Closed Bug 375051 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

[FIX]"ASSERTION: Shouldn't have a count of zero here, since we stabilized in PostUnblockOnloadEvent" and more, changing frame src rapidly


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P1)






(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: bzbarsky)



(Keywords: assertion, testcase)


(2 files)

Attached file testcase
Loading the testcase triggers three assertions: ###!!! ASSERTION: More UnblockOnload() calls than BlockOnload() calls; dropping call: 'Not Reached', file /Users/jruderman/trunk/mozilla/content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp, line 5535 ###!!! ASSERTION: Shouldn't have a count of zero here, since we stabilized in PostUnblockOnloadEvent: 'mOnloadBlockCount != 0', file /Users/jruderman/trunk/mozilla/content/base/src/nsDocument.cpp, line 5583 ###!!! ASSERTION: Adding child where we already have a child? This will likely misbehave: 'Error', file /Users/jruderman/trunk/mozilla/docshell/shistory/src/nsSHEntry.cpp, line 536 The first assertion also shows up in bug 326621. The third assertion also shows up in bug 344216. Also, reloading the testcase (not shift-reloading) puts the first frame's url in the second frame, but that might be a separate bug.
I minimized for the second assertion (the one in the summary); I think it's possible to make smaller testcases for the first and third.
So as far as I can tell, we're stopping the load, calling Terminate() on the parser, unblocking onload. Then stopping the load _again_. And we still have a parser, because of the termination func stuff -- that makes us not null out the mParser in the document when we stop the load. So we Terminate() the _same_ parser again. This calls DidBuildModel on the _same_ sink. And then we unblock unload an extra time. We could easily check for a non-null mParser in DropParserAndPerfHint, but even calling DidBuildModel twice on the same sink seems weird, no? Blake? Thoughts?
Flags: blocking1.9?
This seems scary, but unless we can think of a way to exploit I don't think it's a blocker. That said, it'd be great if you could take a look at this blake?
Assignee: general → mrbkap
Flags: blocking1.9? → blocking1.9-
Whiteboard: [wanted-1.9]
This might not be exploitable, but I think it _could_ lead to onload firing too early in some cases. I think we want to make sure to fix it, and checking for an mParser in DropParserAndPerfHint is really easy, even if we don't fix nsParser's Terminate impl. So I feel we should go ahead and block on this to make sure that at least the simple fix is in.
Flags: blocking1.9- → blocking1.9?
Whiteboard: [wanted-1.9]
ok :)
Assignee: mrbkap → bzbarsky
Flags: blocking1.9? → blocking1.9+
Attached patch Fine!Splinter Review
Attachment #261921 - Flags: superreview?(jonas)
Attachment #261921 - Flags: review?(mrbkap)
Note that I can't reproduce this anyway... but this is still the right thing to do.
Priority: -- → P1
Summary: "ASSERTION: Shouldn't have a count of zero here, since we stabilized in PostUnblockOnloadEvent" and more, changing frame src rapidly → [FIX]"ASSERTION: Shouldn't have a count of zero here, since we stabilized in PostUnblockOnloadEvent" and more, changing frame src rapidly
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.9alpha4
Attachment #261921 - Flags: review?(mrbkap) → review+
Comment on attachment 261921 [details] [diff] [review] Fine! Should nsContentSink::DropParserAndPerfHint assert if there is no mParser? sr=me either way
Attachment #261921 - Flags: superreview?(jonas) → superreview+
> Should nsContentSink::DropParserAndPerfHint assert if there is no mParser? No, since there's clearly an easy way to get here... I'll file a followup bug on fixing that.
Fixed. Filed bug 378982.
Closed: 18 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite?
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: mozilla1.9alpha4 → mozilla1.9alpha5
verified using using the testcase from jesse and Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv:1.9b3pre) Gecko/2008011009 Firefox/3.0b3pre ID:2008011009
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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