Open Bug 440676 Opened 16 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Ability to choose or show relative day/time in repeat or picker or view


(Calendar :: Calendar Frontend, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ovidiu.grigorescu, Unassigned)



Add the ability to choose relative dates/times for scheduling, for
example: "in one week", "in two months", "in 48 hours" etc; 

In order not to complicate things, could be enough to show this along with normal date/time pickers or on hovering some dates in already events. (Like calculation of remaining time till). 
There was an extension aiming calculations, 

I know this seams bit fuzzy and somehow the grid views help you visually just do some of this. The finder does this kind of next 14 days etc, today pane also, only entering dates or analyzing existing ones is not quite there. 

But I'm also considering the TB integration and some dates in there just show relative time, e.g. group by sort or search criteria. (though should not be lightning only) and if a future tb will try to understand relative dates in text it may be nice to have equivalent smartness in calendar. not to say that some tb stuff like that may eventually make use of the cal or at least similar db for understanding such. (So why not use similar db feature in both ..)

This is closely related to bug 321535
and may even eventually be dupet there, but envisages a wider idea.

Other relations, 
bug 331902 (considering tb integration comments ..)
bug 368722 and bug 308175 on indicators and selection ..
OS: Windows 95 → All
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Reasonable request, quite related to bug 403222.
Ever confirmed: true
Severity: normal → S3
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