Closed Bug 230766 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

MailNews keeps asking for SMTP password for sending same Email


(MailNews Core :: Networking: SMTP, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ChristianCallsen, Assigned: sspitzer)



(1 file)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20040102 Firebird/0.7+ Build Identifier: Thunderbird 0.5a 20040105 This is a split-off from bug 215300. I am seeing a *very* persistent problem whereby MailNews/SMTP keeps prompting for a password when I attempt to send an Email. This is using plain (non-secure) SMTP connections, to a Microsoft Exchange SMTP server. It is reproducible on TBird 0.4 and up. I seem to recall not having seen this before early December, 2003. Usually I'm asked 2-3 times for each Email I send, but sometimes it's significantly more (I've had up to 10 times). I'll attempt to attach/transfer the SMTP log files I took from bug 215300. I'm tempted to make this "Major" but since it *is* working, I'll leave it Normal. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Type Email (reply or new Email) 2. Click "send" or hit CTRL-Enter to send Email. Actual Results: 1. Popup window appears that asks for password. Type it in, and check "remember password". 2. Click ok. 3. Goto 1. Expected Results: Ask for password at most once. I checked after getting a successful transmission that the password is properly remembered in the password manager. That, however, doesn't help a bit.
I sent 2 emails where the SMTP password was requested several times (5 times, the first go). Each time I entered the password *and* checked "remember password" in the password dialog. After sending the Email the password manager has an entry for the password. This is very reproducible. I've configured NO SSL/TLS/??? - just plain connection to port 25. I'm talking to an MS Exchange server using SMTP. This is with TBird 0.5a 20040105, Windows 2000 SP3.
Hm, so, the problem with our internal logging is, that because of privacy we don't log the password (and in your case even not the username). So the log isn't very helpful here. It can be Mozilla sends the wrong pw sometimes and it can be the server to hiccup sometimes. In this case I allways ask for a log of a independent packet sniffer like ethereal or tcpdump. Creating these requires more work and posting the log here would reveal your login credentials. So I suggest you, to cantact me by mail if you wanna try it with one of the mentioned programs.
Hm, we might have the culprit. It seems to turn out that the SMTP Exchange server wants "USERNAME\DOMAINNAME" (without quotes) as the username when sending Email. This, at least, isn't rejected and does seem to work. It might be worth mentioning somewhere in the SMTP setup, when talking to exchange SMTP servers. Please consider this as "WORKSFORME". I'll reopen if it's not.
Closing as WFM because of reporters comment.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
To Comment #3 From Christian J. Callsen : Even if setting "USERNAME\DOMAINNAME" in username will not cause password promting problem any more, different failure count in several mail sending attemt was very funny phenomenon. I've found an interesting bug, Bug 231133, for which Christian Eyrich has proposed a patch. If searching of supported authentication mechanisms is done to other than AUTH responce, your case is possible and understandable. Anyway, Callsen, congraturations for "WORKSFORME" on your long term problem.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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