Closed Bug 274516 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Crash when printing directions with maps ( [@ nsIFrame::HasView]


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: MatsPalmgren_bugz, Assigned: roc)




(Keywords: crash, regression, top100)

Crash Data


(6 files, 2 obsolete files)

(spawned off from bug 274424) Using the "Steps to reproduce" from bug 274424: Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create a long route (~10 turns) 2. On the resulting page, click the 'map' link next to each turn, so you can see the 'turn-by-turn' directions. 3. After expaninding, print. results in a crash using both Print and Print Preview (scroll down a bit) using Mozilla 2004-12-10-06. Mozilla 1.7.3 does not crash.
Attached file Stack
Testcase derived from the site that still 100% reproducable crashes on print preview in my 20041213 trunk build.
The testcase also crashes with builds older than 2004-11-25. The url testcase works with: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a5) Gecko/2004-11-25-05 But it crashes on print preview with: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a5) Gecko/2004-11-25 Firefox/0.9.1+ 10:19am So I think that the fix for bug 209694 somehow now triggers this crash, but the crash potential was always there on that site on print preview (see testcase).
Depends on: 245300
Flags: blocking1.8a6?
roc's still out, I think. Who else can look into this? dbaron or bz, can either of you take a look for 1.8a6?
Assignee: nobody → roc
too late for 1.8a6. blocking-
Flags: blocking1.8a6? → blocking1.8a6-
Flags: blocking1.8b?
Hi All, I came across a customer with the same this problem yesterday. She was able to print mapquest directions to her HP LJ4100 PCL printer but not to her Xerox 432st PCL5e printer. Same symptom as described here. I fussed with her Xerox print driver, changed graphics from "raster" to "vector" and she started printing from her Xerox (no crashing either).
Flags: blocking1.8b?
Flags: blocking1.8b+
Flags: blocking1.8a6-
I see WARNING: data loss - complete row needed more height than available, on top of p age, file e:/moz_src/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1075 WARNING: data loss - complete row needed more height than available, on top of p age, file e:/moz_src/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1075 ###!!! ASSERTION: data loss - incomplete row needed more height than available, on top of page: 'rowMetrics.height <= rowReflowState.availableHeight', file e:/m oz_src/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1043 but no crash
Martijn, could you please reevaluate this bug, with winxp 20050202 I don't crash(url and testcase are OK). I fixed bug 269648 on 2004-12-01 bug 272830 on 2005-01-01 bug 277062 on 2005-02-01. One of them might have fixed it.
I evaluated with win2000 20050202 trunk Firefox build. I don't crash on print preview anymore, with the url. With the testcase, Firefox hangs/freezes on print preview. But that is probably because of bug 245300, I guess. So I think this bug is fixed.
It seems that the assert is triggered by a misbehaviour of the outer table frame, during the height constrained resize reflow the outer table frame does not reduce the available height for the inner table frame tblO 03645200 r=2 a=9048,14568 c=UC,UC cnt=363 tbl 0364530C r=2 a=9048,14568 c=UC,UC cnt=364 but does take the margin into account on exit tbl 0364530C d=1884,14568 me=756 o=(0,0) 1884 x 24000 tblO 03645200 d=1884,14628 me=756 o=(0,0) 1884 x 24060 removing the style="margin-top:5px;" as consequence hides the assertion
Attached patch patchSplinter Review
Martijn, could you test whether the patch fixes the hang (I don't see a hang)
No, the patch doesn't fix the hang, I'm afraid. I just had time to test it.
the reminder seems to be a Linux problem (I dont have a linux build)
but Martjin is seeing the hang on Windows, so it can't be just a Linux problem.
bernd, take a look at We call PushChildren to push nextRowGroupFrame *and its following siblings* to the next page. The problem is, nextRowGroupFrame's next sibling is the TBODY that we already put on the current page (because the row group sorting put the TBODY first in rowGroups). The problem is that PushChildren pushes nextRowGroupFrame and its following siblings, but we really want to push nextRowGroupFrame and anything after it in the rowGroup list.
Hmm, but it seems that Martijn is the only one who sees the hang? This bug is wfm win2005020204 winxp seamonkey and win20050206 ff1.0+. Martijn could you produce a reflow log with the patch? A couple of pages 4-5 is enough.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050201 I don´t hang or crash, but in Print Preview I get only three pages, showing the first 8 maps of 25 total expanded on the first two pages, and the overview map on the third page.
installed current nightlies and retested 2005020106 wfm in preview seeing all 25 expanded maps on 7 pages Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050206 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050206 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050201 (now working)
Attached file logfile
This is the logfile asked by Bernd in comment 17 with a Mozilla debug build with the patch applied. I hope this is what is needed here. It is the reflow log of the moment when I do a print preview. I've also added here the warnings and assertions I get on print preview on the testcase just before it begins with hanging. Maybe also useful. WARNING: data loss - complete row needed more height than available, on top of p age, file c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1075 WARNING: data loss - complete row needed more height than available, on top of p age, file c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1075 ###!!! ASSERTION: aContent1 must not be null: 'aContent1', file c:/mozilla/mozil la/layout/base/nsLayoutUtils.cpp, line 242 ###!!! ASSERTION: aContent2 must not be null: 'aContent2', file c:/mozilla/mozil la/layout/base/nsLayoutUtils.cpp, line 243 WARNING: data loss - complete row needed more height than available, on top of p age, file c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableRowGroupFrame.cpp, line 1075 ###!!! ASSERTION: bad prev sibling: 'aPrevSibling->GetNextSibling() == aFromChil d', file c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp, line 2209 ###!!! ASSERTION: loop in frame list. This will probably hang soon.: 'Error', f ile c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/generic/nsFrameList.cpp, line 636 Break: at file c:/mozilla/mozilla/layout/generic/nsFrameList.cpp, line 636
Martijn, does removing the float from the div make the picture differ? If so it would indicate that this bug is really dependent on bug 245300.
Removing the float style from the testcase still makes the patched build and the normal build hang on print preview. The assertions and warnings of the patched debug build seems different, though.
I don't see the hang on my machine, its somehow intermittent. I will focus my attention on bug 279316, which seems similiar and might finally help with this. I would recommend to minus this bug as it is partially a WFM and I don't see any chance that this will make it till the deadline. It should however block ff 1.1.
I still hang in this testcase. I'll try fixing what I think is the obvious bug...
Assignee: roc → nobody
I still hang in this testcase. I'll try fixing what I think is the obvious bug...
Attached patch fix (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This patch fixes the hang in this bug and also the crash testcases #1 and #2 in bug 279316. I can even print preview the Mapquest URL given at the top of this bug. Basically it's just what I said ... currently PushChildren is being called as if it will push the aFromChild frame and all the following frames from the rowGroups array. But actually it pushes aFromChild and its following siblings, which is a different set of frames. (E.g., in this testcase it pushes the footer and the body, but it should only push the footer.) So I just changed PushChildren to really push the frames from the current point in the rowGroups array.
Assignee: nobody → roc
Attachment #174349 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #174349 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Comment on attachment 174349 [details] [diff] [review] fix >Index: layout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp >+ // hint that f's prev-sibling is probably lastFrame >+ mFrames.RemoveFrame(f, lastFrame); Is there an nsFrameList part of this patch that's missing? It doesn't have a RemoveFrame with that signature that I see... For that matter, would you mind using an nsFrameList for the frames to push? You could still keep track of the last frame and use nsFrameList::InsertFrame to keep this from being O(N^2), and if we actually get to the point where frame lists can get at the last frame fast we can simplify the code to make use of that. Also, did you mean to break out of the loop if you hit aFooterFrame? You don't seem to do that. >Index: layout/tables/nsTableFrame.h >+ void PushChildren(const nsAutoVoidArray& aFrames, PRInt32 aPushFrom, >+ nsTableRowGroupFrame* aFooterFrame); Document what the function does and what the args mean?
Attachment #174349 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview-
Attached patch fix #2 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Okay, as requested. Actually it turns out we don't need the footer parameter.
Attachment #174349 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #174391 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #174391 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #174349 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Comment on attachment 174391 [details] [diff] [review] fix #2 >Index: layout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp >+ nsIFrame* f = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIFrame*, aFrames.ElementAt(childX)); Can probably use FastElementAt. >+ // hint that f's prev-sibling is probably lastFrame >+ mFrames.RemoveFrame(f, lastFrame); >+ frames.InsertFrame(nsnull, lastFrame, f); This is actually a problem, possibly... InsertFrame will set the NextSibling of 'f' to the nestsibling of lastFrame (that is, to null). then the next time through the loop, the hint to RemoveFrame is useless.... Perhaps we want to be iterating over the frames from the end to the front, and passing the previous element of the array as the hint? I'm not sure why footers are not an issue. Shouldn't we avoid pushing them? Or are they not in the array to start with?
(In reply to comment #30) > they are the first ones in the array due to > No, actually they're last in the array thanks to OrderRowGroups. And construction of the first table frame can put them anywhere in the child list, as far as I can tell. Pushing the footer isn't the right thing to do for repeated footers, but it is the right thing to do when the footer is not repeated. I don't really understand how the repeating stuff works yet. Should I just exclude the footer from the list of children to push if it returns PR_TRUE to "IsRepeatable()"? > This is actually a problem, possibly... InsertFrame will set the NextSibling > of 'f' to the nestsibling of lastFrame (that is, to null). then the next time > through the loop, the hint to RemoveFrame is useless.... > > Perhaps we want to be iterating over the frames from the end to the front, and > passing the previous element of the array as the hint? No, that was already wrong. The lastFrame hint should just be constant throughout the loop. I'll make a new patch.
Attached patch fix #3Splinter Review
Okay. This skips pushing repeating footers. And I think it gives a good hint most of the time.
Attachment #174391 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #174444 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #174444 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #174391 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #174391 - Flags: superreview-
Attachment #174391 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
Attachment #174391 - Flags: review-
Comment on attachment 174444 [details] [diff] [review] fix #3 >Index: layout/tables/nsTableFrame.h >+ * Push all our child frames from the aFrames array, in order, starting from the >+ * frame at aPushFrom to the end of the array. The frames are put on our overflow >+ * list or moved directly to our next-in-flow if one exists. >+ */ Document that this doesn't push repeatable rowgroups, and sr=bzbarsky
Attachment #174444 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
bernd, can you get us a review on this quickly so we can get it into beta?
Comment on attachment 174444 [details] [diff] [review] fix #3 Robert,I did not the promised printing regression test, I will have time only over the weekend for it. But it looks OK to me. The decision whether a frame is repeatable or not is based on the result of the first height unconstrained reflow. During this we calculate the height if it is less than a quarter of the page height than it is repeatable.
Attachment #174444 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla) → review+
Comment on attachment 174444 [details] [diff] [review] fix #3 requesting approval for this b1 blocker
Attachment #174444 - Flags: approval1.8b?
Comment on attachment 174444 [details] [diff] [review] fix #3 a=chofmann for 1.8b
Attachment #174444 - Flags: approval1.8b? → approval1.8b+
fix checked in
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 279316
*** Bug 279316 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 279319
Crash Signature: [@ nsIFrame::HasView]
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