Closed Bug 260657 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Txul, Ts regression caused by checkbox/radio underlines


(Core :: Layout: Images, Video, and HTML Frames, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: aaronlev)



(Keywords: perf, regression, Whiteboard: Have patch)


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

The recent checkin for bug 68841 caused a significant increase in new XUL window (Txul) and startup (Ts) times in multiple tinderboxen. I verified those regressions on comet, luna (both Linux), monkey and silverstone (both MacOSX) - just look at their graphs. the only checkin that happened in the the time all four of then regressed was bug 68841 - so it seems a clear thing where it came from. (Note that the Linux boxes showed the increase for Ts as well, while Mac boxes didn't really, all boxes show the Txul increase though.) Some numbers: comet - before: Txul:348ms / Ts:1167ms comet - after: Txul:411ms / Ts:1241ms luna - before: Txul:778ms / Ts:3160ms luna - after: Txul:894ms / Ts:3299ms monkey - before: Txul:485ms / Ts:5928ms monkey - after: Txul:518ms / Ts:5999ms silverstone - before: Txul:474ms / Ts:3303ms silverstone - after: Txul:504ms / Ts:3267ms
I have some ideas.
Comment on attachment 159588 [details] [diff] [review] Remove impact on main window and most widgets. Accesskey binding only happens for labels with a control Duh, we should have put the code in the label-control binding in the first place.
Attachment #159588 - Flags: superreview?
Comment on attachment 159588 [details] [diff] [review] Remove impact on main window and most widgets. Accesskey binding only happens for labels with a control Duh, we should have put the code in the label-control binding in the first place.
Attachment #159588 - Flags: superreview?(
Attachment #159588 - Flags: superreview?
Severity: normal → critical
Whiteboard: Have patch
Comment on attachment 159588 [details] [diff] [review] Remove impact on main window and most widgets. Accesskey binding only happens for labels with a control >+ <property name="control" onget="return null;"> That control code looks wacky, do you have a test case for that? >- if (!accessKey || !labelText) { >+ if (!accessKey || !labelText || !control) { Did this get left over from a previous fix perhaps?
(In reply to comment #5) > (From update of attachment 159588 [details] [diff] [review]) > >+ <property name="control" onget="return null;"> > That control code looks wacky, do you have a test case for that? This is on purpose. In this binding I know there is no control attribute, so this is just more efficient than saying |return getAttribute('control')| If there was a control attribute we'd pick up the real control getter under #label-control > > >- if (!accessKey || !labelText) { > >+ if (!accessKey || !labelText || !control) { > Did this get left over from a previous fix perhaps? This is new. The idea with this new patch in general, is that if there is no control there should be no accesskey underlining.
(In reply to comment #6) >This is on purpose. I'm sure it is, but I want to see it work ;-) >>>- if (!accessKey || !labelText) { >>>+ if (!accessKey || !labelText || !control) { >>Did this get left over from a previous fix perhaps? >This is new. The idea with this new patch in general, is that if there is no >control there should be no accesskey underlining. a) if there is no control, then this binding won't get used b) radio labels?
(In reply to comment #7) > (In reply to comment #6) > >This is on purpose. > I'm sure it is, but I want to see it work ;-) Test case coming. > > >>>- if (!accessKey || !labelText) { > >>>+ if (!accessKey || !labelText || !control) { > >>Did this get left over from a previous fix perhaps? > >This is new. The idea with this new patch in general, is that if there is no > >control there should be no accesskey underlining. > a) if there is no control, then this binding won't get used b) radio labels? a) Yes it will, when the control is dynamically removed by setting label.control = '' or where control="foo" and foo isn't valid id in the document. Test case coming. b) Radio labels work because of the xul.css change and the bindingParent code
Attached file Test cases
First 2 test cases show dynamic change of control property works Last test case shows that label.control == label.getAttribute('control') when there is no control attribute set. However, I had to change + <property name="control" onget="return null;"> to + <property name="control" onget="return '';">
One thing I should mention is that setting label.control = '' or label.control = '' after there was a control before, doesnt change the binding back to text-label I would probably have to have special code to removeAttribute('control') in those cases, because setAttribute('') and setAttribute(null) don't seem to do that. So the binding is still the text-label one at that point. Also, this.formatAccessKey() is called after the control property setter, so even if we do that we still have to handle the !control case in formatAccessKey().
Flags: blocking1.8a4?
Attachment #159588 - Flags: superreview?(
Attachment #159626 - Flags: superreview?(
Flags: blocking1.8a4? → blocking1.8a4+
Comment on attachment 159626 [details] [diff] [review] 1) Also patch xpfe, 2) When no control attribute, control property returns '' instead of null (same as getAttribute('control') would do) I couldn't get a straight answer from jst as to whether getAttribute would reliably return '' when the attribute was not set. Also, radio buttons stopped working because they're not labelled control elements (should be a 1-liner).
Attachment #159626 - Flags: superreview?( → superreview+
Comment on attachment 159673 [details] [diff] [review] Final patch with changes requested by Neil a=me for the toolkit
Attachment #159673 - Flags: review+
Checking in toolkit/content/xul.css; /cvsroot/mozilla/toolkit/content/xul.css,v <-- xul.css new revision: 1.41; previous revision: 1.40 done Checking in toolkit/content/widgets/text.xml; /cvsroot/mozilla/toolkit/content/widgets/text.xml,v <-- text.xml new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5 done Checking in toolkit/content/widgets/radio.xml; /cvsroot/mozilla/toolkit/content/widgets/radio.xml,v <-- radio.xml new revision: 1.10; previous revision: 1.9 done Checking in xpfe/global/resources/content/xul.css; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/global/resources/content/xul.css,v <-- xul.css new revision: 1.135; previous revision: 1.134 done Checking in xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/text.xml; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/text.xml,v <-- text.xml new revision: 1.12; previous revision: 1.11 done Checking in xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/radio.xml; /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/global/resources/content/bindings/radio.xml,v <-- radio.xml new revision: 1.36; previous revision: 1.35 done
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Adding the bugs this may have fixed to the dep list.
Blocks: 260717, 260821, 260970
Blocks: 260862
Yeah, all the deps are fixed in today's Linux build. I'll mark them so.
Blocks: 260952
Keywords: aviary-landing
Relevant parts of patch relanded following landing of aviary branch
Keywords: aviary-landing
Keywords: perf, regression
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Component: Layout: HTML Frames → Layout: Images
Product: Core Graveyard → Core
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