Closed Bug 390786 Opened 17 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Lots of graphic corruption in Minefield Linux (since the 8/01 nightly)


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: osaier, Assigned: vlad)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9a7pre) Gecko/2007073104 Minefield/3.0a7pre
Build Identifier: ubuntu-feisty

Many menubar popups, scrollbars, dialogs aren't properly drawn. In particular the Bookmarks and the Help menus are unreadable.

2007073104 is okay but the following nightlies are affected (tested Aug 1, 2, and 3 builds).

I'm suspecting bug 383960 to be the culprit, but tell me if you need a narrowed regression range I'll grab a couple of hourlies =)

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:

Seems not to occur on Windows.
Summary: Lots of graphic corruptions in Minefiled Linux (since the 7/01 nightly) → Lots of graphic corruptions in Minefiled Linux (since the 8/01 nightly)
Version: unspecified → Trunk
Summary: Lots of graphic corruptions in Minefiled Linux (since the 8/01 nightly) → Lots of graphic corruption in Minefield Linux (since the 8/01 nightly)
See also my comments on bug 390622
Definitely looks due to cairo 1.5.. marking blocking bug 383960

Oliver, do you see this problem with a new profile?
Blocks: 383960
Flags: blocking1.9?
Keywords: regression
Yes I do.
Attached image screenshot
I've seen the type of corruption you have on the menu, but it's mostly just things not showing up...
Ever confirmed: true
logan, You seem to be experiencing bug 390787 rather than this, this one seems to be noise rendered in places whereas yours (which I also see) is things not being rendered at all.
A reliable way to reproduce this is as follows:

First create an overflow-DIV or a textarea, something with a scrollbar, that is just a little bit larger than the height of the screen, or just goes off the bottom of the screen a bit.
Then drag the scrollbar thumb so it is partially off-screen. As soon as it does, the thumb corrupts.

Also, if you drag a picture and the dragging artifact is "swiped" over the thumb, any part that was covered is corrupted.

That being said, I guess the problem is off-screen painting issues. But I know nothing about Cairo :)
Assignee: nobody → vladimir
Flags: blocking1.9? → blocking1.9+
An even easier way to reproduce: just print preview. Every form widget on the preview is corrupt.
I can't reproduce; ubuntu feisty, build from trunk -- either my own local build or the nightly.
I can still reproduce. Try this:

Right click on the page far enough to the right, so that the context menu won't have room to have its top-left corner at the position of the cursor. Does that make sense?

ie, right-click near the left edge of the viewport, the menu is fine. Right-click near the right edge of the viewport, the context menu is corrupt.
I'm can still reproduce with the 2007081404 nightly on Ubuntu Feisty. With a new profile the Bookmarks popup is ok but the Help one is borked. On this page the slider of the CC box is corrupted too.
Could this be related to hardware or gfx drivers? FWIW I'm using GeForce Go 6200 (TurboCache) with the proprietary Nvidia drivers v. 100.14.11.
Yeah, it's apparently not happening with all setups. FWIW I have this problem on trunk builds on Ubuntu Feisty on a Dell D620 with i810 driver and 915resolution.
I'm seeing this on Debian unstable with Xorg intel driver and i915 kernel module.
I'm seeing this on Debian Unstable as well with the nVidia blob.
Does anyone see this with 24 bit color depth?
(Check "xdpyinfo -ext RENDER".)
Great call, Karl! I don't see this at all with 24 bit colour depth, and I usually run at 16 bit colour depth.

FWIW its an Intel i915.
(In reply to comment #17)
> Great call, Karl! I don't see this at all with 24 bit colour depth, and I
> usually run at 16 bit colour depth.
> FWIW its an Intel i915.
You might want to see the bug 394465 then
This seems to be working for me now. Does anyone else still see the problem?
I too haven't seen it in some time. Good job Vlad et al. whatever you did.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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