Bug 368055
Opened 18 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
[gl] Galician: Firefox
(Mozilla Localizations :: Registration & Management, defect)
Mozilla Localizations
Registration & Management
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: dev.fjrial, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061107 BonEcho/2.0 Mnenhy/
Build Identifier:
We want to localize Firefox 2.0 and Thunderbird 1.5 (and 2.0 when it becomes stable)
(we have already done 100% GUI from Firefox 2.0 and about 80% of help, and also we are working in thunderbird.
Language: Galician, country code: gl
Contact details:
Frco. Javier Rial Rodríguez,,
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1•18 years ago
Seems like Mariano has some interest, too, it'd be good if we got that coordinated. There seems to be some activity on, too, at least on the mailing list.
Summary: register mozilla l10n project → [gl] Firefox localization project for Galician
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Comment 2•18 years ago
Hi Axel and all:
In mailing lists in there aren't messages since october 2006... I think that the group is dead, at least it seems that.
We are finishing the localisation of Firefox 2.0 and Thunderbird 1.5... We want to submit it because at this moment, no localisation is available.
We are working using a on-line translation tool (entrans) to translate Firefox by volunteers.
Now, i registered in mailing list... but no response at this moment. I'll try later. If I don't get any answer, What are the next steps?????
Thanks a lot.
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Comment 3•18 years ago
Yesterday I spoke with Mariano Grueiro, he told me that he can't work as coordinator now. He want to delegate. I asked him to put a message in this issue explaining this.
At this moment no one is coordinating, "the group is frozen" Mariano said.
I don't know if this can helps, but we are part of the galician coordinator team of with Sun.
Please, what else can i do???
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Comment 4•18 years ago
Sorry to change bug priority, but it seems like nobody takes care of this bug/issue.
At this moment nobody is coordinating galician group of mozilla, nobody. Both Mariano Grueiro and Miguel Blanco and also Jacobo Tarrío are NOT coordinating
do you need an email from this people telling you that they are not in charge of
Severity: normal → major
Comment 5•18 years ago
Sorry, there is nothing major here.
Yes, a comment from the previous folks in this bug would be good.
Apart from that, I'm in the sad position that I can't make any constructive comments on new locales still. I'm working on fixing that, but with limited success.
Severity: major → normal
Comment 6•18 years ago
Hi all
I´m sorry to not write here before and not having a complete working group; the reason of not being working was that we was waiting two years for an answer from anyone of the foundation.
Two years guys.
Along this time, most of the people don´t wanted to continue in the group waiting for nothing, so for me it is OK if Javier Rial want to continue the work. I hope that people who did not left the old group will help Javier Rial.
Thanks Javier.
Please take a look to
to see the full history.
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Comment 7•18 years ago
Hi to all:
We talk at list and decided to register as team to translate mozilla products.
I spoke with Mariano Grueiro as you can see in the previous post, and also with the people registered at to form a translation team.
I will be the coordinator, because anyone in wants it.
So, what else do we need to do in order to complete this request????
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Comment 8•18 years ago
ahhh.. we have already registed at
but we want to focus in Firefox and Thunderbird first.
Updated•18 years ago
Summary: [gl] Firefox localization project for Galician → [gl] Galician: Firefox
Updated•18 years ago
Summary: [gl] Galician: Firefox → [gl-ES] Galician: Firefox
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Comment 9•18 years ago
I work with Mariano Grueiro in localization mozilla apps, but he is very busy
at the moment and he can work on localization of mozilla apps.
At this moment we have translated Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird 2.0, Thunderbird
1.5, Sunbird 0.5 to galician language.
I submitted some time ago this issue:
PLEASE, If someone can help the galician community to have Mozilla apps
translated to galician, it will be fantastic.... But, we need to clarify all
this bugs related to our registration as a localization team.
To see our work, you can visit, in which site Mariano
Grueiro has cvs account.
PLEASE, Let me know if we need something else..
Comment 10•18 years ago
(In reply to comment #9)
> I work with Mariano Grueiro in localization mozilla apps, but he is very busy
> at the moment and he can work on localization of mozilla apps.
I think you mean "...and he *can't* work on localization [anymore]...".
> At this moment we have translated Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird 2.0, Thunderbird
> 1.5, Sunbird 0.5 to galician language.
> I submitted some time ago this issue:
> (...)
Axel, sorry to bugspam you, but is there anything I can do to help to unlock this situation?
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Comment 11•18 years ago
> I think you mean "...and he *can't* work on localization [anymore]...".
Of course, yes, another mistake.
We have been waiting for a long time... I hope that this situation will ends quickly...
Thanks Ricardo, Axel and the community.
Comment 12•18 years ago
I insist in #6:
So I am not going to continue with the work. I leave the work.
Comment 13•18 years ago
Axel, the Calendar team would be glad to get a Galician translation of Lightning and Sunbird. Could you please move this bug forward, so that the Core parts of the localization (dom, netwerk, security, toolkit) can be checked in and the Calendar parts after that.
Simon - Calendar l10n coordinator
Ever confirmed: true
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Comment 14•18 years ago
Thanks for you comment Simon.. but it seems that Axel is on holidays or something like that...
I hope to resolve this little problem as soon as posible to integrate our translations with Mozilla.
Comment 15•18 years ago
Hi all, there is nothing new that I can report, other than that Galician is one of the languages that may be affected by process changes we're discussing. If that happens will likely depend on how the alternatives turn out, which is unclear yet.
I'm not happy that I don't have something constructive to say, but that's the way it is.
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Comment 16•18 years ago
So, the solution is only wait, wait for what exactly?? wait until when??
What are these changing process that are being discussed???
Where can I look for more information about them??
Now, there isn't any person oficially registered as galician coordinator/traductor. I work in an institutional project of the galician government to promote open source (we've made translations for, Tina POS, Openbravo, Tiny ERP, Cyclos, Gaim/Pidgin, Gnome, developed spellchecker for OOo and Mozilla, and grammarchecker for OOO). We aren't going to dissapear in 2 days. We only want a completely open source desktop system in galician language, and install language packs for Mozilla products is not the best solution that galician users are expecting from us.
I don't know what else to say about me or the institutional project. If you need more information, just ask me.
Comment 17•18 years ago
My names is Daniel Muñiz, I collaborate in the translation of the Mozilla products.
We had been long time hoping by the coordincación, more of a year. We needed a solution as soon as possible. The situation is very demotivate. As Frco Javier says we had been too much time hoping. Mozilla is not behaving well in this case and is producing damages to the translation and translators to galician.
This situation is not right, we we are working hard.
That but we must do? a solution please!
Comment 18•17 years ago
I think I can clarify a little more this story. I am Miguel Blanco. Indeed what is not only applicable to this bug but for any other reffering to Galician language.
At some point about two years ago Mozilla product translations were being done unofficially in a project called Galego21 (now adbanndoned), in which I participate shortly. I proposed to open officially the translation and I found that the work in Firefox had been done by Jacobo Tarrio until the 0.8 version (I think) and continued by himself alone unofficially later. Furthermore, Jacobo Tarrio WAS OFFICIALLY the only galician team coordinator in Mozilla. After talks with him he decided to leave the coordination of the mozilla galician team as he was tired of 'fighting' with the official way of working here in Mozilla: Now I fully understand him.He RESIGNED OFFICIALLY and it's recorded in here,in bugzilla. (God, just serach for bug containing 'Galician'!)
During this period other people and I (from the asked here Mozilla to change the coordination. Jacobo Tarrio has expressed his intention not to go on with the group coordination, as I've said, and that other people could do it. I express here, in bugzilla that I would assume the coordination but shortly after I had to give up due to personal resons. At that moment I had expressed that in case I couldn't go on with the coordination (as it finally was) anyone else could perfectly do it even without my consent. Mariano Grueiro, if I remember well followed my step asking here to get permission to be the official translator. As I've seen he resigned too (maybe because this had turned stressing, irritating and anoying!).NEITHER ME, Miguel BLANCO, NOR Mariano GRUEIRO ARE ABOUT TO ASSUME ANY PAPER IN HERE AS GALICIAN COORDINATORS.
The result is that you, Mozilla foundation have never give permission to do so (having a new coordinator) despite of the reiterative petitions to do so and the team coordination being abandoned, since Jacobo Tarrio has officially resigned!. EVERYONE that have ever asked to coordinated the group has at some point resigned expressing it in bugzilla.Please check the bugzilla for all the messages that I have referred to and I had not linked here (my own posts here, for example).
In the meantime, the local government, Xunta de Galicia, which is the highest authority in Galicia (Autonomous comunity of Spain and where the vast maiority of Galicians speaker live, 98% or so) has formed a foundation for Open Source Development and Translation, which is named MANCOMUN.ORG following the petitions of the local Linux organizations and people of the Galician Translation Team 'Trasno Project' (the only one alive today). Actually, every single project of translation in Galician language is and should coordinate with Every translation team of our language (from KDE to Gnome and others) are well aware of the project and can actually be considered to be integrated in it. So, All Galician Translators are part ONE SINGLE PROJECT.
At has been set up a web interface to translate Mozilla products and the translations, as it has been reported here, ARE DONE already. Only, and EXCLUSIVELY there at the translation is being done!. There, as well, OOo is being translated.
Indeed, the only activity that the mailing list has had is that of the people that have tried to resolve this 'bugs' and finally have an active official translation team for Mozilla products. No other kind of activity. NONE apart from this. In terms of translation or coordination, GALICIAN.MOZDEV.ORG IS A DEAD LIST. I can give proof of this that as I have been suscribed since more than two years now.
So, to end up:
1. ONLY is actually doing the Mozilla products translation into Galician.
2. There is no Galician team formed officially and this is NOW Mozilla fault, ONLY MOZILLA FAULT.
3. Not a single person will oppose to liderating the Galician team for Firefox or any other Mozilla product.This includes me, Miguel Blanco, and the other people who, UNSUCCESFULLY have tried to officially coordinate the group.
Finally, I just hope I had been clear enough. It's a shame that a serious foundation like Mozilla is behaving like this in a very serious case. Mozilla foundation is actively denying to Galician Speakers the possibility to have its products in its language when there is people determined to do so. The Galician population is about 2 millions and a half, of whom about 95% understand the language, and, and furthermore, constitutes an active and technologically advanced comunitty. This denial suppose a big lose for Mozilla itself and for the future of the Galician language which is deprived of a fundamental piece of technology. Try to explain this to your developers, those who work for no money, why this software cannot reach some people in the language they speak and then try to explain to Galician people why the cannot have officially Firefox in their language.
It seems obvious that Mozilla foundation has a lot to change in respect to localization and it should take good note of other successful localization projects.
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Comment 19•17 years ago
So, no answer, no chance to submit our translation as beta, or something???
I realize that messages from galician community are a "little aggressive", but you must realize that they are disappointed by Mozilla Foundation about how treat us (and our case is similar/equal to catalá comunity)....
I don't know what else I can do :(
Comment 20•17 years ago
To everyone CCed on this bug: we want to apologise for our unresponsiveness.
We are now making a big effort to get in touch with the l10n teams we have left behind, and get everything back on track. We have written some documentation outlining the process:
So please get together, create yourself an L10n wiki page for Galician as it says, and you will become the official Galician localisation team. (Unless there's a dispute you can't solve, we aren't going to choose who gets to be the boss or how the work is divided up; you need to decide that among yourselves.) Then please make language packs for the latest versions of whatever products you want to do, as that bug requests. Is is at that stage that we consider packs for official status (i.e. shipped by the MoCo with Firefox at the time of a new release).
If people feel that they no longer want to be involved, I am very sorry about that. We will try to do better in future.
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Comment 21•17 years ago
I was on holidays untils this monday, and this was a very nice surprise, so first of all thanks!!,
We will do everything you said in your comment. First, we will create the galician wiki page. Language packs are already created for Firefox 2.*, Thunderbird 2.* and Sunbird 0.5!!!.
Nowadays, I'm the person designated to be the official coordinator for galician localisation team of Mozilla products There isn't any dispute about this (I think so :) ).. My name is Frco. Javier Rial Rodríguez and i'm the official coordinator for galician localisation team for too).
Thanks a lot Gervase for your answer!!
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Comment 22•17 years ago
Hi again to all:
I completed the steps you told:
Registered in
Also I submitted 4 add-ons: 1 spell checker for Firefox 2 and Thunderbird 2 ,
language pack for Firefox 2, Thunderbird 2 and Sunbird 0.5.
Galician spell checker:
Language pack for Firefox 2:
Language pack for Thunderbird 2:
Language pack for Sunbird 0.5:
What are next steps?? L10n:Becoming_an_Official_Localization??
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Comment 23•17 years ago
Hi all;
We tested the language pack against GNU/Linux (Ubuntu,Kubuntu and Debian), Windows, Mac OS PPC and Intel.
We are a team (the localization team) formed by 5-10 persons (it depends how busy we are in other localization projects (, OpenBravo, etc...), and our language pack (as unofficial) was downloaded from our website over 15.000 times since first version, and a lot of people demanded us to get an official version in our native language. We have giving support to those people, fixing accesskeys, commandskeys, wrong translations detected by them, we also have and we use a style-guide available for everybody that want to join the group.
This language pack has the GUI 100% translated. Help section is about 40% (working on it).
We also have a wiki project with tutorials of Firefox and Thunderbird in Galician language:
We have been using the language pack since Firefox 1.5. Then we made the language pack for Firefox 2.
After that, we create the language pack for Thunderbird 1.5. and Thunderbird 2.0. We continued our work with Sunbird 0.5.
Also, we created a spell checker for Firefox 2 and Thunderbird 2 based on our galician spellchecker for
All the add-ons are available under
Our last success case was an alpha language pack for Firefox 3 Beta 1 (available on our list at (attached at the end of the e-mail)
uffffff.. Sorry about my English, but I hope that this information would help you. If you need more info, just let me know.
P.D.: I'll continue with the steps Axel told me ("attach a source for your language pack to the bug"), but i don't know what Axel means with "source for your language pack".
Should I uncompress the .xpi and attach it?? Should I send the .dtd and .properties translated?? or the .po files generated from those .dtd/.properties??
Thanks again to all people giving us help and support.
Comment 24•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #23)
> P.D.: I'll continue with the steps Axel told me ("attach a source for your
> language pack to the bug"), but i don't know what Axel means with "source for
> your language pack".
> Should I uncompress the .xpi and attach it?? Should I send the .dtd and
> .properties translated?? or the .po files generated from those
> .dtd/.properties??
Axel has the final word on this, but I think he is asking you to provide either a working XPI or the corresponding gl-ES.jar. Since the XPI contains the JAR and is more functional for him to test it, I think that attaching the XPI should be fine.
BTW, is galician spoken outside Spain? If not, maybe you could drop the "-ES" and use just "gl", since there would be no regional variants of the language.
Comment 25•17 years ago
I'm looking for a source, that means, the directory structure and files that we'd need for our build system. There's a tool that can help with reverting a language pack back to a source dir, The build process from a source to a language pack is lossy, that is, not all data that we need for a full localization is in the language pack, so there's going to be some work remaining. The description for the tool has information.
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Comment 26•17 years ago
Thanks for the information,
I executed langpack2cvstree and yes, it confirms what you said about that build process from a source to a language pack is lossy.. there is some work to do (much more than i expected)
I'm going to start right now.
Comment 27•17 years ago
Cool, thanks.
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Comment 28•17 years ago
I'm working on it, We only have to translate the cookieviewer and install section
But I found one big question:
-As Ricardo Palomares said, we are going to use "gl" as locale identifier and drop the "-ES", just like the catalán and basque community.
What do you think about this?
Comment 29•17 years ago
Well, there are some files that show up in both toolkit (or dom or so) and in browser, the generic ones should be generic, and the browser ones should be browser specific.
Going for just 'gl' sounds good to me.
Comment 30•17 years ago
For public reference and reference in this bug, we're not taking new localizations for Firefox 2 anymore.
So while we're still waiting to see a contribution of a source for a galician localization for Firefox, that should target Firefox 3.
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Comment 31•17 years ago
Thanks for the information
We are dealing with Firefox3 now
Comment 32•17 years ago
Axel, Frco. Javier, it's great to see that we're making progress towards Firefox 3 in Galician! Thanks to you both!
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Comment 33•17 years ago
Just for clarification, I'm going to ask for closing the old and yet opened bug.
After that, I'm going to close this too, to start over again from the beginning, just for do the things in a much "cleaner" way, using locale "gl", and registering all mozilla applications.
Any objections?
Comment 34•17 years ago
Well, moving over to 'gl' is as easy as pie, we just change the summary. So for this bug, I'd just keep this one. It may have its rough phases, but we left those behind, so at least in my opinion it's OK to keep the process documented here.
I'd leave the SeaMonkey bug open and independent of this one. I'd just wait for Robert to come in and make a call whether that bug should just be closed, which it might.
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Comment 35•17 years ago
OK, I agree with that.
I've also updated the wiki page at
and inserted the information about our team.
Also, I inserted a note in previous existent page at
with a link to the new page Teams:gl
Comment 36•17 years ago
Hi there!
As Javier will confirm you, I'm coordinating the galician localization team now:
We've just started the localization process; here it is the first zip:
Since today we'll produce a .zip each three days in order to provide a full translation of both:
- the entire Firefox 3 (before 25th June)
- the entire Mozilla apps (before 20th July.)
We'll go even faster with your help. Now two questions:
- How do we integrate our translations in the CVS? We don't have a valid CVS account right now.
- Are we in time for the official release of firefox 3? If we need to comply with some specific requirements, just advice.
This first zip is intended to a first checking and validation to work on. If you detect any problem with the zip (incompletion, wrong codification, malformed, correct branch/version...) just tell us.
Greetings. We are very happy of seeing the work going on to become an official translation!! :-)
Comment 37•17 years ago
Hi there. Firefox 3.0 is pretty much wrapped up. Right now, we're still on a backlog on both debugging our documentation and other locales. Expect to join a pool of 10-15 localizations eager to join the release process.
Technically, the attachment looks good, but there are only 135 entries changes so far, so there's still a good way to go. A few guidelines, please don't change anything in browser/chrome/browser-region/ or browser/searchplugins just yet. browser/profile/bookmarks.html should keep its structure, just the link titles should be translated, and the en-US occurences in each link be replace with gl (twice for each url).
We're generally restrictive with granting write permissions to our cvs, so we'll take that on once the translation has been making more progress.
Comment 38•17 years ago
Ok, perfect; I've just forwarded your guidelines to be _strictly_ followed by all of our team:
Of course there are very few changes because this first delivering was just intended to technically validate our translation methodology. Thanks to your fast answer now we have a solid basis to proceed with the linguistic part of the things so: I expect the translation process will go really fast from now.
Thank you very much Axel for your rapid response.
Comment 39•17 years ago
Hi Axel,
Please excuse me if I'm doing a typical RTFM question but: translators are asking me (and I don't have a proper answer) where to find the strings to translate the elements outside the CVS tree so: mozilla download website and/or any other required element page... ? Perhaps it's just a matter of translating current HTML? Of course, I'm understanding that installer/migration tools are included in the CVS tree, please tell me if that's not the case.
Thank you very much.
Comment 40•17 years ago
Suso, the websites are separate from CVS on an SVN repository, they are indeed mostly static html pages to translate.
We have a web dashboard to follow work there :
It's a bit early though to work on the web parts as it is a moving target, if you translate pages now, they are likely to be obsolete once galician is released.
You can email me in private ( if you have any specific question regarding localized web content, but preferably after Firefox 3 is launched ;)
Comment 41•17 years ago
The download site is not currently translated, but there are a few webpages linked to from the product. Those are currently going through release hell, we should pick that up soon after fx3 shipped.
You might be able to get a good headstart on the content on SUMO, though, is one hook for that. David Tenser is coordinating that, just poke him to open up the gates. More docs on that are on, guess that's the best entry point.
Comment 42•17 years ago
Thanks all by your help with the galician translation! We are working against time, so feeling your will is beeing a real help for us! :-)
After doing some trial & error on the links you provided, I've just contacted David with the message I'm pasting below, and I emailed privately Pascal just to know if I might request galician language to be added to the l10n webdashboard/ resources.
Of course I can supose there exist info that can only be made available after Firefox 3 is launched, so just excuse me if I'm implicitly asking for not-ready-to-spread information! O:-)
After collecting all your answers on the out-of-CVS-tree elements we'll decide on the best strategy to translate all the neccessary/convenient material. Having that decission we will post it here as well.
Thanks again!!
-- BOF
As Axel will confirm you, I'm coordinating the galician localization
team now:
I asked where to find the elements which are out of the CVS tree to be
localized, and Axel point me to you. Before sending you this mail with
my questions to proceed I:
a) registered myself as a Contributor in the Support site, and
b) also I reviewed the Support/In-product wiki
My results are:
a) Support Site: I followed the registering instructions and try to set
my user preferences setting the language and country: but nor "galician"
language or "Galiza" country appears in the combo-boxes.
b) I tried to first translate the "Installing Firefox" page; I clicked
on 'Translate this page' Action, and then trying to select galician
language in the 'Language of newly translated page:' combo, but galician
doesn't appear there.
c) Support/In-product wiki: I found no gl locale in the listing. I tried
a language code substitution over an existing link:
I think -perhaps I'm wrong- it is neccessary to instantiate a gl subset
of all those webpages and after that, then it will be possible to localize
them. Beeing that true:
- Might I commit some other request than this same message in order to
open the gl language/galiza country to be added to the possible
support sites localizations?
- I'll need to evaluate the number of strings/ words to be translated in
order to provide a time prevision. The way we use to do that is:
downloading the source, extracting the PO -when possible-, and then
estimate that. Is it possible to apply a similar methodology over the
support pages? (Are the strings downloadable by CVS/SVN...?) Or are
they only localizable using the web interface?
PS: I'm CCing Chris Ilias, as I found its mail reading and also Axel
--- EOF
Comment 43•17 years ago
Hi Axel,
We decided to deliver a second zip with 24 hours in advance in order to allow translators to take a break during this weekend after this very busy week; here you'll find it:
Download Web: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Installer: 99% (Will be 100% after Axel confirmation)
Interface: 15%
Documentation: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
- Translators found some troubles with .rdf and .xhtml files using their usual tools, so they decided to translate contents at those files directly.
- A decission on the documentation process was postponed until we have all the necessary information from the MF in order to
Axel, as some translation procedures had changed, it will be important your revision on the CVS tree.
Thank you for your support!
Comment 44•17 years ago
Hi Axel,
We decided to deliver a second zip with 24 hours in advance in order to allow translators to take a break during this weekend after this very busy week; here you'll find it:
Download Web: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Installer: 99% (Will be 100% after Axel confirmation)
Interface: 15%
Documentation: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
- Translators found some troubles with .rdf and .xhtml files using their usual tools, so they decided to translate contents at those files directly.
- A decission on the documentation process was postponed until we have all the necessary information from the MF.
Axel, as some translation procedures had changed, it will be important your revision on the CVS tree.
Thank you for your support!
Comment 45•17 years ago
Oops, sorry. Don't bother the files in browser/chrome/help, that content is on now. This move is still somewhat in progress, which why it hasn't been removed from cvs yet, but it's not built as part of firefox 3 right now.
What tools do you use, just for reference?
Comment 46•17 years ago
Ok, I'll tell them to ignore the browser/chrome/help files then.
About the tools, the translators told me they are using a combination of moz2po and similar tools with OLT-XLIFF by three reasons:
- They are required to generate a TMX file as a result of this translation process
- They find Mozilla Translator learning curve too high to achieve results in time, as their priority is to obtain an official release ASAP.
- In order to accelerate the linguistic part of the localization work, they intend to reuse the translations memories of the previous Firefox & Thunderbird versions.
Comment 47•17 years ago
Make sure that you're running the latest version of the translate toolkit?
I found two problem, not sure if they're a problem in the po/xliff files or an artifact of the conversion,
ERROR: Unparsed content "<!-- Book: Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy. What the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation calls robots. -->
<!ENTITY robots.errorLongDesc3 "Os robots son "Os vosos divertidos colegas de plástico".">" at 1245-1437
ERROR: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x85 in position 70: unexpected code byte
You can run the script I'm using for testing yourself, too, it's available on
Comment 48•17 years ago
Ok Axel, I'm reporting the detected probs and your sugestions. Just a question: where can they download the exactly latest version of the translate toolkit?
Comment 49•17 years ago
|| should have it. 1.1.1 is current right now.
Comment 50•17 years ago
They sent me the reviewed zip; just an artifact as you told in the second case; the first one was just a bad closing sintax. Hope it goes ok now.
Could you please confirm me if this delivering is ok? Just in order to allow them to start their weekend with a peaceful mind :-)
- I'll ask them to use the testing script.
- I'll ask them to ensure they're using the latest version of the translation tools.
I think they'll start both the testing script and the translation tools last version in the following deliverings.
Comment 51•17 years ago
Yep, that looks good, thanks.
Comment 52•17 years ago
Thanks to you! Then:
Download Web: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Installer: 100%
Interface: 15%
Documentation: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Next delivering will arrive between tuesday 10 and wednesday 11.
Yuhu!! :-D
Comment 53•17 years ago
Hi Axel,
People from the galician localization community is asking us how to begin testing the translation in its current stage. Could you please tell me from where can they download the galician translated binaries (windows/mac/linux)?
Please, excuse this anxiety, but we see the Download Day approaching and ppl wants to do their bit in order to have a galician download ready to that day.
Comment 54•17 years ago
Please see comment 37, Firefox 3.0 is done and dealt with. Major accidents withstanding, those are the binaries we'll ship, and that includes the available localizations.
There won't be any builds done by mozilla up to the point where we're adding gl to CVS, and add it to the build process, which are two separate steps. For your own local testing, you can create language packs and install them in RC2 builds. See for docs on how to do that.
Comment 55•17 years ago
Ok Axel, thanks again for the info. I have just forwarded to them:
Then I'm understanding that my efforts might be orientated to:
1) adding gl to CVS, and then
2) adding gl to build process
Then I have two doubts, which affects our production process. I didn't found an answer on the docs, so I'm sorry to have to ask you again. Respectively:
1) Which are the requirements to be accomplished in order to have gl added to CVS? I mean percentage of translation, number of clouds with a dragon siluet counted... ;-)
2) Also, are there any requirements in order to have gl compiled after beeing added to CVS? Might we expect automatically builds, like nightly buildings, weekly ones... or do they depends on the CVS gl-account manager?
I hope to not getting you tiresome with all those questions, but it is important for us to have a global vission of the process in order to sincronize our efforts with other translation projects (GNOME, OpenOffice and so).
A thousand thanks again! :-)
Comment 56•17 years ago
We'll look at your questions to see that our docs answer those, quickly:
1) numbers change from language to language, take a look at to see what the landscape looks like. We don't give no exact numbers, adding to cvs is done when the better part of getting there is done.
2) automatic builds depend on a file in the main code, which is subject to our regular approval cycle, I don't have any experience on the current tree on how speedy that will be. What builds will be produced is changing right now, or subject to change, but should, at least, include nightly builds, without automatic updates, though.
Summary: [gl-ES] Galician: Firefox → [gl] Galician: Firefox
Comment 57•17 years ago
Ok Axel, It will be nice if you can point to that docs, good. By now we'll be working on going forward with the translation process; I hope existing translations memories can help in order to accelerate the localization.
Comment 58•17 years ago
Hi again Axel:
Translators tell me that they are unable to reproduce all the errors that compare-locales script gave you over the last zip. Perhaps the codification/sintax tests might be executed with some speciall flag?
Comment 59•17 years ago
Hi there,
Axel could you please check its integrity? Just delivered... the 3rd zip file.
Based on translators estimations, the progress is:
Download Web: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Interface: 69% (Installer 100%, )
Documentation: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
They reported that the tests done using the test script didn't found errors. But, as that previously reported problem was not solved, they are doing a codification testing manually before compressing the localized tree.
I'll be waiting for your confirmation or error reporting.
Thanks! :-)
Comment 60•17 years ago
There was an error transcribing the statistics, a matter of anxiety;
Download Web: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Installer: 100% (Validated by Axel)
Interface: 69% (Waiting for Axel validation)
Documentation: 0% (Waiting for instructions from Mozilla Foundation)
Also, this is the output of the compare-locales script:
{'missing': {}, 'missingFiles': {}, 'obsolete': {}, 'obsoleteFiles': {}}
{'changed': 3002,
'keys': 900,
'missing': {'browser': 0, 'toolkit': 0, 'total': 0},<input type="password" >
'missingFiles': {'browser': 0, 'toolkit': 0, 'total': 0},
'obsolete': {'browser': 0, 'toolkit': 0, 'total': 0},
'obsoleteFiles': {'browser': 0, 'toolkit': 0, 'total': 0},
'tested': ['browser', 'toolkit'],
'unchanged': 2017}
59% of entries changed
Translators are doing their estimations based in the fact that: "This number won't reach 100% in general, mid 80s should be the target, though." as seen at the docs.
Hope that helps.
Comment 61•17 years ago
Your output is a good indication of outdated compare-locales code you're running. Use either the version from pypi or hg, the cvs version is not up-to-date.
Please bear with me that I'm not going to jump on running a publically available tool for you every other day. Once you have something you consider to be a good baseline for in-the-tree work, attach it to this bug and request review. Until then, I'll need to focus on all the other moving ends in the l10n universe.
Comment 62•17 years ago
Thanks Axel. I'll forward your comments to translator ppl.
If there is another critheria more than the output of that (updated) compare-locales script in order to decide what can be considered a good baseline for that in-the-tree work, just advice me.
The next delivering from this ancient side of the l10n universe is expected to arrive between next Thursday 12th and Friday 13th.
Good luck with all those moving endings.
Comment 63•17 years ago
Hi, Axel and all, good news from Galiza!
I might ask you to review the linked zip which contains 100% of the Firefox 3 translation. I consideer it a good baseline to do the in-the-tree work because it passed succesfully a double-checking process described below.
Even when translators executed succesfuly the check, I decided to double-check it before sending you the zip. I checked it using compare-locales version 0.4.23, downloaded from pypi, installed for Python 2.5 using the easy_install procedure described at the previously referred URI.
The output of compare-locales -v gl is:
keys: 900
unchanged: 497
changed: 4589
90% of entries changed
which is exactly the one reported by translators.
Comment 64•17 years ago
We are very happy by achieving this very important and simbolic milestone in the way of acquiring and Official version of Firefox 3, so we are spreading the new with a Press Release based on this one:
Thank you very much for your effort and help, even during this very busy days! :-)
Comment 65•17 years ago
Hi again!
Here it is the real, the one and only... Firefox 3 RC 3 galician language XPI!!
Needed to be renamed to a .xpi extension and installed on one copy of the last coolest Firefox 3 RC3 version:
Greetings! :-D
Comment 66•17 years ago
Of course it was compiled using the very last zip we sent with the 100% translation to galician language.
We will be waiting for more instructions.
Bye! :)
Comment 67•17 years ago
Hi! I'm the owner of the es-ES module for browser.
Great job, amazing!! awesome!!
But I think that you shouldn't release this .bin (renamed to .xpi) as a final translation for Firefox:
1) The title of the browser and more strings are: "Minefield", not "Firefox". Should be %brandShortName% (or something like that). But I don't know if this is a violation of the trademarks.
2) I haven't seen any untranslated strings or errors with that (red ones, I mean).
3) Translation of access-keys: There are A LOT!! of unchanged accesskeys, and it is not beautiful: Marcadores (B) ... Axuda (H). And a lot more inside menues. So I think you should fix that until final "gl" xpi released.
If you need more info or help, LMK, and mail me.
Kind regards!!
Comment 68•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #67)
> 1) The title of the browser and more strings are: "Minefield", not "Firefox".
> Should be %brandShortName% (or something like that). But I don't know if this
> is a violation of the trademarks.
That one's fine, he's not doing official builds, I guess.
> 2) I haven't seen any untranslated strings or errors with that (red ones, I
> mean).
> 3) Translation of access-keys: There are A LOT!! of unchanged accesskeys, and
> it is not beautiful: Marcadores (B) ... Axuda (H). And a lot more inside
> menues. So I think you should fix that until final "gl" xpi released.
Good catch.
Comment 69•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #67)
> Hi! I'm the owner of the es-ES module for browser.
Hi there!! Thanks for your reporting, even when those errors were reported yet! :-)
> But I think that you shouldn't release this .bin (renamed to .xpi) as a final
> translation for Firefox:
Nobody told that. Just continue reading...
> 1) The title of the browser and more strings are: "Minefield", not "Firefox".
> Should be %brandShortName% (or something like that).But I don't know if this
> is a violation of the trademarks.
> That one's fine, he's not doing official builds, I guess.
Yes you are right, Axel. Guillermo: these are not official builds at all. Those buildings are intended to answer the requests of the Galician localization community who asked us to provide them binaries to _test_ the current translation. The reason why we decided to divert our efforts in the (previously deselected) XPI direction was that the CVS official way is noteworthy slowest than we expected. So: as the programmers designated for this project are iddle waiting for the CVS green light, then we decided to concentrate the effort in the translation side of the things, providing a tool for people to test the translation and reporting errors... and seeing yours it's clear that our strategy was succesful! :-)
> > 2) I haven't seen any untranslated strings or errors with that (red ones, I
> > mean).
> Nice
Uhm, please: what does that exactly means? Might we do something about it? Does this mean ok, or not? I'm not used to this terminology ?:-/
> > 3) Translation of access-keys: There are A LOT!! of unchanged accesskeys, and
> > it is not beautiful: Marcadores (B) ... Axuda (H). And a lot more inside
> > menues. So I think you should fix that until final "gl" xpi released.
> Good catch.
Indeed not. Translators were instructed to maintain original (english) keystrokes at least during this testing phase. If original strokes or adapted to galician language ones are gonna be used will be a decision of the Galician translation community; of course unless Mozilla Foundation has clear policy rules on that: in that case those Mozilla Foundation policy will be respected. In case there exists such policies, simply advice me.
I hope to have clarified the doubts.
Now: next delivering, having 100% galician language translation, tested by the galician translation community with reported errors corrected, will arrive in the same sequence defined for the previous ones.
Once those errors were corrected, we will spread the updated XPI for the general public, with a beta testing advice. Our Communication Department is working on deciding the best date around the Download Day.
Thanks all for your help, contribution and efforts.
Comment 70•17 years ago
PS: to Tristan: related to the meeting proposed to discuss the finantial facets of this translation, added to 15th-19th I'll be around the BENELUX area from 24th to 26th, mainly in Brussels. If you finally can manage to arrange that meeting around those days, simply peek me.
Comment 71•17 years ago
Well, what I mean for "red dialogues" are things like that:
Error de lectura XML: entidad no definida
Ubicación: chrome://dwhelper/content/preferences.xul
Número de línea 573, columna 4: <tab class="dwhelper-tab" label="&title.conversion;" image="chrome://dwhelper/skin/converter-16x16.png"/>
this is veeeery bad ;), so you have a nice and clean translation :P
[it's from another extension, not for gl package]
And for Minefield or Firefox.
Well, I'm using the latest RC for Firefox, so if I add the .xpi and use a -UILocale gl to open Firefox, the title should be "Firefox", not "Minefield", because the title comes from the main code of the browser, not from the xpi (the xpi traduces %brandShortName% to hardcoded string). I think if you don't distribute a binary file of Firefox with the translation (a win32, linux or mac one with embedded gl locale, and default, and can not be downloaded from the's website) you should maintain the %brandShortName%.
But it is my opinion, and I don't know nothing about licenses...
Comment 72•17 years ago
Re Firefox vs. Minefield, brandShortName is part of the localization, and its provided in two different locations: and
Which of the two you get depends on whether you configure your language pack build to be official or not.
Regarding keys:
You should, if appropriate keyboards exist and are common, localize access keys. However, you should not localize command keys, unless required and common for your localization. So, on windows, alt-f should match the translation of the "File" menu, while crtl-s should remain unchanged to save the current page.
I'd leave it up to you to make a call on whether you want to review your localization for that before we proceed or I should take the status quo from comment 64, and you'd fix the accesskeys as a follow up once your account is up and all.
Comment 73•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #67)
> 3) Translation of access-keys: There are A LOT!! of unchanged accesskeys, and
> it is not beautiful: Marcadores (B) ... Axuda (H). And a lot more inside
> menues. So I think you should fix that until final "gl" xpi released.
I'm happy to announce that there is no disenssion on having those accesskeys adapted to Galician language; indeed, it seems to be stablished a previous consensus on adapting those as a regular basis.
So, next week's zip will come with all those things corrected. Really thanks for your reports.
(In reply to comment #71)
> And for Minefield or Firefox.
> Well, I'm using the latest RC for Firefox, so if I add the .xpi and use a
> -UILocale gl to open Firefox, the title should be "Firefox", not "Minefield",
> because the title comes from the main code of the browser, not from the xpi
> (the xpi traduces %brandShortName% to hardcoded string). I think if you don't
> distribute a binary file of Firefox with the translation (a win32, linux or mac
> one with embedded gl locale, and default, and can not be downloaded from the
>'s website) you should maintain the %brandShortName%.
> But it is my opinion, and I don't know nothing about licenses...
Ok; I'll forward to translators your sugestion on maintaining that %brandShortName% as we will be distributing only XPI. We expect that the binaries will be those provided by nightly builds or what proceeds.
Thank you very much for this sugestion and, please, let us know any other similar potential issue. Specially, thanks a lot for your 'translation' of the "red dialogues" menace... :-)
Comment 74•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #72)
> Re Firefox vs. Minefield, brandShortName is part of the localization, and its
> provided in two different locations:
> and
> Which of the two you get depends on whether you configure your language pack
> build to be official or not.
OK Axel. I'll forward to translators your info in order to deal with that. Thanks for the info.
> Regarding keys:
> You should, if appropriate keyboards exist and are common, localize access
> keys. However, you should not localize command keys, unless required and common
> for your localization. So, on windows, alt-f should match the translation of
> the "File" menu, while crtl-s should remain unchanged to save the current page.
> I'd leave it up to you to make a call on whether you want to review your
> localization for that before we proceed or I should take the status quo from
> comment 64, and you'd fix the accesskeys as a follow up once your account is up
> and all.
After some rethinking, I found two considerations:
1) An agreement between translators, programmers and communication people involved in this project was reached a couple hours ago on how to face the revision of the last zip in order to be able to provide an XPI with those reported errors corrected. Proceeding through the second of your options might involve: stopping the ongoing process, redefining it (on an unknown basis) and starting a new one.
2) The reviewing work currently in progress includes the possibility of receiving error reports during this weekend and correcting them during monday. This implies more than 48 extra testing hours and that implies a potential better quality of the final package, obtaining a full, double-checked, tested and now corrected Galician language translation of Firefox 3.
Based on those two considerations, I find a more convenient option to let flowing the current ongoing reviewing process and to not compromise the product's potential quality.
Regarding to the account setting up process, I might express my gratitude by your trust; I think that it's an important thing to be said and I hope to not dissapoint you with my work on the code. Done that, if something might be done that I can prepare in advance on my side (like installing specific clients, mail/GPG settings, RSA generating, ssh tunneling... whatever) in order to proceed with that then simply tell me.
A final note. Perhaps some people can find a XPI language translation a 'minor' range or something. For me, and probably for us, what that XPI shows is a clear proof of the succesful ongoing commonwork between Mozilla Foundation and Mancomún. A work which I expect to be fruitfuly during the next years.
Our only sadness will be to not be able to contribute to the Download Day providing a binary in our own language. Fortunately, we also have two others related languages which we can choose: Portuguese and Spanish. So we will encourage the Galician web people to contribute with their bit in that way.
Comment 75•17 years ago
100% translated, double-checked, tested and (hopely) now corrected Galician language translation of Firefox 3:
Output of compare-locales
keys: 900
unchanged: 477
changed: 4609
90% of entries changed
In order to deliver the testing XPI (and if all goes as expected):
- We will wait until Download Day offectively started
- Then we will generate a valid XPI for that binaries (during tuesday 17th morning)
- In that morning we will publish a new on our site encouraging ppl to participate in the Download Day and to test the galician translation
If you find any problem like that %brandShortName% just advice.
Congrats and let's go for that Guiness Record then! :-)
Comment 76•17 years ago
Our testers detected some troubles with the last compilation, they are currently working on that.
Comment 77•17 years ago
Problems solved (accesskeys/commandkeys messing). Updated zip uploaded:
This zip is using in this moments to compile the XPI we deliver to the Galician Firefox users in order to allow them _testing_ our translation and obtaining inputs from them. In this way we will improve our quality process extending the development process to the community. This delivering will start from 19:00 GMT, just after the time we expect the Download Day starts.
Right now, in order to encourage Galician people to participate in the Download Day, we published a promotional new in our site which will be the most relevant one for all today and tomorrow morning (added to the Galician XPI availability note):
Hope that helps,
Comment 78•17 years ago
Hi there,
Thanks to the download day we have more than 650 Firefox 3 users testing the translation to galician language through the XPI. Thanks to that we detected a set of errors which have been corrected. And we received a bunch of congratulations and succesfull stories also :-)
The latest zip including those corrections and the correspondent compiled xpi can be downloaded respectively from:
Those files were not delivered to the general public; they are just intended for intensive testing of the mozilla community in order to receive major bugs until next monday 23th.
Tuesday 24th we will provide the zip suitable to be integrated in the CVS and also the XPI which will provide a galician translation to Firefox 3 until the moment an official build can replace it.
Comment 79•17 years ago
As promised, here you'll find a good baseline for in-the-tree work which might be ready to add gl to CVS and then adding it to the build process.
Could you please review it? It contains the 100% translated interface, once testers error reports arrived since download day were corrected. Basically: accesskeys confussion, bad window sizings, extrange printing behaviour and lots of other minor errors detected by users.
Comment 80•17 years ago
Galician dictionary & language Packs added to addons, following given instructions.
Comment 81•17 years ago
Hi Axel:
Could we go forward with the CVS thing? If something might still be done please tell us.
Also: translators are asking me how if there are some specific instructions on translating the rest of the Mozilla products as they are for translating Firefox. Specially: what about documentation? They are still waiting for instructions.
Updated•17 years ago
Whiteboard: needs-pike
Comment 82•17 years ago
Hi Axel,
Did you detected any problem with the galician translation? Can we proceed we proceed with the in-tree-work please?
Comment 83•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #79)
r=me on this, I'll do the initial landing of that in a minute.
Please file a cvs account bug, you can find the details at Please mark this bug as blocking the cvs account bug.
In parallel, I'll start filing a bunch of bugs to get the infrastructure for Galician up.
Thanks, and welcome.
PS: I got slightly confused by the various names you have, which should we use for bugmail etc? Suso or Manuel?
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: needs-pike
Comment 84•17 years ago
|| has it, has it, too.
You should already be able to check out the landed code via anonymous cvs,
cvs -z3 co l10n/gl
I'll probably land more than one locale today, so I'll do the build and tinderbox bugs in one chunk.
Comment 85•17 years ago
Suso, out of interest, this bug report also talks about a Galician Thunderbird and Calendar translation (Sunbird/Lightning) but no such translation has been attached here yet.
Is this still planned or can I remove my CC here?
Comment 87•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #83)
> PS: I got slightly confused by the various names you have, which should we use
> for bugmail etc? Suso or Manuel?
Yep, that's a long history. Suso will be better, thanks!
Comment 88•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #85)
> Suso, out of interest, this bug report also talks about a Galician Thunderbird
> and Calendar translation (Sunbird/Lightning) but no such translation has been
> attached here yet.
> Is this still planned or can I remove my CC here?
We have translations of Firefox 3, Thunderbird 2 and Calendar 0.5. We didn't attach the last two during those weeks because we setted the priority on Firefox and we didn't want to turn crazy Axel :-)
You can download and test our language packages for mail and calendar here, where you'll find instructions for the Linux, Windows and Mac:
Of course we plan to maintain those translations and any other relevant Mozilla product.
Simon, if some operation might be done by my side other than requesting the CVS account following Axel suggestion, please let me known by mail.
Comment 89•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #88)
>> Suso, out of interest, this bug report also talks about a Galician
>> Thunderbird and Calendar translation (Sunbird/Lightning) but no such
>> translation has been attached here yet.
> We have translations of Firefox 3, Thunderbird 2 and Calendar 0.5. We didn't
> attach the last two during those weeks because we set the priority on
> Firefox and we didn't want to turn crazy Axel :-)
Sunbird 0.5 is pretty outdated (0.8 is the current release and 0.9 is scheduled to be released in August or September). As for Thunderbird 2, that one has seen
a release cycle so long, that it might make more sense for a new team as yours
to aim for the next release (Thunderbird 3) directly.
I would suggest that you try to update your localizations for Thunderbird and
Calendar (Lightning/Sunbird) and file individual bugs for adding the Galician
localization for both products once you have finished the update process.
Please CC me on those bugs!
Comment 90•17 years ago
(In reply to comment #83)
> Please file a cvs account bug, you can find the details at
> Please mark this bug as blocking the cvs account bug.
Uhm... I can mark 443042 to block 368055 but I can't do it contrarywise.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something with the bug-blocking thing... indeed
I'm involved in a hell of cancelled flights, delays and similar affaires, so it
is expected that I'll have an intermitent connection during the next hours/days
(and not exactly a 100% cerebral functionality). But I'll try to do my best.
You need to log in
before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.