Closed Bug 37267 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

unable to load default My Netscape homepage, fails redirect (


(Core :: Networking, defect, P3)






(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: gagan)




(Keywords: top100, Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2+] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing))


(1 file)

this is one of the top sites --i'm able to load it on 4.7, but not on mozilla on either linux or winNT (2000.04.26.09, opt comm). not sure which component this should go in, so feel free to redirect as needed. 1. in the Location textfield, enter the above url 2. hit Enter key. result: watch the throbber throb and throb and page loads --or might partially draw, then go blank ultimately. got the following console info from linux (but, no, it didn't load at all): Error loading URL ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory ->>>>>>>>>>>>>> Write Clipboard to memory Document: Done (30.078 secs) Document loaded successfully
*** Bug 37265 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I note that no content is currently returned from the above URL (testing with libwww-perl GET). Who is a netcenter contact who can elaborate on this?
top100 confirmed on win98 2000042608. Page loads to the "My Netscape" header and doesn't get past that point, but I can sometimes get the portfolio to load as well. This appeared at the top of the page while loading: <620) "WIDTH=620";}; WIDTH=96% ID="header">
sorry for spam, mid-air collision caused some changes not to go through (kw, cc)
Keywords: top100
cc'ing johng only because he tends to know who to bug at netcenter. Johng, little help here please?
The URL serves HTML content which includes: <NOLAYER><META http-equiv="refresh" ...></NOLAYER> which should kick mozilla off to the alternate content location ASAP. The content from should be almost immediately torn down and replaced by new content (i.e., is full of Nav4'isms that mozilla will not handle, so let's not focus on those). The problem is that the redirect page is (as far as i can tell) dead. Need someone from netcenter to confirm/correct (in my opinion).
confirm that it also occurs on Mac moz, 2000.04.26.11.
This worksforme unless I'm missing something here. Tested with 042608 build under NT. Sounds like not a Mozilla bug?
I'm going to attach a screenshot to prove that _currently_ mozilla gets a blank page. While loading, the content window is black, but finally it get's drawn grey. Shell output is: Error loading URL Document: Done (30.392 secs) Document loaded successfully
Well, there's some content there now (20000428) but it's very broken. I get to: I'm going to mail this bug URL to someone at Netcenter :-) Gerv
*** Bug 38081 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: dogfood
Still seeing this on linux build on 5/3. Can't run the pre-checkin tests since is part of them. Adding dogfood keyword since bug 37267 was already marked [dogfood+].
I got the runaround from NetCenter support (I should start a canned-response collection) but it seemed OK a couple of days ago so I gave up. It still seems OK in 2000050111 under W95. It was definitely their problem. Akkana - are you still seeing this? Gerv
Still a problem on 5/4.
Jan, since this is a Netcenter problem, is there a specific person[s] over there we could speak with to get this fixed? not too cool that their essentially ignoring us (eg, Gerv's attempts to communicate w/'em). thx!
Putting on dogfood+. michaell and ekrock...can we get some help here. Folks seem to thing it is on Netcenter side. rickg, your thoughts? commercial builds all platforms show this bug too.
Assignee: asadotzler → rickg
Component: Browser-General → Layout
QA Contact: jelwell → petersen
Whiteboard: [dogfood+]
This possibly a dupe of 24774 ( have nominated for beta2 ).
I think I've a fix for 24774 but that did not fix this bug. So, they are no dupes.
This looks like a threading bug in netlib (per the stack info in VC++). Off to gagan for triage.
Assignee: rickg → gagan
Problem loading the URL ( ) kicked in by the META (refersh attribute) inside NOLAYER. NOTE: Since we don't support LAYER...the NOLAYER content kicks in.
this seems like a problem with netcenter. Since the last page returns with a Content-Length of zero! ... and hence the blank page.
Summary: unable to load My Netscape homepage → Netcenter problem- unable to load My Netscape homepage
adding nsbeta2 to keywords.
Keywords: nsbeta2
*** Bug 39604 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: netcenter
this problem has been notified to Netcenter and they have accepted it.
Gagan: I'm not sure how quickly they acted, but the problem has changed slightly. I still cannot get a working page, but it may be a necko issue now. Here's what happens: 1) enter 2) browser acts on the META element inside a NOLAYER element (which it should) and goes to 3) whereas this page used to return nothing at all, today I can see that it returns the following headers (using a hacked version of GET from libwww-perl; this version sends a user-agent string that matches current mozilla build's user-agent). [jrgm@jrgm ~]$ mozget -s -S -e -d\?set:user/nss/templates/nav4=template2.tmp l GET --> 200 OK Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 20:16:36 GMT Pragma: no-cache Location: /template2.tmpl?r Server: Netscape-Enterprise/4.1 Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: text/html Expires: 0 Client-Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 20:16:37 GMT Client-Peer: [jrgm@jrgm ~]$ So, it is now getting a "Location: ..." header. However, the browser does not follow this redirect. If I enter into the urlbar and hit enter, I load a workable version of which uses positioned DIV instead of LAYER (i.e., it's redesigned for w3c dom and mozilla).
if I go to template2.tmpl with ns 4.72, it redirects again and works. so, could be a mozilla bug perhaps?
oops, just filed my own. adding a better keyword.
Summary: Netcenter problem- unable to load My Netscape homepage → Netcenter problem- unable to load My Netscape homepage (
*** Bug 39980 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Tested with Build # 2000052015 on Windows 98 SE Clicked URL link,, Page loaded as expected. Works for Me
2000052208 win32 mozilla build, this seems to still exist. Page won't load completly.
*** Bug 39945 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Tested with Build # 2000052208 on Windows 98 SE Clicked on link http://my, Page loaded as expected. Was using profile migrated from NN 4.72. Reloaded Mozilla with default profile. Clicked on link, Page would NOT load completly. Coppied cookies.txt from migrated profile to default profile, reloaded Mozilla with default profile. Clicked on link page loaded as expected.
So, with a migrated/copied cookies.txt, you get a different set of redirects (i.e., to a custom page). So the problem here is for loading the default page. I believe it is failing to pick up the final redirect, which comes from a Location: header returned from l and should go to
Component: Layout → Networking
Summary: Netcenter problem- unable to load My Netscape homepage ( → unable to load default My Netscape homepage, fails redirect ( template2.tmpl looks like a good redirect for NN 4.x , But Mozilla IDs itself as 5.0. The redirect could be failing because its testing Moz as nav5.
Updating QA Contact.
QA Contact: petersen → tever
*SPAM* - adding mostfreq keyword to bugs with loads of DUPEs. Please aid this effort by adding this keyword to any bugs with more than 15 DUPEs. Gerv
Keywords: mostfreq
We need some updates on this dogfood bug. Can you put some updated status on this in the status whiteboard (hopeful fix date?) or can we get other folks involved in this bug? Not only is this dogfood, it really looks bad in a demo outside... so we really would like to fix for this RSN. Thanks in advance, Jim
Whiteboard: [dogfood+] → [dogfood+] ETA: netcenter's call.
Works for me, as of build 2000.05.31.08, on Linux. Some recent change somewhere has nullified this bug?
on win98, 2000053108, mozilla build, it seems to load up to the big "My Netscape" and the "Help and signup" icons, but will then load the .tmpl file, and will hang. The browser is usless unless I go back/forward or enter a new url.
I can confirm Doron's observation on PC/Linux with build 2000053120.
On a 2000060108 build, I just see a blank page. If I hit reload, the throbber spins for a long time and I see a blank page. It's redirecting to: http: //
This is working for me with 060108 build under NT
Asa -- you have a netcenter membership, right? [See above -- this works if you have previously logged in as a member account.]
bug 32049 seems to be related to this bug, and has a proposed fix. Suggest it be checked in and this bug be retested.
I agree, this bug depends on 32049 or even possibly is a dupe of that bug.
*** Bug 41319 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Getting feedback from folks at Netcenter in personalization divlet: cc'ing hoangtv and ajayebi.
fyi - the note from Michael was actually from me - johng
Whiteboard: [dogfood+] ETA: netcenter's call. → [dogfood+] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing)
Whiteboard: [dogfood+] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing) → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing)
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing) → [dogfood+][nsbeta2+] ETA: netcenter's call (6/5 netcenter landing)
Tested with Build 2000060508 on Win 98 SE Now that view source is working I wanted to have another look at this. Symptom has changed. Starts out the same, but now after about 5 seconds page goes blank. Page source shows tags for a blank page. A redirect is happening but it's taking a lot longer than it should. The lag isn't my connection (ADSL tested at 1.2M) I also retested bug 32049 . Symptoms are identical. I am now sure this bug is a duplicate of bug 32049
With 2000060812 on linux -- starting with no prior profile/cookies -- this page now loads. Netcenter has changed their content to not use <LAYER>s and no longer attempts this redirect. -- is this working in the mac and win32 smoketest builds today?
Tested with Build 2000060714 on Win98 SE Default profile no cookies It's working on Windows now, bug 32049 also working.
Marking WorksForMe. tever, please verify.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
page loads now with no prior profile or cookies. also checked with migrating profile. verified: WinNT 2000060820 Linux 2000060820 Mac 2000060808
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