Closed Bug 257581 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Cursor (caret) doesn't appear in MailNews Compose Window, although you type something


(Core :: DOM: Editor, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set





(Reporter: mcsmurf, Assigned: ginnchen+exoracle)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file, 4 obsolete files)

To reproduce: 1. Get a nightly build 2. Reply to a mail or news posting (3. Type something) Actual Results: No cursor appears Exspected Results: A cursor should appear
'Clicking' in the Text: Cursor appears. Change Window(Alt-Tab) and after that go back to the Mozilla Editpane, the cursor is gone again. Bug comes up with nightly 20040831xx 20040830xx works fine.
Ginn: Your patch in Bug 169297 caused this bug here. Roc: CCing you, since you were the superreviewer of the patch and might be interested in this (as always, feel free to un-CC again).
Summary: Cursor doesn't appear in MailNews Compose Window, also you type something → Cursor doesn't appear in MailNews Compose Window, although you type something
It seems this happens when you turn off "Caret browsing". I'm trying to fix it.
Attached patch patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Assignee: mozeditor → ginn.chen
Attachment #157599 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #157599 - Flags: review?(aaronleventhal)
Comment on attachment 157599 [details] [diff] [review] patch This is only a workaround, just like the origin code before fixing bug 169297. We still have other problems. If we have a browser window and a composer window at the same time, turning on caret-browsing will cause two cursors blink in two windows.
Attachment #157599 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #157599 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #157599 - Flags: review?(aaronleventhal)
Attached patch patch v2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Comment on attachment 157607 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 review?
Attachment #157607 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #157607 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 157607 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2 + PRInt16 isEditor = 0; Move this inside the if.
glazman, care to comment on this bug and patch?
Attached patch patch v2.1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #157607 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #157607 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #157607 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #157677 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #157677 - Flags: review?(
Comment on attachment 157677 [details] [diff] [review] patch v2.1 >+ nsIPresShell *shell = mPresContext->GetPresShell(); >+ if (shell) { >+ PRInt16 displaySelection = 0; >+ shell->GetSelectionFlags(&displaySelection); >+ PRBool isEditor = (displaySelection == nsISelectionDisplay::DISPLAY_ALL); >+ if (isEditor) >+ return; // Never browse with caret in editor >+ } >+ Errrr. I am not sure it's the best way to determine if we have an editor here or not. You should try to do that through the docShell and nsIEditingSession.
Attachment #157677 - Flags: review?( → review-
Attachment #157677 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
I tried this, but I can always get editSession. So no caret visiable for caret-browsing now. + nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell = do_QueryInterface(shellItem); + if (docShell) { + nsCOMPtr<nsIEditingSession> editSession = do_GetInterface(docShell); + if (editSession) { + return; // Never browse with caret in editor + } + }
*** Bug 258019 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch patch v3 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
this one works for me
Attachment #157677 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 158084 [details] [diff] [review] patch v3 I found similar code in the same file. review?
Attachment #158084 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #158084 - Flags: review?(daniel)
Attached patch patch v3Splinter Review
sorry, I forgot to change the comment
Attachment #158084 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #158084 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #158084 - Flags: review?(daniel)
Attachment #158085 - Flags: superreview?(roc)
Attachment #158085 - Flags: review?(daniel)
Comment on attachment 158085 [details] [diff] [review] patch v3 seems ok to me, although I don't know the nsEventStateManager context. Please make sure this does not break Midas, Composer and form textareas. Thanks. providing the tests I require above are done and ok.
Attachment #158085 - Flags: review?(daniel) → review+
Tested against Midas, Composer and form textareas, with Caret Browsing on/off. All pass.
Summary: Cursor doesn't appear in MailNews Compose Window, although you type something → Cursor (caret) doesn't appear in MailNews Compose Window, although you type something
Attachment #158085 - Flags: superreview?(roc) → superreview+
Attachment #158085 - Flags: approval1.8a4?
Comment on attachment 158085 [details] [diff] [review] patch v3 a=asa for checkin to 1.8a4. Time is short so please get this landed ASAP. Thanks.
Attachment #158085 - Flags: approval1.8a4? → approval1.8a4+
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Flags: blocking1.8a4?
Verified FIXED with Seamonkey trunk build 2004-10-01-05 on Windows XP.
Blocks: 258536
*** Bug 258689 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
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