Closed Bug 240763 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Flags should use text labels instead of symbols


(Bugzilla :: Attachments & Requests, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: tpowellmoz, Assigned: myk)


The help page at describes the symbols used for flags. It would be clearer to just use the described text labels in the UI instead of using the symbols. Showing ? + and - in the UI is exposing an implementation detail and seems to confuse users. Fixing this bug would likely make bug 180194 irrelevant. I'd suggest a dropdown list with the following 4 entries: requested granted denied The first option (unset) is just a blank text string. There may be some layout concerns. It looks like the column currently used for the Requestee could be used for the name of the person who requested, approved, or denied the flag. It doesn't appear that bugzilla keeps track of both the requestee as well as the person who approved the request. Or if it does it isn't shown in the UI. So instead of this: Flags (Help) Requestee: asa: blocking1.7 [- [v] You'd have this: Flags (Help) By: blocking1.7 [denied [v] asa
It appears that you can use the query page to find bugs with particular flag values, such as search for Flag = blocking1.7? to find the bugs that are requesting blocking1.7. I'm assuming review, superreview, and approval for attachments are special cases of the more global flags I was talking about. The combination of the flag name with its state somewhat surprised me. I expected to search by both flag name and flag value. It doesn't necessarily impact this bug, but after it is fixed it might be good to support searching for Flag = blocking1.7requested as well.
This is from bug 178852: "I'd suggest abandoning -/+ and using 'granted' and 'rejected'." This is exactly what you ask here... *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 178852 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
QA Contact: matty_is_a_geek → default-qa
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