Bug 522513
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago not on Firefox add-ons whitelist for Personas previews
( :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: fligtar, Unassigned)
In order to preview Personas, a website must be on the add-ons whitelist in Firefox. By default, that whitelist is, and for 3.6 was added to it.
As will have firstrun and whatsnew pages that feature Personas to be previewed, would have to be added to the add-ons whitelist or changes would need to be made in product.
I see at least 3 possible solutions:
1) add to the whitelist
This raises additional issues, because the same whitelist is used for normal add-on installation, and my testing indicates that being on the whitelist means * is on the whitelist. So, we would need to go through all the sites on * and make sure no user submitted links to content exist so we don't have another bug 521076.
2. make whitelist checking less greedy, so that means *only*, not *
3. requires string changes, but add a tiered whitelist such that sites on the whitelist can be for "Personas only" or "All add-ons"
Filing in though this bug could probably fit in about 5 components :)
Comment 1•15 years ago
This probably won't work, but can add instead? This would remove the problem with counting for *
Comment 2•15 years ago
Hey justin,
Just sent email about this, but I believe the plan has been to host the firstrun/whatsnew pages on, but iframe out to AMO/getpersonas for the personas content. The content in the iframe will have the appropriate permissions, and saves us from having to extend trust to the whole domain.
Do you see problems with that approach?
Comment 3•15 years ago
As a side comment, I've already complained about being in the xpinstall whitelist where it doesn't belong, and I look forward to pushing for its removal during the lightweight themes security review. The xpinstall whitelist and the lightweight themes whitelist should be two separate lists.
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Comment 4•15 years ago
Looks like that will work. I didn't see anything about an iframe in the implementation bug 521531 and I don't know if knew they needed to host this, but that would fix our problem I think.
Comment 5•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #2)
> Just sent email about this, but I believe the plan has been to host the
> firstrun/whatsnew pages on, but iframe out to AMO/getpersonas for
> the personas content.
I see a few possible problems. One is this requires a lot more moving parts on
both & We also may want locale-specific personas,
and doesn't have any content localized (yet).
The other is this will point a firehose (or 2 or 3) at While
we are scaling it up for the increased amount of traffic from 3.6, I'm not sure
if it can handle getting hit on every firstrun page load. Matthew would know
best if it can handle it.
And afaik, I didn't know we were hosting this page.
Comment 6•15 years ago
I hope Steven knows about the <iframe> solution for bug 521532 and bug 521531.
Comment 7•15 years ago
Could we do a workaround similar to what we do here:
Would that get us what we need? The JS workaround could be on different hardware and cached like all hell.
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Comment 8•15 years ago
Based on our discussion in yesterday's Personas Uplift meeting, it sounds like we are going to go ahead and use the iframe method for now, although Ryan and I are concerned about the scaling and performance of this method.
There are already other pages besides firstrun and whatsnew that are planning to have Personas previews and will all have to use iframes and degrade's performance and increase load on getpersonas. Plus, it's just generally hacky.
Someone on the side (i.e., not me) will need to coordinate which pages need to be built on getpersonas for the iframes and their URLs.
Firefox developers: I'm wondering how hard it would be to make a tiered whitelist for 3.6 post-beta1. If we change the exceptions dialog's Status column from the static "Allow" text to being a dropdown where the user can choose "Personas" or "All Add-ons", it would require minimal UI and string changes and solve a lot of our problems.
Comment 9•15 years ago
I'm working on the firstrun (bug 521531) and whatsnew (bug 521532) pages. These two pages each have two layout variations (URLs are in the comments on the bugs). Who do I work with to figure out what parts will live in the iframe and who gets it set up?
So far, the pages just have static placeholders for the persona previews.
Comment 10•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #9)
> Who do I work with to figure out what parts will live in the iframe and
> who gets it set up?
That would be me ;). Ideally *only* the pieces with persona images will be an iframe. I see a 3x2 grid in the mockups, so that would be 1 iframe containing all of them.
Let's get it started by filing a bug under with the specs (dimensions, personas, etc).
Comment 11•15 years ago
Filed this as Bug 522754 and added a few details there. Tara, can you add the list of which personas will be used?
Will this bug be wontfixed, or is there still some hope of fixing this and avoiding the iframe?
No longer depends on: 522754
Comment 12•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #8)
> Based on our discussion in yesterday's Personas Uplift meeting, it sounds like
> we are going to go ahead and use the iframe method for now, although Ryan and I
> are concerned about the scaling and performance of this method.
What are the issues (are they any different than hosting the content elsewhere?)?
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Comment 13•15 years ago
The issue we were unsure about is whether can support all of the traffic it will receive from firstrun and whatsnew pages in 3.6 if there is an iframe on those pages with in it.
Comment 14•15 years ago
(In reply to comment #13)
> The issue we were unsure about is whether can support all of
> the traffic it will receive from firstrun and whatsnew pages in 3.6 if there is
> an iframe on those pages with in it.
We're planning for it to and we're planning on fronting with a CDN.
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Comment 15•15 years ago
Ok, then it sounds like the iframe method will be feasible. That's being tracked over in bug 522754 and the tiered whitelist is being blocked in bug 522522, so I think this bug can be closed. Thanks everyone!
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 16•15 years ago
Setting the resolution to WONTFIX, as will stay off the whitelist.
Resolution: FIXED → WONTFIX
Assignee | ||
Updated•13 years ago
Component: →
Assignee | ||
Updated•13 years ago
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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