Closed Bug 560837 Opened 15 years ago Closed 15 years ago

Create a QA promotional video for Test Automation (Mozmill)


( :: Video, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Unassigned)



For bug 558366 we need a promotional video for our work in Test Automation. Marcia, please specify some raw data for that video: * Duration * What should be shown - how deep shall we dive into details? The following content is still the target for this video? * Informing people about QA and what they can do * Knowing we want to sell them on QA * Reiterate why it is important to volunteer * Educational aspect -> learn how to do QA
As asked in our QA meeting yesterday... Would it be possible that I can create the video on my own? I'm working remotely from Europe and don't have a chance to come to MV before August. If that's possible I would need some requirements which I have to obey. Rainer, what do you think?
Duration should be 3-4 minutes. I would not make it longer. See for some sample videos that have been done by others. It is not necessary that this video be completed by the QMO2 launch in June 1, so since the Summit is in July there could be a possible opportunity to shoot it then. As far as a deep dive, in 3-4 minutes you will not be able to go that deep. I think it would be better to briefly introduce the tool, then show someone easy steps for them to get involved. Better to focus on a smaller piece of content then try to go too broad.
Marcia, this bug is not about the team video (which is covered by bug 560839). It's just the introduction we plan. I have filed it a week ago to track the work.
If this is for the promo video, as I said each person will only have 30 seconds or so to introduce themselves. So really there is not much content that can go in other than, Hello My name is XYZ and I started working with Mozilla in XXXX. I work on XYZ and ABC, etc. You won't have much time to show screenshots or anything like that in this video.
Right, the only thing we would have to talk about is the way how the video can be created.
I would like to get a feedback from Rayner, if I can create the video with my Canon 7D instead of using the proposed skype way. It should give much better quality. Further which background is required?
Marcia, can you please care about the question in my last comment? An answer would help me to prepare the environment.
As given by Marcia, there will be no spot for me in that promotional video. We are already running out of time. Closing as WONTFIX. See bug 560839 for the team video.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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