Open Bug 396898 Opened 17 years ago Updated 2 years ago

[Today Pane] followup to miniday implementation [bug 388414]


(Calendar :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: berend.cornelius09, Unassigned)



This is a followup issue to bug 388414 Implement Miniday pane and includes several unresolved issues. Some of them may be resolved within a separate bug.
Fast navigation through the days with the back ("<") and forth (">") buttons will be slowed down by pending requests that could be canceled to improve the performance.
Historically the current day of the today-pane is represented by a datetime object of the current time and date. Consequently only events after the current time are displayed in the agenda-pane. Going one day forth or back will therefor also only display events and tasks that started after the current time. This is bad!

The images inside of the buttons are left-aligned.

A listener that gets triggered in case the default timezone changes is
missing. This is minor but since it's not that big deal I suspect it should go
into this patch as otherwise it gets lost after this has landed.

mickey's comment: 

>+    return aMonthLabel.value = this.dateFormatter.shortMonthName(aIndex)
>+            + " " + aYear +  ", " + this.cwlabel + " " +  aCalWeek;
Since we're already in string freeze this is a bit unfortunate. This should be
located in a properties files in order to allow different languages a different
element order. Please file a spin-off bug which can be resolved as soon as 0.7
is out of the door.

The file "Agenda-tree.js" contains the method "sameDay that has bee duplicated from "CalUitls. It should be removed as soon as bug 390842 has been checked in.
Another comment of mickey should be worked in:

As proposed in bug 388414 the localizations of the monthnames ( should be removed to "global.dtd"
mickey's comment:
>+                    var startString = new Object();
>+                    var endString = new Object();
>+                    dateFormatter.formatInterval(
>+                        this.soon.start, this.soon.end, startString, endString);
>+                    var dateString = startString.value + " - " + endString.value;
>+                    return dateString;
Another candidate for a properties file.

The label containing the weekday should behave the same as weekday-header in the week-views switching to the shortform (eg. "Wed") as soon as the today-pane's width becomes smaller than the min-width.
The minimonth still freezes on Windows (and Mac) when popups the year or month popups are opened (see bug 350565).
The dependency due to minimonth freezing is bug 356505! (and not bug 350565)
Depends on: 356505
No longer depends on: 350565
The Drop Down Indicator is not visible with some themes i.e. I can't see it with Modern Modoki Theme installed.
Two other issues: 
1) The toolbarbuttons should be equipped with tooltips.

2) One user objected that the abbreviation "CW" is not very self explaining. The idea for "CW" was to consume as little width as possible. I can see a dilemma here. Probably a tooltip over this label could help.
(In reply to comment #3)
> 2) One user objected that the abbreviation "CW" is not very self explaining.
> The idea for "CW" was to consume as little width as possible. I can see a
> dilemma here. Probably a tooltip over this label could help.

I'm not a native speaker, but I'm used to calling it just 'week' (like 'week 39'). Would that work in English?
Yes, 'week 39' is right for the U.S.  However, I imagine that the word 'week' is longer in other languages (e.g. 'semaine' in French), so it might not fit.  Anyway, I'm not convinced that the week number needs to be always visible (but maybe in a tooltip if the mouse is over the name of the month or something).
(In reply to comment #3)
> 2) One user objected that the abbreviation "CW" is not very self explaining.
> The idea for "CW" was to consume as little width as possible. I can see a
> dilemma here. Probably a tooltip over this label could help.
You could auto-expand this label if there's enough space available, just the same solution as with the weekday. It could even adapt itself to the available space in  several steps. 1) don't display anything 2) display abbreviation, for example cw or week 3) display 'calendar week'. just an idea.
Note: I'd recommend to use this bug either to discuss, fix and verify _one_ of the open issues or use it at a tracking bug. It's complicated to determine what comment belongs to what issue/discussion.
Depends on: 397913
Berend, would it be a problem if you changed CW to wk (for 'week', and not capitalized, as it follows a comma)? It could solve the clearness issue for both English and other locales and would need no tooltip. This came up as a result of bug 400328.
Blocks: 400328
OS: Solaris → All
Hardware: Sun → All
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Assignee: berend.cornelius09 → nobody
Severity: normal → S3
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