Closed Bug 47496 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Lock icon showing secure on mixed content site.


(Core Graveyard :: Security: UI, defect, P3)

1.0 Branch


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: junruh, Assigned: javi)




(Keywords: relnote, Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][pdtp3][rtm-] relnote-user)

1.) Visit the above URL or What is expected: A mixed lock icon, since the content is a mix of secure and insecure. What I see: A locked icon. Commerical Linux and Win32 builds 80304.
Blocks: 31344
Keywords: nsbeta3
Blocks: 48444
This was caused by the "fix" for 47010.
*** Bug 48222 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Any fix for this bug is likely to run up against bug 48515. This bug would be fixed by bug 31982.
I would suggest that users should be able to trust what the lock icon is saying, and if the icon is to err, it should be on the side of showing the page as less -- not more -- secure than it really is. As such, I'm marking this nsbeta3+ and setting the priority to 2. Please feel free to disagree.
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: [nsbets3+]
Whiteboard: [nsbets3+] → [nsbeta3+]
I thought this was the classic case of a site showing poor security, and we're trying to warn off a user. Note that the *example* seems to talk about two frames, one of which *submits* via HTTPS, and the other does not *submit* via SSL (i.e., it uses HTTP). I'm used to seeing mixed content when the page was sourced incorrectly (part was sourced via httpS, and part via http (typically some gifs etc.)). Is the example wrong, or is this that classic case? IMO, we should go to P3 for the classic case. It is just beyond our capability to warn about all the bad things that folks with certs can do on their site. The lock icon simply shows that they had a cert in use for some of the data links.
This can easily be fixed on the secure server, moving to PDTP3.
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+] → [nsbeta3+][pdtp3]
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Maybe I don't get it, but wouldn't this be perfect food for the "evil" press? "You think you can trust Netscape? You believe in what their browser tells you? You're naive! You want an example? .... " and a decent reference to this bug... And the best: "And, guess what, they know it for ages, and yet they don't do anything about it. What does that tell you about them?" and so on... Suggestions welcome where to post this to get the widest attention... ;-) Seriously, if I knew that bugs like this are being futured, I'd think twice before using Netscape 6 for home banking. Please reconsider. Nominating for RTM. See the comments from Michael La Guardia in this bug for the reasons.
Keywords: rtm
I think you're not getting it Andreas. This is not about security. Do you complain about the "security" at a bank that you enter, when you note that you can steal their pens from their deposit tables? The critical point in security is to be secure where and when it matters. Surely you would agree that the security of pens makes no difference when judging the security of a bank. When visiting a site, the security that is applied to advertisements has nothing to do with the security of the site. I could care less if the GIF showing an advertisement was supplied via HTTPS, or via HTTP. The security of the site is unchanged. Note that if the gif is supplied via HTTP, then it can be cached, and performance can be improved. Alas, this bug tries to make such performance optimizations illegal. Now if it was the case that the same level of security was used at a bank to protect your money, as to protect their pens, then there would be a problem. Similarly, if the web site chose to supply your personal and confidential data via HTTP, that would be a problem. Note that even with this lock icon fetish, clicking on a link can take you to a page where a stupid site can leak your info via HTTP. This change does not stop or reveal stupid sites. It does not tell you when you are visiting a stupid site. It can even tell you that you're visiting an unsafe (mixed content??) site, when NOTHING is unsafe. IMO, when a site goes to the trouble of supporting SSL, and uses it in critical places when form values should be concealed, then I am happy. I expect to see a locked icon when ever I'm about to submit data, when I'm reading confidential data. Beyond that, the site can do tons of stuff, and you're fooling yourself if you think that this bug is going to give you helpful info about the competency of the site. It only blocks competent optimization. If the press wants to claim that otherwise, then that is their problem. IMO, the worst the Press could do is complain about the lack of security on a site that used mixtures of SSL and non-SSL. The press can (today) complain about security weaknesses in some sites (they send confirmations with CC numbers via email!?!?!). I don't think we take an liability for any of this. If I were designing the warnings in Nav 1.x-4.x, I would have established the performance that Netscape 6 currently demonstrates. Regressing to copy mistakes of the past is not helpful IMO. Oh well... that's how I see it.
*** Bug 28848 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
If all the https web site designers had the same level of intelligence and integrity as Jim Roskind, I'd agree that the browser shouldn't try to set/enforce and minimal standard of behavior for marking pages with a locked lock. In that case, I'd argue the locked lock could be achieved with a simple html tag <LOCK>. But vast numbers of https site designers are clueless. They do the minimum they have to do to get their pages to work with IE and Communicator and make the lock appear locked. If they can make the lock appear locked by (say) putting up a tiny https page with a frameset that loads a single http frame that contains all the sensitive data (with none of it being sent securely), you can bet your bottom dollar some of them will do it. The lock behavior in C4.x gave me confidence that the site wasn't sending any of my data insecurely. The new lock behavior won't.
I think there are two issues here. (1) Images: A large number of sites have asked for the ability to have an HTTPS web page reference HTTP images. They want to do this for several reasons, performance being at the top of the list. A good example of this is a bank that wants to show me my account information via a private channel. The images that that come along almost never need to be encrypted. Large, conservative, security conscious companies have asked us for this ability. The threat seems incredibly low, mistakes seem almost always harmless, and the payoff seems pretty high. (2) Frame sets This matter is a little more tricky. As mentioned above, it's possible for the top level HTTPS window to contain only a frameset that loads HTTP content. Here, it's possible for a site designer make a simple typo (i.e. "http://" vs "https://") that would lead to disaster (where in #1 it usually just leads to better performace). Just as likely is the case where the web team has not done a good job of sizing their server needs for SSL. As they go production, they realize that there is some non-trivial amount of overhead for SSL, and look for *any* way to reduce load. If they can "spoof" a fully encrypted site until the new servers show up, they will. Of course, when the new servers show up, they'll forget to undo this hack. I expect that web malls might be able to open a top-level frame that's "secure" and then show web pages from their customer stores. Then they'd only have to buy one SSL server certificate. Note also that I buy almost everything via the web these days. That means I buy from sites that are pretty small and don't have the same level of understanding of security as a bank. They don't know how to make the right tradeoffs with my credit card information, and if possible we should make sure the user is informed when they are being dumb with my personal information (to the extent that we can -- we can't audit their database security, etc.). Question: is it possible/simple to allow HTTP images from an HTTPS page (and display a "locked" icon), but prevent HTTP frames inside an HTTPS frameset?
per PDT: P3-P5 priority bugs changed from nsbeta3+ to nsbeta3-. This bug is already nominated for rtm.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3+][pdtp3] → [nsbeta3-][pdtp3]
To clarify: For me this is mainly a question of credibility and trust. The lock icon is a central symbol in netscape's security framework. Users like me are used to trust it. If you change the semantics of the lock icon without telling the user, nobody will discover the difference immediately. But if you are then informed by some FUD article that your trusted icon is not as trustworthy as you thought it to be, netscape's credibility will suffer. If you are then informed that this is by design, netscape's credibility will suffer even more, because you get the impression that netscape is deliberately fooling you. If this bug is not completely fixed the way it was originally intended (i.e. if the conditions for showing the "locked" icon are any different then in 4.x), then the user should be informed about that. I can see two possible ways to do this: - a) choose a different icon, e.g. an exclamation mark or a smiley, instead of the "locked" symbol, and tell the user about the changed semantics by way of tooltips or something similar. Then users won't be surprised that the semantics has changed. Probably this approach won't find many supporters because nobody wants to abandon the well-established lock icon. - b) add a dialog with an OK button that is shown the first time a "locked" icon appears. It could say that the semantics of the lock icon has changed a little and where one can find further information. Obviously the current situation is much worse than the behaviour proposed by Bob Lord, but even if Bob's proposal is realized, it's still true that the lock's semantics has changed, and IMO the user should be informed about it. Note that Bob Lord's proposal is equivalent to marking bug 28848 WONTFIX. This doesn't imply any judgement about the quality of his arguments, be it positive or negative. I just want to point out that his proposal different from an earlier proposal from 2000-03-21 19:03 in that bug: > nelson, in the case of a gif from a insecure site, our proposal is to (a) Warn > the user, (b) set the lock to the 'broken' state, and (c) display the image > unadulterated. I think that supports my position that even in case Bob's proposal is implemented, the change is worthy of informing the user because s/he wouldn't expect the new behaviour.
*** Bug 51915 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm reluctantly marking this on [rtm-]. I do want this fixed in the next major release, however.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][pdtp3] → [nsbeta3-][pdtp3][rtm-]
A release note item may be a substitution (read: workaround) for my suggested informative dialog. (Not perfect, but better than being informed about this bug by an FUD article.) Someone please cook up a good text or give a good reason for _not_ release noting this (when removing the keywords). Preliminary text (due to lack of a better one): "Contrary to former versions of [...], Netscape 6.0 displays the lock icon in a `locked' state even on pages that have `mixed' content. See bug 47496 for details." Mozilla 1.0 should get this right.
Whiteboard: [nsbeta3-][pdtp3][rtm-] → [nsbeta3-][pdtp3][rtm-] relnote-user
Release note: Contrary to former versions of Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6.0 displays the lock icon in a `locked' state even on pages that have mixed or insecure content.
That text for a release note above is pretty misleading. It reads as though the feature is broken. It would almost appear that the icon is meaningless, which is not the case. "The lock now indicates whether the basic page that was provided arrived via SSL. It does not assure that images and such sub-content are transmitted to the browser via SSL, and it is the responsibility of the serving site to adequately protect the user beyond this level." Note that in previous verions (Navigator 4.x etc.) there are examples of sub-content provided when a locked icon is presented that are also not provided via SSL. Examples included Java or JS generated items.
I made the change to the release notes page, bug 50809.
I invite you all to visit ALL of the visible content on this page is sent insecurely, yet the lock appears locked. This is the wave of the future, as long as N6 permits it. IMO, we're kidding ourselves if we think web sites are not going to expolit this to the max.
Fixed by the patch to bug 31982
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks for fixing this. :) Can someone please summarize the current behaviour wrt. jar's proposal, or post a pointer where to find this information? I have no doubt that this is fixed, but I can't verify it because bug 31982 is confidential and all testcases seem to be located behind a Netscape firewall...
Oops, I meant lord's proposal, of course.
I believe lord's proposal is as dead as dirt. If there are any insecure content on the page, images, frames, or whatever, then the lock icon shows broken. (There is probably one exception. If a securely downloaded MIME object is handled by a plug-in which uses an insecure back channel to obtain the content it displays, this will not be detected.)
Thanks for the info.
Mass changing Security:Crypto to PSM
Component: Security: Crypto → Client Library
Product: Browser → PSM
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Version: other → 2.1
Mass changing Security:Crypto to PSM
Product: PSM → Core
Version: psm2.1 → 1.0 Branch
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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