Closed Bug 327402 Opened 19 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Submit multiple bugs at once based on a predefined template.


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, enhancement)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: dfc, Unassigned)




User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060111 Firefox/

I am almost positive that this is a dupe but I could not find one. The developer docs for releasing a new version of bugzilla has a list of the bugs that need to be filed when it is time for a new release:

   1.  "Release Bugzilla X.YY, Z.AA" and mark it as severity "blocker." It should block bug 286269, which has the alias bz-release. (Sample: bug 286271)
   2. Status Update: Make it block the first bug. (Sample: bug 286275)
   3. Download page: Make it block the first bug. (Sample: bug 286276)
   4. Changes page: Make it block the first bug. (Sample: bug 286277)
   5. Release/News Announcement: Make it block the first bug. (Sample: bug 286281)
   6. The Release Info page: Make it block the first bug. (Sample: bug 287544)
   7. Security Advisory: It should block the first bug, and and Security bugs targeted at this release should be dependencies. (Sample: bug 290249)
   8. Release Notes: Point releases and rc1 versions need release notes. Each version being released needs a separate Release Notes bug filed. These bugs should block the first bug. For final releases of major versions, you need a "clean up release notes" bug. (Sample: bug 286274)
   9. New Features Page (Release Candidates and Final Releases Only): Make this bug depend on the appropriate Release Notes bug. (Sample: bug 286278)

That is not the hardest thing to do but it is also not the best use of time. If there was a template set of "release bugs" that you could create all at once the process would be a lot easier. This would also provide a solution for the following:

multiple target milestones    - bug 198384
multiple os/platforms         - bug 9468
more than one version per bug - bug 79964

I agree that muliple versions per bug would complicate things because you would not be able to track the progress of any individual effort. 

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
it would also resolve bug 178303 multiple components per bug
But the bug summaries would all be different, for each new release. I don't see how you would do it.
What you want is a kind of "clone several bugs at once"...
(In reply to comment #2)
> But the bug summaries would all be different, for each new release. I don't see
> how you would do it.

Something is always going to need to be different or else you are just filing x duplicate tickets. Sometimes the summary is the same and it is the version that is different, other times it might be the same version but four different summary lines. I am almost done making my PoC template screen for this. When it is done I will post it here. I still contend that this is pretty similar to bug 141175 is rumored to be about or what Max was talking about when he said:

 "Also, it might be nice to have an easier way to file one bug that has a lot of blockers. I've certainly done that many times and it takes some time!"
> is done I will post it here. I still contend that this is pretty similar to bug
> 141175 is rumored to be about or what Max was talking about when he said:
>  "Also, it might be nice to have an easier way to file one bug that has a lot
> of blockers. I've certainly done that many times and it takes some time!"

I think that's a separate issue, but it seems to me that we ought to be able to add a new button that allows us to do something like change multiple bugs, but in this case, the button would be "add to meta bug" and it'd give users the option to use their search to let them checkbox bugs that need to be added, then specify the meta bug number.  Joel P. also had a similar idea.

One other approach to that might be to allow searching right from within bugs giving users the ability to "search for similar bugs."  How that might be accomplished, I haven't thought through at all, but it's an idea.  From that search, users could be given the option to make those bugs blockers of or dependent on the bug being searched from.
You can easily use bookmarkable templates. Then it's trivial to get them ready for a new release.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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