Closed Bug 442981 Opened 16 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Weave FirstRun Account Verification Step interacts badly with Master Password dialog


(Firefox :: Sync, defect, P2)






(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: hello)



I ran into this bug when upgrading from v0.1.34 to v0.2.0 today, though you can reproduce it using only v0.2.0, as described below.

Steps to reproduce:
 1. Add a master password to your Firefox 3 profile.
 2. Install Weave 0.2.0, making sure to tell it to...
      - save your username & password & passphrase
      - NOT automatically login
 3. Restart Firefox, to lock your master password.  From this point on, cancel any Master Password dialogs that appear.  (there shouldn't be any until step 9)
 4. Click Weave icon in status bar, and select Preferences
 5. Click "Create Account"
 6. Click through the license agreement
 7. Click "Set up Another Computer"
 8. Type in your username
 9. Type one character into either the password or the passphrase field.
    --> Spawns a "Master Password Dialog". (cancel it, for now)
 10. Type in one more character.
    --> Spawns another "Master Password Dialog". (cancel it, for now)
 11. Type in your full password and passphrase. (Ignoring & canceling the dialogs as best you can)
    --> Shows "Invalid username and password" and "Invalid passphrase", when in fact they're correct
 12. Retype the last character of your password, to trigger another master password dialog.  This time, enter your master password.
    --> Password message changes to "Username and Password Verified", but passphrase message changes to "Verifying passphrase", and it never changes.
 13.  Retype the last character of your passphrase.  (*now* the passphrase actually verifies, and I can click "next")

A few more notes:
  - I'm guessing that Weave needs my master password here is so it can *store* my username/password/passphrase.  (It doesn't seem to be using it to look anything up -- it doesn't auto-fill any of the fields when I enter it.)

  IMHO, a master password dialog should only appear until *after* I've successfully verified my passwords, probably when I click "Next".  At this point, the passwords would be actually saved in my password database. (If I get the master password wrong or cancel the dialog at that point, Weave should handle this gracefully as well, with a warning and/or a repeated prompt.)

 * Weave 0.2.0
 * Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008061804
 * Ubuntu Linux 8.04
This bug's behavior is probably largely dependent on bug 442985.
Depends on: 442985
Summary: Weave FirstRun Account Verification Step interacts badly with Master Password dialog. → Weave FirstRun Account Verification Step interacts badly with Master Password dialog
-> 0.3, P2.
Blocks: 468689
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: -- → 0.3
The wizard attempts to check the password as it is typed (with a delay, iirc), so we can give the user immediate feedback.  I believe we don't activate the 'next' button until the account is verified.

Either the wizard is calling Weave.Service.login(), or Weave.Service.verifyLogin() is incorrectly saving the credentials.
Target Milestone: 0.3 → 0.4
No longer blocks: 468689
Target Milestone: 0.4 → 0.5
Target Milestone: 0.5 → 1.0
Component: Weave → General
Product: Mozilla Labs → Weave
QA Contact: weave → general
Component: General → Firefox UI
QA Contact: general → firefox
Target Milestone: 1.0 → 0.6
Flags: blocking-weave1.0+
Assignee: nobody → thunder
This is fixed by about:weave (bug 507430)
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Firefox Sync: UI → Sync
Product: Cloud Services → Firefox
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