Show email address in message list
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, enhancement, P1)
(thunderbird_esr115 wontfix)
Tracking | Status | |
thunderbird_esr115 | --- | wontfix |
(Reporter: steve-mozilla, Assigned: aleca)
(1 file, 3 obsolete files)
Comment 1•20 years ago
Comment 2•20 years ago
Comment 3•19 years ago
Comment 4•19 years ago
Comment 6•12 years ago
Updated•12 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 8•2 years ago
Problem still exists. With version 115 the add-on used as workaround doesn't work any more, either.
This issue still persists. The information from Steve Meyers from 20 years ago is still valid. This is a security issue. I would highly appreciate it if it would get fixed. Thank you.
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Comment 12•1 year ago
Its a shame that Thunderbird has since 20 years not the option to show only the real mail-Adresss. And now its blocks the add-on "full-address-column". Its very important to see real sender's email-adress! Whatsever as option or addon.
Comment 13•1 year ago
Since upgrading to TB 115 the plugin I used to display the sender's actual email address in the inbox list no longer works. Please fix this bug.
Comment 14•1 year ago
Please try to not mix bugs. The bug regarding the add-on issue is Bug 1817682. And we are working on it.
Comment 15•1 year ago
There needs to be an option or add-on to show the full email address along side the display name in the sender column of the mail list. This will make it easier to identify unwanted & spam email without having to open it.
The old add-on "Full Address column" did exactly what needs to be added back into Thunderbird.
Comment 16•1 year ago
The latest version of Thunderbird, 115.4.1, does not display the sender's email address in the list of received emails.
It would be very convenient if the sender's email address was displayed in the list of received emails, allowing you to distinguish between spam and phishing emails.
I use Thunderbird 102.15.1 and the add-on "Full Address column", and it's very helpful in avoiding spam and phishing emails.
I have Thunderbird updates disabled because it's very convenient.
It's hard for me to understand why this feature was discontinued.
I believe that disabling this feature will only encourage the spread of spam and phishing emails.
Please bring back this feature.
Comment 17•1 year ago
I consider this missing feature a security necessity. Previously we were able to use an add-on for what I think should be included in the base program by default. However, the recent code rewrite has made this impossible. In order to get this back we will need to add this into Thunderbird, itself. Let me stress that this feature is the main reason why I use Thunderbird, and will likely no longer do so should you refuse to add it back. Again, this is a deal-breaker feature, and I will withhold all donations and support until it's implimented. I can't live without it.
Comment 18•1 year ago
I strongly agree with the forementioned arguments concerning security - the functionality is mandatory!
Comment 19•1 year ago
I agree with all the prior commenters. An option or add-on to show the full email address along side the display name in the sender column of the mail list is direly needed. Even being able to "hover over" the display name and show the full address would be beneficial. Any method to show the full email address would make it easier to identify unwanted & spam email without having to open the actual email or inspect the headers.
Comment 20•1 year ago
I agree with the strong necessity to be able to see the actual email address of the "From:" since it is my most common way of determining spam/junk. I used to log in to my ISP web-mail to check on suspected spam until I realized they (unchangeably) deleted "spam" after 7-days; they also had about 50% false positive AND 50% false negative with spam detection AND no way to control spam rules. Now I'm teaching TB by marking everything new junk/not junk but have to risk opening emails to determine actual from address. Please, please fix.
Comment 21•1 year ago
I understand your frustration, and I do see the need to see the real address of the sender.
Most of the recent commenters are here, because the add-on "Full Address Column" no longer works in TB115. I am responsible for the add-on component and I already mentioned in Comment 14, that we do intend to allow add-ons to add columns again. But I also have to prioritize the stack of bugs I work on, and I was simply busy doing other work. I just raised the priority of bug 1817682 to P1.
I am not in a position to deal with adding the column with the real sender as a core function, which this bug is about. This bug does not need further comments regarding the missing column support for add-ons in TB115, because these should go in bug 1817682.
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Comment 23•1 year ago
@John Bieling (:TbSync)
Why an add-on for this functionality?
Why not simply implement it in Thunderbird!
The e-mail address not only in the message view pane, but also in the message list, as suggested 20 years ago by Steve Meyers.
So the same display in the "from" column in the message list as in the message view pane.
What's wrong with that, it can't be that difficult.
Comment 24•1 year ago
(In reply to rthx from comment #23)
@John Bieling (:TbSync)
Why an add-on for this functionality?Why not simply implement it in Thunderbird!
It is not my area of expertise. I am only here because this bug was flooded with remarks concerning the add-on, which should not at all be posted here, but in bug 1817682.
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Comment 26•1 year ago
For me, the display of the original email address was a reason to switch to Thunderbird. Currently I have to open the files in the editor again to see who it came from.
It's a serious mistake for me, precisely because it was integrated. A special feature compared to other providers. I'm wondering why it's not an integral part of Thunderbird, but only provided as an add-on.
I ask for correction.
Otherwise, I'll ask the question about an alternative product here.
Comment 27•1 year ago
I'm not a big supporter of extensions, I only use confirmbeforedelete and when it will be deactivated I will use plain TB...
I don't use TB's anti-spam filters to avoid having false positives and I manage, among others, 3 mailboxes without anti-spam...
after using forte agent for several years, I switched to TB and I always wondered why (unlike agent) you couldn't view the sender's mailbox in the message list panel...
lately a phishing email made me think, because it was done so well that I almost clicked on the fraudulent box... going to see the sender's mailbox, I noticed that it was a fake mailbox and so I went to the trash can to check the situation. ..
well, I have 1930 messages in there, of which 296 are unopened and 1634 are open; the first message is from July 2022, which means that in 16 months I had to open 1624 emails to understand whether they were spam/phishing or not...
of these 1624 emails, I would say that 99% have a completely fake sender mailbox and, having been able to view it in the message list panel, I would have discarded 99% of those 1624 emails without opening them.
in my opinion, the phenomenon of phishing and spam has reached such levels, including qualitative ones, that (in addition to the anti-spam filters which not everyone uses, as in my case) it is essential to also be able to view the sender's mailbox in the message list and this, unfortunately, it can no longer be delegated to some wonky extensions, no offense, which work today and are deactivated tomorrow...
it is a security and privacy problem that must be addressed within the TB, moreover also with a simple option within the choice of columns viewable in the message list header bar (sender's mailbox or sender email address) which has been waiting to be rightly introduced for 20 years ...
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Comment 32•1 year ago
important |
(In reply to JohannesS from comment #31)
I also do not understand why
- there has been a necessity to develop an addon "full address column" at all.
Thunderbird is an open source software, those working on it implement the things they think are important. Nobody picked up this bug. After an add-on developer released the mentioned add-on, there was no pressure at all anymore to work on this bug. It sounds strange, but that is how it is.
After the Thunderbird Council increased donation campaigns and was able to collect more finances, MZLA was created, and developers were hired to work on Thunderbird. This team has roadmaps and plans to figure out what should be worked on. This bug was not on the agenda during the planing phase of 115, because there was an add-on.
- why development of TB is made in a way that a crucial and already existing addon is not possible to be made working again
Legacy-style add-ons do not use the stable WebExtension Interface (which is tested), but hook directly into the source code of Thunderbird. We are working on increasing the available WebExtension APIs. There currently is not yet an API to manipulate the columns.
There are no tests for legacy-styled add-ons, and we missed, that the changes in 115 break the ability of legacy-style add-ons to manipulate the columns. We know that TB updates can break add-ons, and usually add-on developers can work around these changes (and we help them to make these adjustments). Not in this case.
I am confident, that we can provide ways to manipulate columns for add-on developers in 115.6, released before the end of the year.
I will try to raise awareness of this bug in the current team, to implement a native solution.
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Comment 37•1 year ago
(In reply to John Bieling (:TbSync) from comment #32)
(In reply to JohannesS from comment #31)
I also do not understand why
thank you John for shedding light on this topic. Hopefully this feature can be implemented quickly. TB can use (and definitely should do so) this feature as a USP then and thus keep the pressure up on other mailing programs to do the same....
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Comment 48•1 year ago
(In reply to JohannesS from comment #44)
is there anyone here to tell us the actual status of this feature? As it didn't make it into 115.6 - what are current plans so far? It would be nice to know - and -again- I would use the existing of this feature as a very heavy marketing USP item and prepare not only the feature itself but also the adjacent advertisement campaign to tell everyone that there is something unique available in TB.
Also raising money should be easier with such a point in communication! I definitely will make an additional donation once this is available ;-)
These two points should rise the priority of developing that feature alone!So in my eyes: all set - go!
Thank you for your work!!
If you had read the whole thread, you'd have seen
Comment 49•1 year ago
(In reply to Ed from comment #48)
(In reply to JohannesS from comment #44)
is there anyone here to tell us the actual status of this feature? As it didn't make it into 115.6 - what are current plans so far? It would be nice to <snip>
If you had read the whole thread, you'd have seen
I do have read this comment (as you could see from my comment #37 ;-) ) but i lack knowledge about the organizations behind the development and their connection to this conversation. And this orga is not explained here. So i do not know if the developers read this or how our input here gets back to the developers. So in my eyes my quest is legitimate and does not require a kind of rebuke.
Thank you Ed
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Comment 53•1 year ago
I'm not a Mozilla developer , but here is an early patch I've written which I think adds support for this feature. It still needs some tuning in the Settings, General section and updating the columns when the setting is enabled/disabled, but when enabled it looks like it is displaying the email addresses in the From, Recipient, and Correspondents. If mail.showCondensedAddresses is set to true, that will still override this setting for email addresses in your Address Book.
Comment 54•1 year ago
Here is revision 2 of the patch. It fixes the Settings section, but updating the columns when the showEmailAddresses setting is changed still isn't working.
Comment 55•1 year ago
Here is revision 3 of the patch which fixes updating the columns when the showEmailAddresses setting is changed.
Comment 56•1 year ago
thank you for your job...
sorry for the stupid question do we apply the patch?
Comment 57•1 year ago
I'm using Gentoo Linux where most packages are compiled from source and they make it fairly straight forward to modify packages to apply custom patches. Hopefully the Mozilla devs will be able to apply a form of this patch to the main Thunderbird code so then it can be picked up by all Linux distros and other operating systems as well.
I also found this, , but so far I've only created the patch based on a release version of Thunderbird and not on the Mercurial code repository.
Comment 58•1 year ago
(In reply to filigrana from comment #56)
thank you for your job...
sorry for the stupid question do we apply the patch?
Oh here is a basic example using the source code release although I'm not familiar with compiling and installing Thunderbird direct from source as I used the Gentoo package to compile:
Download and extract
Download thunderbird_show_email_addresses_in_email_columns_rev_3.patch
cd thunderbird-115.6.0
patch -p1 < ../thunderbird_show_email_addresses_in_email_columns_rev_3.patch
Then hopefully following the build instructions at will result in a patched build. On deb or rpm based Linux systems , modifying the source versions of those packages and then rebuilding should be fairly straight forward as well.
Comment 59•1 year ago
thanks for the explanation, I am truly moved by your dedication during the holidays and if this patch is implemented you will have the thanks of millions of TB users...
unfortunately I and many other users who have written are on windows and we will have to wait for the implementation of the patch on the next versions of TB, hopefully soon...
Comment 60•1 year ago
(In reply to Matthew Stapleton from comment #55)
Created attachment 9370250 [details] [diff] [review]
thunderbird_show_email_addresses_in_email_columns_rev_3.patchHere is revision 3 of the patch which fixes updating the columns when the showEmailAddresses setting is changed.
Thank you so much for your work! I really hope TB developers will implement it with version 116, it is such an essential feature!
(Then I would update my TB102 with which I stay for the zime being.)
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Comment 63•1 year ago
I am not sure if there will be a senders adress column soon - but please hurry - for safetyness it is really importend to have this back :)
As you can read here - many users are annoyed that the extension doesn't work anymore, because you forbid custom columns?
This should be a default in-build feature for all users, secure us the better way!
Comment 64•1 year ago
PS - I forgot to mention -> FOR WINDOWS Please!!!
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Comment 66•1 year ago
(In reply to John Bieling (:TbSync) from comment #14)
Please try to not mix bugs. The bug regarding the add-on issue is Bug 1817682. And we are working on it.
Thank you. That's awesome.
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Comment 68•1 year ago
(In reply to John Bieling (:TbSync) from comment #32)
I am confident, that we can provide ways to manipulate columns for add-on developers in 115.6, released before the end of the year.
I will try to raise awareness of this bug in the current team, to implement a native solution.
Thank you for your effort. In the meantime not only 115.6 was released, but 115.7 as well. Unfortunately in the release notes, nothing is mentioned about manipulating columns for add-ons (Bug 1817682), although there seems to be a work around for Linux (by Mathew Stapleton). Nor is there mention of implementing a native solution column header fix is mentioned (this bug).
Any update?
PLEASE inform us.
Like a lot of people we're all looking forward anxiously.
Comment 69•1 year ago
important |
The patch for Bug 1817682 was still in review till yesterday: and now can move forward.
That patch and therefore its status is linked in Bug 1817682.
I hope to get it to land soon.
Comment 70•1 year ago
Thank you so much for your work. I'm eagerly looking forward to your addon to be functional again.
Though, actually, it should not be neccessary to have an addon for that, the feature should rather be inbuilt. But, sadly, I lost my hope for that to happen...
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Comment 74•1 year ago
Bug 1817682 relates to other addons creating own columns as well (e.g. XNOTE), so there's a chance this bug will be delivered in a short time (I hope...).
Implementing new functions in native TB seems to be a longer process - even then, no one knows if such enhancements may be removed in a future release, so better a (Thunder-)bird in the hand as two in the bush ;-)
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Comment 80•1 year ago
I came here again, because 2 of my users got bitten in a phishing attempt.
As it stands TB is no better than the build-in Apple Mail client on a IOS devices that also insists on hiding the real email address.
The functionality of showing the full email address should not even be transferred to an Add-on.
This is basic functionality of an email client, much more than anything else added to TB in recent times.
Comment 81•1 year ago
some of you Americans who are near mountain view CA please chain yourself to the gates of the headquarters for a couple of hours so maybe we can make them understand haha...
Comment 82•11 months ago
any news from the supreme minds?
Comment 83•11 months ago
Did our unkindness provoke a childish defiance? I actually assume that the concern expressed here should be an absolute data protection matter of course and that it would be easy to present genuine technical information such as an email sender as such. I do not understand Thunderbird's inaction and have stopped all donations to Mozilla. I currently no longer recommend Mozilla products to anyone other than my family.
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Comment 86•11 months ago
The tone, substance and disregard for the bugzilla etiquette guidelines of recent comments here is unacceptable for a professional working environment, which include but are not limited to (And if you comment similarly in other bugs there will be consequences.) And they are not offering to contribute to resolving this issue, which is ultimately what bugzilla is about. So I reluctantly take the step of restricting further comments. Alternatively, you can submit and vote for issues at, subject to the similar guidelines.
Sorry to impact those of you who have behaved well.
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Comment 87•11 months ago
Updated•11 months ago
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Comment 88•11 months ago
Time to fix this! 🚀
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Updated•11 months ago
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Updated•11 months ago
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Updated•11 months ago
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Comment 89•11 months ago
Increasing the Priority so this will land and be available for next ESR.
Updated•11 months ago
Comment 92•11 months ago
Broader technical discussion in progress at
Comment 93•11 months ago
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #92)
Broader technical discussion in progress at
As suggested in the group...
If default become: Full Name <email>
In the UI the Full Name could also be emphasize and email address made more discreet to focus attention on the Full Name (primary info) rather than email address (secondary info). This may allow for a less "heavy" UI perhaps.
the Full Name + Email address may be less intrusive in the UI if it was placed under the message Subject rather than above, in the Message List in a similar way Topixbox does with the discussion lists. This may help distinguish multiple messages received from the same Sender as what differs between messages would then appear first.
Full Name <email> <-- Full Name could be in a different color...
...instead of currently...
Full Name <email>
Updated•11 months ago
Comment 94•11 months ago
For senders that are in the user's address books (including Collected Addresses), show only the full name, as set in the address book. For unknown senders, show the email address. What's most important is the second-level domain of the email address, because that's the security anchor.
There is a very important security reason for this: Phishing is one of the biggest security threats today. Phishing is based entirely on the reader (our user) being confused about the origin/sender of the email. If anything, the sender domain needs to be more prominent than it is now, not less. Many of the most famous and disastrous hacks have started with email phishing: The hack of Bundestag, the German parliament, which effectively destroyed their entire IT infrastructure, after having been spied upon. IIRC even the most recent hack of Microsoft where hackers could read the US government emails, started with hacking one Microsoft employee, IIRC by email phishing, and then elevated from there. Email phishing is one of the biggest security threats that companies face today.
And they are all based on this simple confusion of who sent the message. All email clients should rather make the second-level domain of the sender much stronger than the real name, because the domain is the only bit of information that can not be forged (if DKIM/SPF is in place).
Maybe the idea to make the second level domain more prominent might allow to hide the other email address parts and might make it look nicer and more secure.
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Comment 95•11 months ago
(In reply to Richard Leger from comment #93)
- In the UI the Full Name could also be emphasize and email address made more discreet to focus attention on the Full Name (primary info) rather than email address (secondary info). This may allow for a less "heavy" UI perhaps.
I wouldn't do that as doing so kinda goes against the security reasons for implementing this feature.
The email address + domain is what distinguish a good/real sender from a bad one, so ed-emphasizing that visually would make it stand out less.
I'm okay with exploring other UI improvements but not in this bug, better to keep this narrow and focused on this pref and default implementation.
(In reply to Ben Bucksch (:BenB) from comment #94)
For senders that are in the user's address books (including Collected Addresses), show only the full name, as set in the address book. For unknown senders, show the email address. What's most important is the second-level domain of the email address, because that's the security anchor.
Yes, that's exactly what my patch is doing and I thin kit defines a clear visual separation between known and unknown senders.
In the future, we want to explore a more "clear" way to show an address saved in address book against one that it's known but it was dynamically collected. But this is all future exploration to improve UI.
Anyone had the chance to try the patch I attached?
Comment 96•11 months ago
A few drive-by comments:
As Magnus pointed out, this is primarily not about the recipient address display, but about the sender address display. Would you consider changing the pref to mail.addressDisplayFormat
In this case the variable names in this code should be changed accordingly:
static nsString GetSenderFullAddress(const nsString& name,
const nsACString& emailAddress) {
int32_t recipientsDisplayFormat = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID));
prefs->GetIntPref("mail.recipientsDisplayFormat", &recipientsDisplayFormat);
You can use mozilla::Preferences::GetInt()
to get the preference value, see examples here:®exp=false
If you change the pref name, please consider also changing the string names in the Fluent files: address-display-legend, address-display-description, etc.
Updated•10 months ago
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Updated•10 months ago
Comment 97•10 months ago
Pushed by
Add a preference to always show the full name and email address for recipients in the message list. r=BenC,mkmelin,leftmostcat,ikey
Comment 98•10 months ago
Based on the previous comments, the old behaviour should still(by default, if the checkbox is checked) function for "Collected Addresses" but it definitely does not. It only functions for emails in "Personal Address Book". Assuming I only have those two address books and no others.
Comment 99•10 months ago
On further investigation, the issue is the "Prefer display name over message header" preference for each contact. Testing on a new contact, it is defaulted to OFF when added to Collected Addresses, even in current Daily.
I guess this patch now respects that pref properly when the code did not before, however due to the above behaviour many profiles are going to have an address book full of improperly configured contacts that will change the observed behaviour.
Comment 100•9 months ago
(In reply to Alessandro Castellani [:aleca] from comment #95)
a clear visual separation between known and unknown senders. In the future, we want to explore a more "clear" way to show an address saved in address book against one that it's known but it was dynamically collected.
I am offering an enhancement idea in bug 1899005 : add the existing gray/blue/(yellow) status icon to message list
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Comment 102•9 months ago
Thanks for your participation and passion, but please remember that bugzilla is not a mailing list and these kind of discussion should happen in those specific channels.
Bugzilla is only for bug and code discussion.