Closed Bug 307501 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

components\calAlarmMonitor.js:137: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: ,};


(Calendar :: Internal Components, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: timeless)





(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

components\calAlarmMonitor.js:137: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: components\calAlarmMonitor.js:137: strict warning: }; components\calAlarmMonitor.js:137: strict warning: ^
Attached patch remove it (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #195266 - Flags: first-review?(mvl)
components/calICSCalendar.js:48: TypeError: redeclaration of const calIOperationListener components/calItemBase.js:434: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: components/calItemBase.js:434: strict warning: }, components/calItemBase.js:434: strict warning: ....^ components/calItemModule.js:79: TypeError: redeclaration of const componentData components/calMemoryCalendar.js:466: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: components/calMemoryCalendar.js:466: strict warning: } components/calMemoryCalendar.js:466: strict warning: ^ components/calRecurrenceInfo.js:663: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: components/calRecurrenceInfo.js:663: strict warning: }; components/calRecurrenceInfo.js:663: strict warning: ^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1316: strict warning: variable flags hides argument: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1316: strict warning: var flags = {}; components/calStorageCalendar.js:1316: strict warning: ........................^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1325: strict warning: variable flags hides argument: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1325: strict warning: var flags = {}; components/calStorageCalendar.js:1325: strict warning: ........................^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1523: strict warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1523: strict warning: if (tmp = item.getUnproxiedProperty("CREATED")) components/calStorageCalendar.js:1523: strict warning: ......................................................^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1525: strict warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1525: strict warning: if (tmp = item.getUnproxiedProperty("LAST-MODIFIED")) components/calStorageCalendar.js:1525: strict warning: ............................................................^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1536: strict warning: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1536: strict warning: if (tmp = item.getUnproxiedProperty("ALARMTIME")) components/calStorageCalendar.js:1536: strict warning: ........................................................^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:1891: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA-262 object initializers: components/calStorageCalendar.js:1891: strict warning: }; components/calStorageCalendar.js:1891: strict warning: ^ components/calStorageCalendar.js:43: TypeError: redeclaration of const kStorageServiceContractID components/calTodo.js:234: strict warning: trailing comma is not legal in ECMA- 262 object initializers: components/calTodo.js:234: strict warning: }; components/calTodo.js:234: strict warning: ^
Attached patch remove themSplinter Review
the flags one is too complicated for my tired mind and unhappy xpcshell. the xml one was because i hadn't passed -x to my xpcshell, and the redeclaration warnings are hopefully because i was lazy and recycled the context
Attachment #195266 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #195270 - Flags: first-review?(mvl)
Comment on attachment 195266 [details] [diff] [review] remove it patch is obsolete
Attachment #195266 - Flags: first-review?(mvl)
Comment on attachment 195266 [details] [diff] [review] remove it patch is obsolete
Comment on attachment 195270 [details] [diff] [review] remove them looks ok. (calendar doesn't use jslib anymore, we should remove it) r=mvl
Attachment #195270 - Flags: first-review?(mvl) → first-review+
timeless, what is the status of this bug? Was the patch checked in? Can this bug be closed? During fixing bug 340984 I did not notice other warnings in the javascript console.
Comment on attachment 195270 [details] [diff] [review] remove them looks like everything from this patch is fixed except for the storage and memory changes.
As I mentioned, most of the stuff from the previous patch is fixed. This patch gets the rest of the stuff that apparently didn't land.
Attachment #229729 - Flags: first-review?(mvl)
Comment on attachment 229729 [details] [diff] [review] finish stuff that didn't land r=mvl
Attachment #229729 - Flags: first-review?(mvl) → first-review+
I landed this yesterday.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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