141656 (hard to say without the correct Build ID), don't
know if bug 137637 comment 5 applies here.
Attachment #136713 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
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Comment 7•21 years ago
I would like people execute the test case and confirm this bug, it's very
I work in cartographia domain and I think that the printing Mozilla problem I
related, which is apparently similar to Bug 141656 and 137637 is fundamental
for the credibility of Mozilla navigator.
What Netscape 4.7 was able to do, Mozilla 1.4 can't do !!!!
Somebody knows if new version (1.6)of Mozilla avaliable for good printing ?
I can report this buggy behaviour on:
Firebird, 20031207 Windows Official, Windows XP
Firebird, 20031203 OSX Official, Mac OSX 10.3.1
MSIE 6.0 (latest), Windows XP
Firebird's build in print preview displays the correct image in all cases (as does IE's); however, Mac
OSX's built-in print preview shows a buggy layout. So I doubt it's a printer driver problem.
On the Windows machine, I see the buggy layout even when printing to Adobe PDFWriter 6.
The problem seems to be that, when printing, the transparent background on GIFs is rendered as
white. There's a (possibly) clearer testcase at:
The problem presents with transparent PNG's as well:
FWIW, the only browser I've seen this work with is Safari 1.1.1.
Also, in case it matters: the problem presents with gifs using either indexed or alpha transparency.
Compositing looks perfect on screen, wrong when printed.
Comment 10•21 years ago
Confirmed with Mozilla 1.6
It works with IE6SP1
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 11•19 years ago
I think that this bug is still present in FireFox 1.5 RC2! The following page has layered GIF images (which can be independently turned on and off). Attempting to print them from FireFox 1.0.7 and 1.5 RC2 doesn't produce the expected results (print preview, however, renders correctly).
IE 6 prints them fine :-(
Opera 8.5 renders better than FireFox but offsets/scales the images in some strange way!
Any chance of someone taking a look at this - the bug has been open/NEW since 2003!
Comment 12•19 years ago
*** Bug 322030 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•19 years ago
Attachment #136714 -
Attachment mime type: image/background image → image/gif
Updated•19 years ago
Attachment #136715 -
Attachment mime type: image/partially transparent image → image/gif
Comment 13•18 years ago
This problem is still not resolved (version
Summary: stack a GIF on top of another image and the transparent areas in the topmost GIF will print as non-transparent, which is incorrect. Print Preview displays the GIF's transparent areas as transparent, which is correct.
I'd suggest this bug rates a higher severity. Transparent GIFs print properly in current versions of IE, Opera, and Safari.
Comment 14•17 years ago
This seems to be fixed as I couldn't reproduce this anymore in FF 3 and SM 2 builds of the last months.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 16•17 years ago
This bug still occurs in the latest public version, Please visit and print it. You will see the map prints blank, at least it does when I direct it to my hp Laserjet 3200 and to Adobe PDF.
Comment 17•17 years ago
I can confirm that the bug appears to be fixed only in FF 3.x - FF 2.x still has the bug. As FF 3 should be out soon I don't consider this a problem.
Comment 18•17 years ago
No bug or patch referenced as the code fix.
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