Closed Bug 422133 Opened 17 years ago Closed 16 years ago

Replace the add-ons post-restart notification by a more subtle one


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: stifu, Unassigned)



User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9b5pre) Gecko/2008031004 Minefield/3.0b5pre Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:1.9b5pre) Gecko/2008031004 Minefield/3.0b5pre Since Bug 408115, the add-on manager now pops up with a notification after you've installed an extension and restarted Firefox. That change may be a little too obtrusive and annoying for some people, as Mel Reyes pointed out (, especially for people who install many extensions. I propose it could be replaced by a less brutal notification bar (like the one you get to save a password), with possibly a link/button to bring up the add-on manager in it. This should be good for both inexperienced users (who'd see the notification and be able learn more if they wish) and advanced ones (who could ignore the notification without having to do anything). Reproducible: Always
Personally I vote for the alert notification. The password thingy is site-depended as far as I remember. Global notifications have to use an alert notification which pops-up when a download has finished or a new version is available.
Depends on: 408115
Ever confirmed: true
Version: unspecified → Trunk
For the record, even if you simply update an add on, you get the same notification, with Firefox telling you you just installed a *new* add on... Although maybe that should go in a different bug. By the way, I had trouble finding this bug back... which makes me notice I forgot "on" after "add" in the bug report title. ¬_¬
Summary: Replace the add post-restart notification by a more subtle one → Replace the add on post-restart notification by a more subtle one
(In reply to comment #3) > For the record, even if you simply update an add on, you get the same > notification, with Firefox telling you you just installed a *new* add on... > Although maybe that should go in a different bug. Yes that is a completely different issue. Please file it with steps to reproduce a.s.a.p.
Summary: Replace the add on post-restart notification by a more subtle one → Replace the add-ons post-restart notification by a more subtle one
Dave: done, bug 429193 However, I couldn't give of a way to easily reproduce this, as you'd need to find an outdated extension that would find its way to an update.
Thomas, there are plenty of older extensions hosted on AMO that you can install and look for updates. If you dont already know this, The trick is to click to the bottom of the extension, Expand the Advanced Details, and click on Complete Version History. Try Forecastfox as an example.
Tony: thanks for the tip, but I couldn't find it... See: No "Complete Version History" anywhere...
My mistake. it's right under Long description and labeled as "See Complete Versions". Anyway, direct link for that addon is here:
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
This kinda got sidetracked so duping forward
Closed: 16 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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