Closed Bug 304622 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Adding a live bookmark via feedview uses the location of the feed rather than the location given in the referring page's link element; redirects, PURLs don't work


(Firefox Graveyard :: RSS Discovery and Preview, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Unassigned)



When a webpage provides a <link/> to a feed and gives an url that redirects to
another page, the actual location of the feed is used by the live bookmark,
rather than the url given by the <link/>.

For example:

<link rel= "alternate" type= "application/atom+xml" href=
"" />
(Assume redirects to

Using Firefox 1.0's subscription mechanism,
would be used as the Feed Location, as intended by the page's author.

When entering feedview, that url would be resolved to; then, when adding the live bookmark, would be used as the Feed Location.

If was then changed to redirect somewhere else
(to the newsfeed's new location), the live bookmark would break.

(Using the regression keyword because this worked as expected in 1.0.)
Not a regression; this is a feedview issue, and feedview wasn't present in 1.0.

That being said, I don't think there's a good fix for this.
Keywords: regression
For Atom 1.0, the href of <link rel= "self" /> could (should) be used. (Of
course, this won't fix RSS.)
When viewing a page in feedview, it's as if a normal HTML page is being viewed
in the browser.  The same thing happens if you just bookmark a normal HTML page
that you reached via a redirect.  There's no information saved about any
redirects that happened to get to that final URL, so there's no way to get that
information back when adding a live bookmark from within feedview.  There are
many times when you /wouldn't/ want to bookmark the redirect URL as well (e.g.
if you redirect through a click/link counter).
(Whoops, hit enter too soon)

For Atom feedview could use the rel="self" link when creating a bookmark to this
page, true; just not sure if its worth fixing for atom only and causing
divergent behaviour between different RSS types when the user probably isn't
even aware of the different types.
The behaviour's already divergent between feeds that live behind a redirect and
those that don't. There's no way for a user to tell what url they'll arrive at
before clicking the live bookmark icon and thus no way to tell whether they've
undergone a redirect*, so the user is as unaware of the redirect as they are of
different feed formats.

rel="self" was included in Atom 1.0 for this purpose, so it ought to be used
even though it's not a proper fix.

* (except the "Waiting for..." messages in the status bar when loading the feed,
but that's only if the redirect is cross-domain)
A good share of the 87,000 people using use temporary redirects
so they can stop using it. Feedburner does allow a month of redirecting back out
(which we'll ignore thanks to bug 275255) but other services don't. And although
I think using Atom's rel="self" rather than not throwing away the knowledge we
had when we first discovered the feed is the wrong approach, Feedburner does
include Atom rel="self" links in RSS as well as Atom.
Feedview was backed out, cleaning up deps.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Resetting QA Contact to default.
QA Contact: nobody → rss.preview
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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