Closed Bug 344847 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

Need a newsgroup for the sql project


( :: Discussion Forums, task, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: janv, Assigned: justdave)


I filed bug 188380 some time ago, but that one was marked as WONTFIX. I'd like to discuss about the project in a newsgroup so more people can get involved. it could be called:
I have no objection to a newsgroup for this project. My only concern is that the "sql" name is too restrictive. Are you sure the Mozilla database stuff will always be SQL-based? Would or even be better names? Gerv
There are no plans to support other database systems. "storage" could be misleading since that project is completely different (different interfaces, implementation). I asked vlad about merging the sql and storage module and he said that it's not a good idea. On the other side "database" sounds too generic IMHO.
OK... Reassigning to server-ops@mozilla-org.bugs to get this done. Gerv
Assignee: gerv → server-ops
Assignee: server-ops → justdave
Normally I'd say it'll be done within a week, but with OSCON coming up there's no guarantees. I'll try to get this (and the rest of my list of newsgroup stuff) in this weekend, but if it doesn't happen this weekend it'll probably be a couple weeks.
Priority: -- → P1
Jan: are you willing to moderate the mail gateway for this newsgroup? Basically you'd get a password for the admin interface for it and you'd need to periodically go through the spam it catches and release legitimate posts to the list that got caught in the spam filters.
(In reply to comment #5) > Jan: are you willing to moderate the mail gateway for this newsgroup? > Basically you'd get a password for the admin interface for it and you'd need to > periodically go through the spam it catches and release legitimate posts to the > list that got caught in the spam filters. > sure
mailing list has been created, admin password mailed to Jan. The list is currently hidden. It will be unhidden after the corresponding newsgroup is created. newgroup request has been submitted to Giganews. Based on previous experience it may be a week or two before it shows up on Google Groups.
Whiteboard: waiting on Giganews/Google
Hadn't heard anything back from Giganews saying they'd done it, but it showed up in my newsreader just now. :) I've unhidden the list. Still waiting to hear from Google, of course.
Whiteboard: waiting on Giganews/Google → waiting on Google
w00t, Google's on the ball, Google Groups mirror is all set. This is now completed.
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: waiting on Google
I forgot to say "thank you".
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