Closed Bug 50809 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Scratchpad for RTM Release Notes


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: verah, Assigned: verah)


(Keywords: relnote)


(2 files)

Please put your additions and corrections for the RTM release notes here.
Keywords: nsonly
51920 should be considered, linux fotn issue with xfree v4, has workaround/fix.
Linux builds need glibc 2.1 or higher. See bug 44787 for more
Bug 56865 for all platforms - "Some secure (https) web sites are not TLS compatible. TLS is the new version of SSL. If you are having trouble reaching a particular secure web site, try turning off TLS for that site. To do so, click on Tasks, Privacy and Security, and open the Personal Security Manager. Click on Advanced, Options, and turn off TLS." Concurrent downloading of multiple mail attachments (under IMAP certainly, POP status unknown) leads to data loss (truncated files). Also, I take it a query for the keyword "relnoteRTM" will also be done, as well as looking in this bug? :-) Gerv
I will query for "relnoteRTM," but based on the three betas, and unless a miracle occurs, there will be over 100 bugs tagged with that keyword and it will be impossible for me to look at all of them.
There are currently 255 open bugs with one of the relnote keywords (relnoteRTM, relnote, relnote2, relnote3). Agreed that this is quite a chore, but since this is the `big' release notes, it would be great if they could all get covered. Let me know how I can help out in any way...
OK, here's the plan. I'm going to go through all the "relnote" bugs in numerical order. I'll post the ranges I've done here, and other people can take other ranges. After we've been through, any bug which has relnoteRTM will be an RTM relnote bug, and text for it will need to be chased. Gerv
Agreed. I think in most cases it should be the QA contact's job to write the relnote text. Developers don't make for the best end-user tech writers ;)
OK, I've done the first 60 - up to 27407. I'm doing relnote-user and relnote-devel. In a few cases, I've said "bug seems fixed" and removed relnote keywords. The text I used in unsure cases is as follows. I'm off to bed - someone else's turn :-) <snip> It seems unclear to me whether this bug requires either of a "developer" or "user" release note. If anyone feels it does, can they please draft one and then nominate with the relnote-user or relnote-rtm strings in the Status Whiteboard. Thanks :-) Gerv
Oh, and I've been removing relnote2 and relnote3 keywords, replacing with relnote in cases where this would leave the bug without any relnote keyword. Gerv
Java Plugins with a mime-type with a version string attached will not work in Unix with RTM. For example <EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3" CODE = XYZApp.class WIDTH = 100 HEIGHT = 100 model = models/ scriptable=false pluginspage=" install.html"><NOEMBED> alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag! </NOEMBED></EMBED> To fix this, take out the ;version=1.3 part. Please see bug 56019.
OK, I've got up to bug 52011 (200/250). I'll do the rest tomorrow morning, UK time. Gerv
Right, it's all over bar the shouting. Counts: relnote-user 131 relnote-devel 66 I'm going to send a mail round with suggestions as to what happens next... Gerv
All bugs that have the string "RELEASE NOTE ITEM" in their description field contain an already written release note that I believe should be included. HTH.
Keywords: relnote, rtm
Hixie: As of now, all bugs with exactly "RELEASE NOTE ITEM" have some sort of relnote nomination. As long as you nominate as you write more, this will remain the case :-) Also, I've just done a trawl for un-nominated bugs and nominated a few more. Gerv
this isn't a bug per se, but would like this documented since it might cause some confusion on the Mac side: if you want to use the Profile Manager or Profile Migration icons [those are the only ones shipping with Netscape 6 --not sure how this'll apply to mozilla, since i have fiddled with such a build in a while], you need to drag and drop the icon onto the Netscape 6 icon to properly launch it. what should first happen is that you should see the new Netscape 6.0 RTM splash. if this is not the case and you're getting the old preview release splash [with the "binocular" look], try restarting your Mac and rebuilding the desktop database. then it launch fine [again, assuming you d'n'd the icon as described above].
bug 58259 : JRE load failure renders browser unusable for RH 6.0 users. However, this works fine with a RH 6.1 distribution (kernel rev ~2.2.12-xx). Also, if RH 6.0 users remove the plugins/java2 from under their browser installation then they can start the browser successfully.
If the application is locked up but doesn't seem to have crashed, look to make sure there are no dialog boxes still open. Close each window on your desktop one at a time and if you uncover a dialog window, dismiss it. If you have multiple desktops repeat for each desktop. This problem may affect linux users downloading plugins. Minimize the plugin download window, press 'Cancel' to dismiss the dialog, re-open the download window and continue downloading the plugin. (Bug 55261)
Print Preview feature is absent. No workaround fot this. Bug 20943 bug 54059 : Cannot edit MIME type textfield. BAsically, you can edit it but your changed do not get apploed. To workaround this, delete the mime type and add a new one with the required changes. bug 7201 : While printing pages with frames, all frames will print on seperate pages.There is no workaround available to print all frames on the same page. bug 48110 : Browser crashes on startup in plc4.dll due to Crescendo 5.01. Workaround is to upgrade to the latest version of Crescendo plugin. Refer to this bug for Release Note verbage for 'rules' attribute of the TABLE element.
bug 53239 : What's Related surfing when it is closed. It means user will see error in the sidebar and will interupt normal browser usage (especially poping up dialogue windows). Workaround is to remove this tab from the Sidebar and thus turn it off.
bug 12037 - Color document icons/transperant images will print with a black/white background. There is no workaround for this.
bug 54406: unable to tab btwn links if you encounter a link that contains a linebreak <br>. bug 27493: the open file/save file [filepicker] dialogs aren't smart --they won't rememer your previously-used directory. bug 32373: there is no way to turn off the use of stylesheets, if a given page you're viewing uses them. bug 39036: you'll not be able to view your hidden files or dirs [eg, dot files, dot directories] using either the linux [xul] filepicker --or by viewing a directory listing [file://] in the browser's content window. this problem is specific to unix/linux, and doesn't occur with the native filepickers or dir views on Mac or Win32. bug 47139: viewing frame source can only be accessed from the context [popup] menu, not via the main menubar. unfortunately, view a frame's info isn't implemented. bug 55538: page content generated by method=POST isn't correctly reflected in the view source window. bug 56488: on the Mac, the horizontal scrollbar in the view source window might be missing. to workaround this you can either (a) resize the source window, or (b) use Edit Page HTML Source view. bug 58523: you'll only be able to open a browser window if you use the -P switch --even if you have your profile setup to launch with mail and/or the editor. bug 58613: if you use the "Last page visited" pref for your startup page, be warned that if the last page you viewed had frames, you might not get the main frameset loaded when you next launch. bug 58810: the -help for -compose is incorrect. it should be: 1. to attach a webpage: -compose attachment= 2. to attach several attachments: -compose attachment=',' 3. also, you can add any other parameters like to, cc, bcc, subject, body, identity: -compose,subject=fun%20stuff,,body= check%20this%20page bug 14003: -version doesn't work. however, the workaround would be to select Help > About Netscape [for commercial builds]. Verbage to be used in Release Notes: Mac only: With Quicktime extension disabled, Netscape 6 will not launch
Here is a way that we can gain ourselves some extra time to provide detailed release notes to developers on standards compliance without slipping Vera's schedule. 1) Vera is of course free to put whatever release note items that have been written up already (user-oriented, developer-oriented, whatever) in the formal release notes. 2) However, the cutoff for those is today, and I think it would be nice if I and others who wish to create thorough release notes on standards compliance to guide developers could keep working on documenting this over coming weeks and even months, as issues with Netscape 6.0 RTM are uncovered over time. 3) So here's what I propose to do: let's have Vera put the following item in the Release Notes: ----- Information for web content and web application developers: For a more complete list of known issues with support for web standards (HTML 4.01, CSS1/2, DOM1/2, XML, RDF), JavaScript, Java, and Plug-ins in Netscape 6.0, see the following document, which may be updated from time to time: ----- This document will be broken down into sections, one for each web standard or technology, and will be a simple bullet list of release note-able points we want web developers to be aware of so they don't have to find out known bugs the hard way. This document will include whatever developer-oriented release note items Vera puts in the formal "Release Notes" that are cutoff today, *plus* whatever else Ian and Gerv and I and others are able to come up with over time, with links into Bugzilla for each item for more info for those who want it. (We won't try to do a global copy of Bugzilla, but will use the rule of reason so that we create a document that tells developers what they really want to know off the top of their head, without being so long that developers refuse to even look at it.) All: Sound like a good plan? I know I'd like to invest some of my own time over coming weeks creating additional guidance for developers. One of my goals for Netscape 6 RTM is that in addition to providing the best standards compliance, we should provide the best, most up-to-date release notes to help them be aware of and work around remaining issues. Having a link within the "frozen" release notes to a "living" document on DevEdge Online will help address that goal.
ekrock: Fab idea. Verah - is that going to happen? Gerv
Note: This bug is not strictly limited to Netscape, since other people may want to use the "Mozilla 0.6" branch. > Having a link within the "frozen" release notes to a "living" document I didn't know the release notes were frozen. Wouldn't that make sense for the user release notes, too? For the case Netscape doesn't like that idea: Could we maintain such ongoingly-updated release notes on
Ben: The document I'm am going to create is specific to the commercial binary of Netscape 6.0 RTM, so I would not expect to consider it appropriate to place the document on Also, since this is part of the official release notes (by reference) of the Netscape 6 commercial product, the document will be under Netscape's editorial control (i.e. me as the relevant GPM), and I won't be able to give everyone blanket permission to add whatever they wish to the doc. Hence I'm putting it on DevEdge. Your point about the information in the document potentially being applicable/of use to other users of the Mozilla 0.6 snapshot is interesting and a good one and one I hadn't thought of, however. is free to reuse the content in this document as it wishes and create its own doc on if it wishes. Thanks!
Attached file Mailnews additions
Bug 58417 - Release note: "Mac and Linux. To avoid a crash before encrypting your stored passwords for the first time (Tasks>Privacy and Security>Password Manager>Encrypt Sensitive Information), select Tasks>Privacy and Security>Password Manager>Change Personal Security Password and setup a new password.
From bug 58417: "Mac and Linux. To avoid a crash before encrypting your stored + passwords for the first time (Tasks>Privacy and Security>Password + Manager>Encrypt Sensitive Information), select Tasks>Privacy and + Security>Password Manager>Change Personal Security Password and setup a new + password."
Release note: Contrary to former versions of Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6.0 displays the lock icon in a `locked' state even on pages that have mixed or insecure content.
junruh, which bug is that?
Please change my last comment about the lock icon (bug 47496) - to jar's wording - "The lock now indicates whether the basic page that was provided arrived via SSL. It does not assure that images and such sub-content are transmitted to the browser via SSL, and it is the responsibility of the serving site to adequately protect the user beyond this level."
This is a correction to my post to this bug on 10/24/00: Java Plugins with a mime-type with a version string attached will not work in Unix with RTM. For example <EMBED type="application/x-java-applet;version=1.3" CODE = XYZApp.class WIDTH = 100 HEIGHT = 100 model = models/ scriptable=false pluginspage=" install.html" alt="Your browser understands the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag but isn't running the applet, for some reason."><NOEMBED> Your browser is completely ignoring the &lt;APPLET&gt; tag! </NOEMBED></EMBED> To fix this, take out the ;version=1.3 part. Please see bug 56019.
Bug 59748 - The JS console works fine when launched from the menus, but it doesn't run when entering "javascript:" in the Location bar. Attempting to run the JS console from the Location bar, and closing the browser using Windows controls, causes netscp6.exe not to exit properly. It's necessary to kill the process to start Netscape 6 again.
verah: now that rtm shipped, should this be closed and a new bug for whatever the next version netscape releases (6.01?) or shoudl this be kept open?
I'll like to keep this open a little while longer. I still receive input, even after a build goes out, and I continue updating the release notes for several days.
Marking fixed. All additional input is coming via email these days!
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
And verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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