Closed Bug 550004 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

[QA] Have your way with /themes


( Graveyard :: Code Quality, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jbalogh, Assigned: mozwebqa)




(Whiteboard: [z][loadtest+])

First pass: 1. This page says it has 16 add-ons but only has 15 2. Clicking Advanced search should have the tray drop down only on the right side of the page -- that categories bar should not go down with it. This also happens in production but should be fixed. 3. About and FAQ links in the footer don't work 4. The sidebar says 405 add-ons under "All" but adding the category counts gets 1336 5. Enabling experimental add-ons changes the All count but not category counts in the sidebar 6. There are 15 add-ons and only 1 page in the Animals category when experimental is not on. When experimental is on, there is 1 page, 16 add-ons, and 5 experimental add-ons. We somehow lost 4 public add-ons. 7. We should change Recommended text to Featured. I'm fine with inconsistency with [z] vs [r]
(In reply to comment #1) > First pass: > > 1. This page says it has 16 add-ons but only has 15 > I only see 11. But anyways, it looks like the category count is including experimental add-ons. (16 comes from the category count, which is a cron job). > 4. The sidebar says 405 add-ons under "All" but adding the category counts gets > 1336 You can have an add-on in more than one catgory. These counts bothered me too, but they're correct. > 5. Enabling experimental add-ons changes the All count but not category counts > in the sidebar Category counts are from cron, so they won't be changed here. Is it worth it to add experimental counts and the code to choose public_count vs. exp_count? If we're going to be de-listing experimentals soon, we're not going to gain a lot there. > 6. There are 15 add-ons and only 1 page in the Animals category when > experimental is not on. When experimental is on, there is 1 page, 16 add-ons, > and 5 experimental add-ons. We somehow lost 4 public add-ons. Can you check this again?
bug 550037, bug 550039, bug 550040 for #2, #3, #7.
Depends on: 550037, 550039, 550040
xenophobia checkbox is missing from the footer.Are we getting rid of that feature in zamboni?
Behavior described in (1) in comment #1 is something we should consider fixing. If we are giving people the option to choose whether they want to see experimental add-ons or not,then the number of add-ons displayed in each category should change based on the user's selection.
Depends on: 552556
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: 5.8 → ---
Target Milestone: --- → 5.9
moving to 5.10
Target Milestone: 5.9 → 5.10
Target Milestone: 5.10 → 5.11
Whiteboard: [z] → [z][loadtest+]
Assignee: krupa.raj82 → mozwebqa
No longer depends on: 562569
Target Milestone: 5.11 → 5.12
Target Milestone: 5.12 → 5.11.1
Depends on: 568128
Depends on: 569946
Depends on: 569956
Depends on: 569969
looks good
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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