Open Bug 381575 Opened 17 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ability to store email and folder outside of profile


(Thunderbird :: General, enhancement)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gregry, Unassigned)



User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/
Build Identifier: (20070221)

A request. I think in the end I'm suggesting a complete redo of the profile concept, but the symptom is archiving.  We use Thunderbird in a project based business environment.  When a project is complete I need to archive the email folder(s) for the project to the project directory on the server and remove it from my email store.  But not too far.  Ideally, I would like to be able to, say, right click a folder and have the option to move it and it's subfolders (and attachments etc) to a directory of my choice (browse to select?).  If I then have to refer to it in the future, which I will, I should be able to just point Thunderbird to that directory and have it include any email folders in my folder list.  I REALLY hate using a different product to illustrate, but Outlook, with it's many flaws, allows you to create multiple email stores anywhere you want to put them and have them show up in your listing.  Something like that, maybe.  I don't know if you can then easily bring them in and out of the listing since I don't use Outlook, but that's what I'd like.  It's a dynamic world, not a static one and things change.  I want my primary mail store to be as small as possible, but I need to create and access other stores as well.  Easy access.  A new option in the options menu that lets me tell it what directories to look in for mail stores to include in my listing would be a possible solution.  I really find the profile based storage model way too confining.  That said, I'm very happy with Thunderbird, use it on Windows at work and Fedora at home. Have for years. Nice job.  Just have this problem with how/where it stores mail.  More flexibility would be really nice to have.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Not applicable
Actual Results:  
Not applicable. I think.

I really don't know if this is a request for enhancement or a major bug.  Not being able to archive mail easily is a major bug to me, but I'm willing to defer.  Change it if you feel it belongs somewhere else.

If my description seems a bit rambling, it's because I don't see one clear resolution to this, input from others would be greatly appreciated.  Let's talk about it.

Thank you.  For the whole thing.
Bug 63389, bug 10399 sounds close.
Severity: major → enhancement
Duplicate of Core bug 93094?
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Reporter what think about comment #1 and comment #? It is a dupe for you?
See Also: → 791522, 37124
Summary: Archiving email and folder storage change → Ability to store email and folder outside of profile
See Also: → 76852
Severity: normal → S3
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