Closed Bug 420237 Opened 17 years ago Closed 12 years ago

on Vista the hover effect in the location bar should match menuItem hover effect


(Firefox :: Theme, defect)

Windows Vista
Not set





(Reporter: beltzner, Unassigned)




(1 file)

The closest analog to the richlistbox in Windows Vista is an explorer window in "expanded tile" view, or rich dialog box. In either of those cases, the hover effect on items mimics the menuItem hover effect. To do this for the locationbar richlistbox, use the following chrome: .autocomplete-richlistitem { -moz-appearance: menuitem ! important; border: 0 ! important; color: inherit ! important; }
From <>: > Can anyone help with the following userCrome. It is taken from bug 420237. It > makes the hover select in the Vista URL dropdown list the normal Vista light > blue colour instead of dark blue. However it stops me from using the down > arrows to move the focus from the urlbar to entries in the drop list. Works > fine without this code. Sounds like -moz-appearance affects more than just the appearance?
I was just wandering around in here to say that I noticed what's being reported in comment #2 as well. The problem is that it's not picking up the menuItem -moz-appearance when keyboard selection is being used. I bet that's related somehow to bug 408723 or bug 408723 where keyboard selection in the autocomplete widget isn't the same as mouse selection? cc'ing Vlad and Neil Deakin
Oddly, you can see that it *is* picking up the color: inherit ! important part ...
Depends on: 421351
So it turns out that the change which allowed us to use -moz-appearance here (by communicating focus and hover events) actually broke menuItem rendering (see bug 420325) and will be backed out. I've filed bug 421351 to get a proper fix ...
Let's just match the selection appearance with an image gradient.
(In reply to comment #6) > Let's just match the selection appearance with an image gradient. I suppose that's a different way to do it, sure, and with a combination of a gradient image and some moz-border-radius we can probably hack something up that looks convincing enough. I'm not sure how that would play out with high contrast themes, though.
Hello, I hope I'm supposed to comment on these bugs, but I have created a mockup of a possible Vista Awesome bar, derived from the Start Menu/"View as Tiles" in windows Explorer. The key details are, the separator is more like the Vista Start Menu - not 100%, but with a few pixels on either side. The font for the title is bold, so it draws your eyes to it - it is more important than the actual URL in many cases. Drawing attention to the partial matches should probably be underlined only. To make matched characters both bold and underlined overstates them. The actual locations returned by the search should be most important, and a simple underline would allow you to see *why* they were found, but not overstate them to the point that it's a distraction whilst browsing the search results. What do you think?
Is there any update on the status of this?
Depends on: 426727
Assignee: nobody → dao
No longer depends on: 421351
@Dao: Since we are overhauling the entire theme now, is it possible to fix this as well... this looks much better to hover effect we have currently. And it looks like a pretty simple fix as it is.
Looks like blocking Dao with a ui-review of the higher level bug 426727, sorry about that.
Blocks: 587909
Assignee: dao → nobody
Closed: 12 years ago
No longer depends on: 426727
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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