Closed Bug 273206 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

[UPDATED] Add Extension: Enhanced History Manager


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: anonemoose, Assigned: Bugzilla-alanjstrBugs)




User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 (ax) Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win XP; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0 (ax) Enhanced History Manager extension revives the nifty Mozilla/Netscape History Manager functionality (and more) into FireFox. Link to extension is (rename from ZIP to XPI) for FireFox .08 thru 1.0 Tested Only On Windows OS, Probably Mac. Not sure about Other OS's Author: AnonEmoose Version: Enhanced History Manager Homepage: mozillaZine Thread: also available in Italian translated by: Madman No known Bugs & compatible with extensions such as UndoCloseTab, AdBlock, DownloadWith, IEView, OpenBook and many more Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3. Features: - Optional Toolbar button Toggles 'History Manager' in Side Bar (Hot Key is Ctrl+Shift+H) - Menu Items under 'Go' and 'View ---» Sidebar' - MiddleClick (or MouseWheel Click) on Toolbar button brings up History Manager Window - MiddleClick (or MouseWheel Click) on link(s) opens the link(s) in a New Tab(s) - Preference to Swap button action. *To swap Click/MiddleClick defaults, enable thru about:config. Locate pref 'hcpm.Swap.Default'. Modify value to "true" - Sort by either 'Day', 'Site' (Folder View), 'Day--»Site' or Long List. - Sort by Title, Location, First/Last Visited, Visit count etc. - Sort Ascending/Descending. - Quick Search (ie. by 'Title' -- same as FireFox default) - Advanced Search: 'Title', 'Location' & subsets (contains, starts/ends with, is/is not, doesn't contain) - Open one or Multiple links in Window(s)/Tab(s) - Add one or Multiple Links as a bookmark(s)
I have a feeling that description is going to be a bit long.
Assignee: nobody → Bugzilla-alanjstrBugs
Ever confirmed: true
hehe.. I figured I'd put most of th einfo and it could be edited down as you see fit. Presumedly the first 5 'bullets' should be adequate.
perhaps like this..... Features: - Optional Toolbar button Toggles 'History Manager' in Side Bar (Hot Key is Ctrl+Shift+H) - Menu Items under 'Go' and 'View --» Sidebar' - MiddleClick (or MouseWheelClick) on link(s) opens the link(s) in a New Tab(s) - Preference to Swap button action. *To swap Click/MiddleClick defaults, enable thru about:config. Locate pref 'hcpm.Swap.Default'. Modify value to "true".
sorry for bugspam. I forgot to add the 5th bullet in reply #3. Please disregard #3 and use this if possible: Features: - Optional Toolbar button Toggles 'History Manager' in SideBar (HotKey is Ctrl+Shift+H) - MiddleClick/MouseWheelClick the Toolbar button opens up History Manager Window - Menu Items under 'Go' and 'View--»Sidebar' - MiddleClick/MouseWheelClick on link(s) opens the link(s) in New Tab(s) - Preference to Swap button action. *To swap Click/MiddleClick defaults, enable thru about:config. Locate pref 'hcpm.Swap.Default'. Modify value to "true".
I need you to put the language packs inside a single XPI in order for me to list others.
(In reply to comment #5) > I need you to put the language packs inside a single XPI in order for me to list > others. In that case leave out the italian version for now and just list the original. Thanks.
I tested it and I found a problem: if you uninstall it while the sidebar is open, chrome is not properly deregistered and an empty sidebar is shown at next restart and then forever. I worked-around reinstalling the extension and the uninstalling it with the sidebar closed, but I guess I have to mark this tested-
Whiteboard: tested-
(In reply to comment #7) > I tested it and I found a problem: > if you uninstall it while the sidebar is open, chrome is not properly > deregistered and an empty sidebar is shown at next restart and then forever. > I worked-around reinstalling the extension and the uninstalling it with the > sidebar closed, but I guess I have to mark this tested- That is not a bug, it is User error. The chrome *IS* properly de-registered. Why would uninstall the extension while it's own sidebar is showing. Basically you left a reference in your localstore.rdf to open a now non-existant sidebar. All u need to do is to delete/edit the localstore.rdf.
Whiteboard: tested- → tested
Is the reference being left behind in localstore.rdf a Firefox bug or a bug in your extension? It doesn't sound like expected behavior to me.
Whiteboard: tested
just an addendum to comment #7 minor FireFox issue that it doesn't remove obsolete stuff from localsore.rdf This extension has been out for months and only one other person (aside from yourself) ever had that problem that I am aware of, Mook. You can see his tongue in check comment here realizing that it not the extension fault rather <abbr title="problem exists between keyboard and chair">PEBKAC</abbr> hehehe :-) :-)
(In reply to comment #9) > Is the reference being left behind in localstore.rdf a Firefox bug or a bug in > your extension? It doesn't sound like expected behavior to me. true....Uninstalling an extension with it's own sidebar open doesn't seem like expected behavior... lol
Whiteboard: tested
sorry for bugspam Just tested Download Mangager Tweak extension (which has the option to open Dowload Manager in a sidebar) and it exhibits the same exact behavior if unistalled while it's own sidebar is still open. I'm certain that *any* extension that has it's own sidebar (and it's open when u uninstall) will have the same outcome.
(In reply to Comment #11) You're not allowed to tested+ your own extension, and so far, this one's only been given tested-. I'm also not sure I'm comfortable with an extension author who doesn't take reported problems particularly seriously.
Whiteboard: tested → need-testing
(In reply to comment #13) > (In reply to Comment #11) > You're not allowed to tested+ your own extension, and so far, this one's only > been given tested-. > I'm also not sure I'm comfortable with an extension author who doesn't take > reported problems particularly seriously. I think you may have misunderstood my intentions. My intended humor & dry sarcasm apparently doesn't go over as well when it's written. I do take reported issues seriously but in my judgement this doesn't fall into that category and is not a bug. I did not ignore the issue and I posted a detailed, straightfoward cause & remedy. I removed the '-' because this extension was tested and minused only because of this one issue. I've explained why & how the problem comes about (user error), I've pointed you to other extensions which exhibit the same behavior (download manager tweak & any other extension which inserts a sidebar), and also pointed to the fix (edit/remove localstore.rdf or reinstall extension & close sidebar then uninstall again), and since it's a FireFox issue. It's not really an extension issue. I also considered the fact that only ONE user (mook -- who is pretty tech savvy, as we know) aside from Giorgio reported the issue and now knows why it happened; mook also realized what how it got messed up clearly stating that it was not the extension itself. No one else has pointed to (nor have I experienced) any bugs in *many months* this has been out. If you feel that I took too much liberty by changing the Whiteboard Status, then I guess I was presumptuous. Didn't mean to be so lengthy, just really wanted to clear up your doubts.
Assignee: Bugzilla-alanjstrBugs → nobody
I am satisfied with the testing performed. It is a Firefox bug that when the extension is uninstalled it should "fix" the active sidebar.
Assignee: nobody → Bugzilla-alanjstrBugs
Whiteboard: need-testing → tested+
You need to change your install.rdf to values you've actually tested with. As far as I know, Firefox 1.9+ has not been released :-). Try 1.0 instead.
(In reply to comment #16) > You need to change your install.rdf to values you've actually tested with. As > far as I know, Firefox 1.9+ has not been released :-). Try 1.0 instead. hehe... Fixed
addtn't info I finally located the official Firefox bug pertaining touninsatll when the extension's own sidebar is still open. It is bug 249883
Whiteboard: tested+ → In queue
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
sorry to be a pain but can you update UMO a minor change to homepage url
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Whiteboard: In queue
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
New Version - XPI link - Compatible with FireFox .08 - 1.1+ (compatible with 1.8 branch - tested on nightlies) Can you update description to: Features: - Optional Toolbar button (HotKey is Ctrl+Shift+H) - Menu Items under 'Go' and 'View --> Sidebar' - MiddleClick/MouseWheelClick on link(s) opens the link(s) in New Tab(s) - Preference to Swap button action (Click/MiddleClick/CTRL+MiddleClick) *To swap Click/MiddleClick/CTRL+MiddleClick defaults, Locate pref 'hcpm.Open.Where' and switch the order of (sidebar,tab,window) to suit your needs. 1st entry = Normal Click (default is sidebar) 2nd entry = MiddleClick/MouseWheelClick (default is tab) 3rd entry = CTRL+MiddleClick/MouseWheelClick (default is window) !!! Be sure to keep a comma between each entry!!! Be sure to have the sidebar closed when uninstalling or upgrading. Many Thanks
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Summary: Add Extension: Enhanced History Manager → [UPDATED] Add Extension: Enhanced History Manager
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Listings → Web Site
Product: → Graveyard
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